The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 66 - Fantastic Four -End-

Victor maniacally attracted different objects from his surroundings and quickly threw them at the three.

Johnny:" Oh Shit."

Johnny held his sister and protected her. Reed, meanwhile, stretched himself. He made himself like a slingshot successfully deflecting the incoming projectiles.

Victor, having before seen the fantastic four different powers, took a bizarre-looking gun from his back. While Reed was distracted with the projectiles, Victor shot a freezing ray from the gun.

Reed found himself restricted and unable to move his lower body.

Reed:" What's happening?"

Johnny saw the ice stuck to Reed.

Sue seeing the scene where the ice is expanding and super-cooling Reed's body.

Sue:" Johnny, quick save him."

Johnny quickly closed on in Reed and heated him. Using the heat, Reed was quickly defrosted.

Sue , from the back , sent 2 consecutive wave blasts toward Victor.

Johnny freed Reed.

Johnny:" Be quick. We need to deal with him."

Reed stretched himself and covered Victor's upper body. He then threw him high in the air and far in the distance giving enough time for the three of them to recover their strength.

Johnny seeing an opportunity flew in the air. He chased Victor's body and crashed with him.

The fight continued and it began raging inside the streets of New York disrupting the nightly traffic circulation.

Alicia:" It seems you're more cheerful after losing the change."

Ben smiled and said:" I didn't completely lose it. I just can control it now."

Alicia:" I'm happy for you."

Ben :" Thank you Alicia."

The two of them continued chatting and enjoying each other's company.

It was then when the T.V began showing a emergency news.

T.V Reporter:" We are here close the scene where the fight between three members of the fantastic four and an unidentified metallic individual. The fight has spread to the streets..."

Ben looked at the T.V. Seeing his friends in trouble, he stood up and told Alicia:" I'm sorry Alicia for cutting this short."

Alicia smiled and said :" Go help your friends."

Victor was suddenly ambushed from the back. It was Ben who arrived quickly and transformed to Thing's body. Ben lifted Victor high in the air and crashed him to the ground.

Reed:" Ben, You're here."

Ben looked at Reed and nodded then asked:" who's this by the way?"

Susan :" It's Victor. He was hit by the storm and it changed him too."

Ben :" Reed, got a way to deal with this robocop imitation?"

Reed :" Yeah we just need him distracted for a while."

Ben :" i'm on it."

Ben lifted a street lights poll and swung it like a bat toward Victor. Victor responded by sending a strong electric discharge through the pole. It swiftly sent Ben backwards.

Ben:" Shit . That hurts."

Ben:" Ok That's gonna hurt bad."

Ben tried to protect himself and instinctively an wall sprung up from the ground successfully protecting him.

Ben :" Ok that is cool."

Ben thought to try something and tried to control the wall. He sent it forward pushing Victor back.

Reed came in and enveloped Victor.

Reed :" Johnny now."

Johnny rushed in and flew in circular motion. He created a firestorm around Victor. Sue controlled the storm preventing it from destroying the surroundings and hurting someone.

Johnny sprung away and Susan took down her shield.

Victor:" Come on. You can do better than that."

Reed :" Now Ben!"

Ben crushed a fire hydrant. The water gushed out and Reed directed it toward Victor.

After a while Victor stood frozen in his spot.

The fantastic four sighed in relief after successfully defeating van Doom.

They looked around.

They found themselves alone on the streets.

Johnny:" Where did everybody go? No applause and admiration?"

Ben :" the people were evacuated by some men in black. They had a logo on their clothes but I didn't see it well."

The four fell down unconscious.

A woman walked out from the shadows.

It was Eliana followed by a group of armed individuals in thin hazmat suits.

Eliana looked up in the air and nodded respectfully to Elijah who was the one that knocked them out.

Elijah turned and left.

Eliana :" Come on guys. Send the four to S.H.I.E.L.D. And contain the cyborg. We're sending him to Hell Arena."

The group began working on containing the place of the fight and loading the five super-powered individuals. They then transported them in different jets.

The next morning, Natasha could be seen going through some operations. It was her daily routine. To avoid any mishaps or treason, Natasha daily monitors the state of S.H.I.E.L.D and its missions.

If you look ahead, you could see the Fantastic Four sitting unconscious on chairs opposite Natasha.

They looked around them. They were in a glass covered office. It looked high-tech.

They looked ahead and Johnny saw Natasha.

Johnny:" Holy Shit. It's the black Widow."

Reed:" Yes it is. I don't know why we're here."

Susan :" I think they knocked us out."

Susan turned to Natasha and said:" Hello."

Natasha looked at them and said:" Shut up , sit down and wait . I will be there with you when I'm done."

Susan stood frozen in her place. The four of them were a bit scared when Natasha looked at them. She had this scary and elegant vibe around her.

Johnny whispered:" Do you think they will invite us to join the avengers?"

Reed :" I don't know."

After a while, Natasha swiped the view screens in front her dispersing them.

She stood up elegantly. After getting her ice powers, she took liking in wearing a white fur coat. It suited her very well. She looked more and more like a white queen not a black widow.

Natasha:" Benjamin Jacob Grimm. A loyal and responsible person. An ex-Airforce fighter pilot and astronaut."

Natasha looked at Susan next:" Susan Storm a brilliant geneticist."

Natasha then turned to Johnny.

Johnny smiled expecting some praise.

Natasha :" Johnny Storm. An ex astronaut and a playboy. Basically a failure."

Johnny almost bursted in flames. He was shot down by a scary glare from Natasha.

Natasha:" Lastly, Reed Richards. One of the smartest men to walk the earth if he wasn't too dumb to notice his failures."

Reed:" What you say doesn't make any sense."

Natasha glared at him and said:" Add it to the list of things you still don't understand like common sense and love."

Johnny snickered at the jab , Ben and Sue almost followed in laughter.

Natasha:" You created quite a mess these days. Destruction and flaunting powers for some."

Natasha directed the last thing at Johnny.

Susan :" We were just trying to help."

Natasha:" Spare me my dear of this self righteous speech. There is action and consequences. From now on , you four will be agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. You will work under me after you receive your training. And You Reed, you are banned from doing research without supervision."

Reed stood up :" You can't do that."

Ice suddenly spread and enveloped the four. They couldn't even call out their powers. The temperature dropped.

Natasha approached Reed and smirked:" believe me i can. If the next time you do a dangerous experiment without permission from me or Elijah Müller, I will cut you to rubber pieces. Did i make myself perfectly clear?"

Reed reluctantly nodded.

Natasha dispersed the ice and then called a secretary.

Natasha smiled and said :" Follow her. She will show you your quarters."

Natasha dismissed the fantastic four.

She remembered her brother wanted to see her about something. She opened a portal to Inselheim to go and meet him.

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