The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 67 - Hell Arena

Natasha arrived at Inselheim. She looked for Elijah.

She found him talking with Banner and Hela.

Natasha:" Brother, i'm here."

Elijah :" Natasha, you dealt with the four?"

Natasha:" Yes i'll keep them in S.H.I.E.L.D for now."

Elijah said to the three :"Good. Follow me."

Elijah opened a portal and went through it. He was followed by The three of them.

It was a dimly lit place. There were several armed androids patrolling the area.

Natasha looked around and recognised the place.

Hela and Banner didn't.

Hela :" Elijah where are we?"

Elijah:" This is Hell Arena. I lock up powered criminals here."

They began walking through the secure halls. They were different individuals in isolated cells. A dark elf kursed warrior, a jotun general, Yon-Rogg the ex leader of starforce. Several mutant criminals were also there, inhumans criminals too. Van Doom was also there as a last edition.

Banner saw the Abomination there.

Banner :" Didn't you kill him?"

Elijah chuckled:" It was just an illusion. He was alive all this time."

Natasha:" why are we here brother?"

Elijah asked :" why do you think i called this place " Hell Arena"? "

Natasha thought for a while before she smirked:" Don't tell me you're doing it?"

Hela and Banner confused :" What?"

Natasha:" He's making a gladiator Arena and this criminal are the fighters."

Hella surprised at the idea , smirked :" This is a brilliant idea. It will be fun."

Banner just sighed :" You guys are crazy. "

Elijah:" Let's go to the arena. It's upstairs."

They went upstairs and stood at the VIP booth overlooking the Arena. It was grand similar to a colosseum.

Hela:" It is better than the Arena in Sakaar."

It really was. The arena had a white platform. There were chairs for the audience too. Giant view screens in the air.

Natasha:" Are you gonna broadcast it on T.V? They won't let you."

Elijah shrugged and said:" It will be broadcasted for free in a foolproof website. The ones who have a VR Helmet could buy a ticket and use the helmet to attend live in the audience to the fights."

Hela laughed :" Brilliant. It will be fun watching the fights specially with the line up you have downstairs."

Banner :" The Hulk wants to fight too."

Elijah chuckled and said :" later ."

Elijah looked at Natasha and continued:" I need you to find some individuals that could make this event the most sought event in the world. I want publicity all around the planets we have contact with. "

Natasha:" Don't worry. I'll handle it."

Few days later, all around earth , several advertisements were circled around the internet.

The event was Hell Gladiator Arena which will be held monthly.

Anybody could watch it for free on a website.

The reactions were mixed. Some loved the idea. Some hated it for various reasons. Elijah mostly didn't care, the fights were outside earth. If you hate it don't watch it. It was as simple as that.

The advertisement spread around the universe. Xandar, Knowhere , the nine realms and more.. you could buy a ticket for different amounts of units based on the seats. On earth if you buy a VR ticket, that will cost you 500 dollars. If you want to be present in the arena, you need to pay 1000 US dollars as a base price.

-Avengers HQ-

Nick Fury held a tablet and looked at the advertisement. Thor was there, Tony , Steve, Maria Hill and Clint Barton.

The latter was ȧssigned as a liaison between the new S.H.I.E.L.D and the avengers.

Thor :" This is amazing. I would love to fight in the arena."

Steve :" Do you guys know who is organising this event?"

Fury:" the only one who have the means to organise something like that is Elijah Müller."

Steve frowned: " This is wrong on so many levels."

Tony shrugged:" It's kinda cool i guess. I don't think the arena in on Earth."

Thor :" If it's Elijah them he's capable to make it in another planet."

Fury :" How do you know ?"

Thor :" The first time i met him . It wasn't on earth."

All of them were surprised except Clint who knows that S.H.I.E.L.D is capable of planetary travel.

Fury looked at Tony :" Could you get in the website and see it source?"

Tony shrugged and began to type.

Clint:" I don't advise you to do that."

Tony:" Come on Nothing bad could happen."


Eve sensed a new attack. Examining it, she knew who it was. Tony Stark.

Eve blocked the attack and countered it.

-Back to Avengers HQ-

Tony was encountering resistance when suddenly he was thrown out of the website. What followed was a small spark and his equipment was blasted and rendered inutile.

Tony:" Shit. Tell me that didn't just happened."

Clint sighed:" I told you not to do it. If it is Elijah then you can only dream of hacking it."

Steve :" Whatever . I think we should go to the event."

Tony :" Sure. I'll buy the VIP tickets."

Few days later , It was the day of the events. The tickets were all sold. People from everywhere were coming.

Natasha bribed a small African country leader and used the country as departing-ground.

- Unknown country, Africa-

There was a long line of peoples in front of a warehouse. There were also masked armoured guards everywhere.

Tony and the rest of avengers plus Fury and Hill were waiting in the VIP line. There were two , a one for VIP and one for normal tickets.

After a while a black haired woman dressed professionally came out of the warehouse. All the guard payed proper respect to her. She was one of Natasha's subordinates.

The woman stopped and looked at the lines and said:" Hello everybody. We will be departing to Hell Arena from here. There are rules you must follow or you will be banned and thrown out of the place. Weapons and electronics will be left here. No one can smuggle a weapon to the Arena .if you are found out, believe me you wouldn't like what will happen to you. "

The woman directed a glare to the avengers and other agents sent from foreign agencies showing that she already knows them.

The woman continued:" Also No fighting is allowed in the audience.

Now let's begin."

The woman approached the VIP line and began calling one by one and sending them inside after security check and confiscation of banned items.

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