The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 65 - Fantastic Four -5-

Ben returned to the Baxter Building. He was still feeling calm. He found it weird. He thought :' Maybe i should look for that girl named Alicia.'

Ben entered the building and spotted Sue and Reed working. It was early morning. He spent the night training under Elijah Müller. The man was really mysterious as they say.

He thought about how Elijah could travel to planets using his portals:' The guy is something else. I still don't know why he helped me.'

Sue noticed Ben and dropped what was in her hands.

Sue:" Ben, is that you?"

Ben :" Hell yeah , I'm back."

Reed who was focused on his research didn't notice the change of Ben.

Reed :" Hi Ben."

Sue looked weirdly at Reed before she said:" Look at him , Reed."

Reed stopped what he was doing and looked at Ben. Seeing his change, he asked:" How did you return to human?"

Sue:" Yes how did it happen?"

Ben shrugged his shoulders and said:" Elijah Müller helped me."

Both Reed and Sue were confused:" How did you meet him?"

Ben:" He found me."

Reed:" How did he reverse the process?"

Ben:" I cannot tell you."

Sue :" Why?"

Ben:" Well i just cannot."

Reed:" Come on give me some samples to study."

Ben shook his head:" No Reed. You had enough time to find a cure and you didn't. Just leave it at that."

Ben then left the lab. He crossed paths with Johnny.

Johnny:" Oh man you returned to human. Can you pee now?"

Ben punched Johnny in the gut sending Johnny backwards crashing to a wall.

Ben:' I guess i have super strength in human form too.'

Ben looked at Johnny and said:" Asshole."

Inside the lab.

Reed was confused by Ben's behaviour.

He asked Sue:" what's up with him?"

Sue:" Come on Reed. Be more responsible. You are always distracted from the objective. Sometimes you forget to work on a cure and you start daydreaming about other scientific question."

Suddenly Susan's phone rang.

Sue:" It's Victor."

She answered:" Victor Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

Victor:" Sorry Susan. I was busy."

Susan:" How have you been? Do you feel strange?"

Victor:" I'm completely fine and normal."

Susan:" Where are you now?"

Victor:" I'm home. Are you free tonight?"

Susan looked at Reed. She found him back to his research.

She sighed and said:" Yes i'm free."

Victor:" Dinner at my house?"

Sue:" Alright. See you at 8."

At the other end of the line, Victor put down his phone. He was sitting in his chair looking through the window. He had a dark green hood and wore a black cloak with green linings to hide his features.

Later at night , Susan arrived at his mansion.

She was dressed elegantly.

The doors opened. She entered and shouted:" Victor, are you in here ?"

Susan was feeling a bit disturbed. Ever since approaching the mansion, she kept feeling something in her mind as if warning her not to approach. Not knowing what was going on, she ignored the warnings.

She went to the living room. She saw a metal sculpture in the shape of a man sitting on a chair.

The metal man moved much to her surprise.

Victor:" Welcome Susan."

Susan:" Victor is that you ?"

Victor said in neutral tone:" Yes it's me."

Susan :" What happened to you?"

Victor answered angrily:"Oh Reed happened to me. Because of the idiot, you four get to be the amazing fantastic four who save people on the bridge while i am disfigured like this."

Susan cautiously said:" Victor calm down . Reed can find a cure to your condition."

Victor laughed and said:" He can't even calculate the day the storm was supposed to be. I don't trust his abilities anymore. I'll just have to kill him and kill you all for revenge."

Victor then suddenly sent an electricity blasting shot toward Susan. The latter instinctively put forward a shield. It was incomplete and she was hit with some of the blast sending her stumbling backwards.

Susan said in indignation:" Victor, are you mad? What's wrong with you? Stop!"

Susan sneakily pressed the emergency signal on her phone sending a message to her brother.

She then tried to run away from the place not before sending a psionic blast wave toward Victor.

It broke his balance but his metal body was resilient.

On the other side of town, Johnny was having a blast. Surrounded by couple of young beautiful ladies.

Johnny:" Ladies , Wanna see a magic trick?"

The girls nodded eagerly.

Girl#1: "Wow, That's so cool. I guess that's me."

Girl#2:" Epic. Let's do a snapchat about it."

Suddenly, Johnny phone began to ring. Johnny looked at it and found his sister to be the caller.

Johnny:" what does she want again?"

Girl#2 :" do you have to go?"

Johnny put away the phone and said:" Nah , it was just my sister calling."

Girl#1: " Your sister is so cool with the invisible thing."

Johnny hugged the girls and said:" I'm cooler."

Johnny was again bothered by his sister. He decided to answer the call.

Johnny:" Sis what do you want?"

Susan :" Johnny. Help. Victor is trying to kill me .. Tit tit Tit."

Johnny:" Sis Sis what did you say ? Hello Hello."

Johnny decided to leave :" Ladies see you around. I gotta go."

Johnny exited the club and flames himself and flew to the Baxter Building.

A few moments later , he arrived there.

Johnny looked for Reed.

Johnny:" Reed where is Sue?"

Reed looked up and said:" She told me she's going to have dinner with Victor."

Johnny:" Shit Man. Something is wrong. Sue called me in urgency saying that Victor is trying to kill her."

Reed :"I guess something happened to him too during the storm. Let's go look for her."

Johnny flamed himself and flew off. Reed meanwhile extended his upper body and slithered toward the direction of the mansion to travel quickly .

Susan was still running away from Victor. The blast wounded her and slowed her down.

Suddenly Victor dropped down in front of her.

Victor:" It will take more than that to take me down."

Susan put up a shield. This time successfully countering Victor's blast.

Victor continued to blast her looking almost amused at her struggles.

Susan was struggling to protect herself specially with the wound on her right side.

Suddenly a shooting flare flew in and impacted Victor sending him flying backwards.

It was Johnny. He kneeled down to support his sister.

Johnny:" Sis , are you alright?"

Susan nodded tired.

Reed's upper body appeared next to Johnny and Sue. Reed then retracted his lower body.

He approached Sue :" What happened Sue?"

Susan:" Victor. He gained powers from the storm. He can shoot powerful electricity blast and can do telekinesis. He wants to kill you because he was deformed in the storm."

Victor came back and dusted himself :" Reed, you are finally here. You have a debt to pay."

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