The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 70 - -Filler-

Few weeks later, Elijah was sitting in his office in Inselheim. He was checking the work and progress of everything under his control. The company is doing well and Sage will be taking over the company as CEO in the upcoming days.

S.H.I.E.L.D operations are running smoothly. Several teams were sent into space to explore different planets with specific guidelines on which races could be hostile.

The only personnel allowed to venture into space are the ones that completed the first level of the dungeon in the training facility.

S.H.I.E.L.D agents became stronger than humans and exceeded their human potential. Now Elijah and Natasha have more than cannon fodder forces.

Elijah :" Eve"

Eve materialised next to him :" Yes Sir."

Elijah:" I want a report on the various people of interest that you have on surveillance."

Eve nodded and moved her virtual hands showing holographic view screens.

Eve:" Sir , there is a recurring tension between the mutants sir. Some of them thought that ,in the age of heroes , it is a good idea to declare themselves publicly as mutants. It could lead to a war , Sir."

Elijah:" How about Xavier and his boyfriend?"

Eve:" Sir, They still at odds. Lehnsherr is still ruling over Genosha and he may have one if his recurring stupid thoughts to attack someplace to further his supremacist ideologies.

Sir, we have also recorded and intercepted Raven Darkholm. She was in line with the Hell Arena spectators. She was sent by him to infiltrate it. The portal security check guards warned her not to do something rash or she will lose her head."

Elijah:" Keep observing the situation. Also tell Natasha to keep a close watch on them and their movements.

By the way , the mutants working in our company, how are they doing?"

Eve:" Their work is good enough. There is no discrimination issue with the other workers. So far so good."

Elijah:"The inhuman issue."

Eve showed another viewscreen :" Sir , I think it's a good time for Miss Johnson to meet her family. Since you don't want to involve yourself with the Afterlife resident, A mission should be issued for Coulson's team to deal with the inhumans."

Eve:" Sir, they still send spies to earth from time to time. The spies sent are always monitored. "

Elijah:" Good. When the troubles brew inside the royal family, we could intervene gaining an upper hand."

Eve:" Noted, Sir."

Eve opened a mew screen and then continued:" Sir, Wolfgang von Strucker has experimented on Lehnsherr's children. He thought that he created superhumans but Wanda And Pietro Maximoff are both latent mutants. The energy in the duplicate mind Stone only served as an awakening and enhancing their abilities. A mission brief will be sent for the avengers to attack the facility when the time is right. Sir, I think it was a good idea to make Fury as their handler."

Elijah:" Yes . Despite his earlier negligence, he's a good man and a seasoned spy, he has much wisdom and advice to give them. I gave him a Hellicarier as a mobile command center so he should be fine."

Eve:" Sir, on another note, Thor's stay on earth has left Asgard in disadvantage. Loki parading as Odin could spell trouble for the nine realms."

Elijah nodded and said :" Yes, i'm aware. Hela is dealing with the issue in on her own way. For now the nine realms will stay in peace until Ragnarok."

Eve:" Do you have a way to deal with the fallout, Sir?"

Elijah:" Yes , Eve. Me and Hela will deal with it."

Elijah shook his head :" No. she is adamant about it. I think if she saw him, she will kill him immediately. It was with great effort that she gave me permission to let Nikolas see him when he's recovered from Loki's enchantment."

Eve nodded respectfully and then changed the subject, continuing her report:" Sir, Matt Murdock continues to operate as a vigilante. Sometimes he end up severely bruised and beaten. He is indirectly in constant confrontation with Wilson Fisk."

Elijah:" Ah, the Daredevil. By the way , who did the hand send to replace Gao?"

Eve:" Sir, they shared the responsibility between them four but Nobu is acting as delegate in New York. Sir do you have any plans to deal with them?"

Elijah:" No, they are just small fries. If they extended their reach tell Natasha to dispose of them."

Eve:" Luke Cage is still running his bar while Jessica Jones is still in her depression and alcoholism."

Elijah:" Did "he" return to New York?"

Eve:" Yes Sir , Kevin Thompson is in Nee York since few weeks , Do you want to send s team to deal with him ?"

Elijah :" No. I will attend to this matter personally."

Eve then disappeared.

Elijah stood up and walked to his room . He dressed himself in casual clothes and then disappeared in burst of flames.

-S.H.I.E.L.D Hq-

Natasha sat in her office looking at Coulson's team. They were here for a new special mission.

Natasha:" There is a mission for you."

Coulson:" What is it , Director?"

Natasha took a small holographic glass tablet and and handed it to Coulson.

Natasha:" Miss Johnson, You will be going undercover as your former occupation. This time, a hacker struggling with her recently developed powers. Information will be leaked underground to entice you parents to come search for you."

Skye:" Yes Ma'am."

Miss Johnson, you are to deal with your parents as you see fit, but be aware , this is a test of your abilities.

All what you should know about the mission and the inhuman community and your father are in the files i handed Agent Coulson. Don't disappoint me."

After The team left, Natasha sat down and thought about this mission. It was imperative to establish an opinion on the inhumans. If they prove to be troublesome, she would just eradicate them like Elijah stated. The earth doesn't need too many threats.

- Haven Industries, Haven Park-

Today, There was job interviews for different positions specially secretaries. As Sage was nearing her promotion as CEO, Linda was making sure everything was ready. Linda took a great liking to Sage. She treated her like a real daughter.

Linda observed as HR conducted the interviews. Her eyes feel on a woman in her late 20's to early 30's. Linda looked up her name. May Parker, a widow. She is also raising the teenage

Child of her dead brother-in-law.

She applied for a job as a secretary, she has worked before as such.

Linda looked at her file and found that he son has marked this woman as a person of interest. Her son, Elijah has this habit of giving different people different importance.

May Parker was sitting with other applicants. Recently, her nephew Peter Parker was in school most of the time and she grew bored. She as well needed money to deal with the daily needs of the small family. She found that Haven Industries were doing new recruitment campaign so she applied and was called for an interview.

A young woman in professional clothes approached her and said :" May Parker, please follow me."

May nodded and stood up . She followed the woman. After walking for a while, they stood in front of the CEO office.

May was surprised as she stood in front of Linda Müller, the most successful CEO in the world. This woman is a legend.

Linda :" Mrs.Parker , Please have a seat."

May stuttered for a while:" Mrs. Müller . It's an honour to meet you."

Linda:" I've looked through your application. Despite not having the same extensive experience as others that came in today, you fit certain criteria needed for a special Job."

May surprised :" I can do it."

Linda laughed lightly:" I hope you can but first tell me. You have children?"

Linda :" Hmm , Ah Good. As a teenager , he needs to take responsibility for himself for a bit. Okay, Your job will be a secretary for the new CEO of the company."

May shocked :" Am i fit for the job? Wait there will be a new CEO?"

Linda :" Yes , i'm retiring. I helped built this company and made what it is today so i need to relax and enjoy my life. Don't worry, you're exactly what we are looking for, you're compassionate , smart and quick witted."

May:" Alright, i will be happy to do it."

Linda nodded and said:" What's your nephew's name?"

May:" Peter."

Linda:" When you stay late for work , a car will be picking him up and bringing him here or to our family mansion . There , he will be doing his homework and babysitting my grandchildren. Is that alright with you?"

May:" Yes, this should be a good working experience for him. Wait? there isn't any news about Mr. Müller having children ."

Linda :" Oh you see my son is good at keeping thing under-wraps. He likes privacy more than anything."

May:" I understand."

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