The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 60 - Fantastic Four -1-

In the research center inside the Baxter building, several people in hazmat suit could be seen scanning the place. One could see Eliana and Dr.Banner commanding the rest.

Eliana and Banner looked at the five pods, seeing four of them occupied while the rest is empty.

Eliana:" So Van Doom is dead?"

Banner:" Elijah told me he's still alive."

Eliana :" What do we do with these four?"

Banner looked at his holographic tablet and saw how the DNA of the four is changing and said:" Nothing, we take samples from them. Their powers will began to manifest later on. You know how to handle them. For now we just watch."

Eliana:" Agreed. We just need to be more careful with Van Doom. He's a bit of psychopath."

Banner:" Who wouldn't when losing his mother to Mephisto."

Banner said remembering the comprehensive file He read about the quintet of scientists.

Eliana nodded and returned to her work. They finished collecting all the samples and cleaned all the residue cosmic energy with a device given to them by Elijah.

Banner:" I've got the samples."

Elijah:" Let's get to work."

Banner:" What are we looking for?"

Elijah:" Categorising this type of cosmic energy. Its effects on the human DNA and other DNA's we have on our hands."

Banner put on his lab coat and they both began to work on the samples collected.

Banner studied the DNA of the four scientists while Elijah worked on the samples of the cosmic energy. He was trying to find comparisons between the Phoenix cosmic energy and all the different types of cosmic Energies he came upon during his travels.

After hours of silent work. They both reunited to discuss the results.

Banner showed the changing DNA of Reed and his friends to Elijah.

Banner:" You see this. They are changing and we can guess accurately the outcome. "

Banner showed Reed's case and said:" You see how his DNA is rewriting itself to be more malleable. In the end of the transformation, his body will gain some form of Plasticity."

Elijah nodded without being surprised as he already know the outcome of the four , he just needs to know how it all works.

Elijah:" Interesting power if you know how to use it. Continue with the others."

Banner continued talking about the others:" Susan Storm will have the ability to manipulate ambient cosmic energy. The cosmic storm affected her mind causing it to mutate. She will certainly have some form of psionic abilities. We can discover them later on."

Elijah:" Very interesting indeed. We shall keep her under observation. "

Bruce showed the image of Susan's brother , Johnny and said:" This guy is going toward Pyrogenesis . The cosmic energy will give him the ability to command Heat and flames. Very Powerful but with limitations. He's technically immune to all types of flames."

Elijah raised and eyebrow and said:" All Type of flames?"

Bruce looked at Elijah weirdly:" Shit you mean your flames. You still call those flames. Those are WMD's in the form of sparks. You disintegrate him if just a spark of your destructive flames touched him."

Elijah chuckled for a bit and said :" What about the Last one?"

Bruce :" Ben Grimm is a bit of a weird case. His part of human DNA is going to be erased. He will be strong but I don't know how he will look like."

Bruce suddenly asked:" do you think their powers have a correlation with their personalities?"

Elijah:" Yes, No matter how powerful the cosmic storm's energy is. It needs information. It took the prominent trait they have and gave them powers accordingly. The idiot genius is malleable in his dealings. The child is rash . The woman is easygoing and free. The bald is reliable and responsible ."

Bruce :" Yeah i know . But what it has to do with their powers."

Elijah:" If you understood more about magic and elements, you will find a synergy between the four's powers and the four basic elements being water, fire,air and earth."

Bruce frowned a bit and said:" You mean their powers are based on elements?"

Elijah:" Yes you will understand more about them in the future."


Inside the lab where the Quantum teleporter was , Reed and company began to wake up.

Reed:" It seems we lost consciousness when we entered the pods."

Susan looked around and asked :" Did we get hit by the storm?"

Ben:" Yes, That was really dangerous. Damn We messed up. Now Victor is dead."

Reed:" We got to go back and retrieve his body. "

Johnny:" I don't think they will trust us to go back there . We fuċkėd up ."

Susan:" Language Johnny ! I will try to talk to Miss Eliana to arrange a retrieval party for Victor."

The four of them discussed about their trip while Reed Who is always lost in science began to search on why he was wrong in his predictions of the cosmic storm.

The four of them didn't notice how they are changing.

The next day, Eliana came to the Baxter building and reprimanded the four of them sternly and accused Reed of being irresponsible prick.

Eliana, in fact, didn't care about them. She was just told to educate them. She also hated those who chose not to heed Elijah's warnings.

Susan:" Please Miss Eliana we got to retrieve Victor's body."

Eliana:" You won't be going . A specialised team will be doing the mission."

Eliana took out her phone and called :" Ma'am, I have a request for team Alpha to a perform a retrieval mission."

Eliana of course called her immediate boss Natasha to request a team to retrieve Victor's body.

An hour later , Coulson came in with his team. They were team Alpha in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson:" Good morning Ma'am."

Eliana:" Good Morning Agent Coulson. Let us begin work. Chose 4 from your team to undergo the mission. It is a bit dangerous."

Coulson nodded and talked with his was decided that Coulson will lead the team with , Skye , Bobbie Morse and Fitz as a technical advisor.

Eliana:" Good. Did you bring your equipment with you ?"

Coulson nodded.

Eliana :" Get ready. I will be briefing you on the mission."

Reed began activating the machine while he said:" Please be careful of the landscape. It's very unstable."

Coulson nodded in understanding already been warned by Eliana on certain precautions he has to follow for the success of the mission.

A Light enveloped the four agents and they disappeared. Appearing on the other side, the agents began to look around inspecting their surroundings.

Fitz:" This is amazing. The energy levels around here is crazy."

Coulson:" Stay together and keep steady footing . We don't want anyone dying in here."

The agents nodded in understanding and took their weapons to stay on guard.

Fitz took a device that scans for life.

They kept looking around until Fitz's device beeped.

Fitz :" Found him. He's between those two collapsing rocks."

The agents approached the body and found Victor unconscious while also sporting several injuries but he was still alive.

Skye:" what do we do with him?"

Coulson took a small device and gave it to Skye.

Coulson:" Put this inhibitor on his forehead. We need him to stay unconscious."

Skye took the inhibitor and put it on Victor. Fitz, meanwhile unfolded a gurney to transport him to the return pods.

Coulson:" we're done. Let's go back ."

The four of them took the unconscious Victor and put him in the last return pod while all of them returned to their respective one.

The agents returned to the other side.

Eliana:" Welcome back . How did the mission go?"

Coulson :" without a hitch Ma'am . The subject is still alive."

This news surprised Reed and his fellows.

Coulson and his team took the unconscious Victor from his pod to be given medical attention.

Few days later, a friction erupted between Reed and Victor. The latter blamed the former for almost getting him killed.

Reed didn't think much of it And returned to doing research on the samples they brought back from Planet Zero. In his focused state , he didn't notice how he could stretch to bring far object to him.

Susan meanwhile looked at the mirror and noticed her inexistent reflection . When she looked again after closing her eyes,she found her reflection and shrugged the earlier event as a hallucination.

Ben Grimm, at the moment , was feeling a great amount of pain. He didn't know where it came from but he felt like the he's getting stabbed by thousand knives.

Johnny , after the debacle in planet Zero, chose to return to his playboy adventurous life. In a snowy mountain, He was snowboarding. When he suddenly lost balance and plummeted toward the ground.Before he could lose his life from the fall, he burst spontaneously into flames and crashed.

Victor was sitting in the mansion he bought using his inheritance. He was angry at Reed and at this moment , he wanted nothing more than to kill him .

He suddenly touched his hair and some of it stayed on his hand. He didn't know where this sudden hair loss came from.

He extended his hand to grab the glass cup on the table to drink , when a metal spoon close by flew toward his hand and got stuck.

All this events were watched by Elijah who just smiled and thought :'Let the games begin.'

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