The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 71 - Jessica Jones and Kilgrave (Torture scene at the end)

Jessica Jones was having a bad week. She just realised that Kilgrave is back and that could spell trouble for her.

He is a maniac and a psychopath who has and obsession with her.

Jessica was now standing and holding Hope Shlottman stopping her from killing her parents.

Hope Shlottman's parents came from Omaha to search for their missing daughters leading them to hire Jessica Jones' services.

Jessica's investigation led her to find trails of Kilgrave written all over Hope's disappearance.

She later found Hope in a hotel room stranded in a bed under Kilgrave's orders. she retrieved the girl fȯrċɨbŀƴ and took her to Alias Investigation.

Jessica advised Hope and her parents to leave New York as she was doing the same.

Just as Jessica began to gather her clothes, a voice in her head kept telling her to check on the people in the elevator being the Shlottman.

Hope's father and mother startled screamed:" What the hell is going on ?"

Jessica knocked Hope out and held her then said:" Come on let's go back to my office. "

Jessica thought:' Shit what was that voice in My head ? I don't need getting crazy on top of all this shit i'm going through.'

Jessica returned to her apartment followed but the shocked and frightened Shlottmans.

She entered her bedroom and put Hope on her bed :" Stay with your daughter. After 12 hours she should be fine then take her back."

Hope's father:" Why the hell did she want to shoot us?"

Jessica:" She was mind controlled to do that. Just stay with her."

Hope's mother held her daughters hand and cried.

Jessica closed her bedroom's door and went to get a bottle of whiskey to drown her sorrows. She was thinking about the consequences if she didn't stop what has happened earlier. She thought, it's about time Kilgrave should be stopped once in for all.

Jessica screamed startled :" What the fuċk?" She looked around and saw a familiar figure sitting on her chair. It was Elijah Müller. She remembered when she was a kid, she had a crush on him being the handsome guy he is.

Elijah looked at her and said adding a bit of magical fear aspect to his voice:" Language."

Jessica stood frozen and startled , she felt fear. She said :" Sorry about that."

She regained her courage and asked respectfully, you don't piss off the likes of him :" What i can do for you Mr. Müller?"

Elijah stood up and walked to the counter and took a bottled of whiskey and two glasses. He them poured elegantly two glasses of whiskey and handed one to Jessica. She gulped it and said:" I'm used to drink the whole bottle."

Elijah sipped his glass slowly then said:" Do you know how may people with power are on this earth?"

Jessica confused and bit scared, Elijah's apathetic face can be really scary:" I don't know, why are you asking me?"

Elijah:" There are plenty to count , Probably close to a billion.

Some are good , some are dangerous that should be locked up and some should be eliminated and some few should be tortured then eliminated then tortured in the afterlife."

Jessica was now more confused and surprised. It seemed Elijah knows about Kilgrave. She resolved herself and said:" The latter , But he's very dangerous ."

Elijah smiled then chuckled for a bit startling Jessica :" Oh Kevin Thompson is but a speck of dust in this universe. Do you have the courage to face him and break his neck?"

Jessica still dazed by Elijah's smile said:" If i have the opportunity, i would do it."

Elijah face returned to emotionless. He gulped his whiskey and then turned to Jessica and said :" Good follow me."

Elijah and Jessica walked on the busy streets. She was confused and asked :" Why isn't everyone noticing you?"

It was true , on the street , Elijah walked unperturbed like he was invisible.

Elijah:" Miss Jones, Only those i want can see me."

Jessica :" So you are also one of those people with powers."

Elijah:" And you are too."

Elijah:" We are going to do something I didn't do for a long time."

Jessica didn't understand and She continued to walk side by side with Elijah. She was comfortable being near him , she almost felt safe.

It was true, Elijah was emitting a calming Aura around him. Jessica has deep issue, he thought about fixing some of her problems using his means.

Elijah and Jessica arrived to a suburban home.

While walking, Elijah ordered Eve to locate Kilgrave and give his destination.

Elijah and Jessica stood in front of the house in the opposite street.

Jessica :" what are we doing here?"

Elijah:" Oh we're trapping a mouse."

Elijah walked to the house and opened the door :" Are you coming?"

Jessica then followed.

They entered the house and Elijah sat down.

Elijah then received another message this time alerting him that Kilgrave is coming.

Elijah stood up and looked at Jessica, he then took a small device like a bracelet: " Give me your wrist."

Jessica handed her wrist and Elijah put the bracelet on her.

Jessica:" What's this?"

Elijah :" From now on you won't be affected by his mind control."

Jessica shocked :" How is this possible?"

The door bell rang and Elijah motioned for Jessica to open the door.

Jessica reluctantly opened the door. To her surprise , greeted her the smiling face of Kilgrave. By reflex, she just punched him breaking his nose.

She held him by the neck ready to kill him :" Fucking psychopath."

A smooth voice stopped her : " Language and don't kill him. Bring him in."

Kilgrave was startled . He has just picked this house to stay in only to find her waiting for him. A sense of distress enveloped Kilgrave.

He was thrown on the ground. He then looked at Jessica and started talking trying to control her:" Jessica my dear, stop what are you doing."

Jessica smiled at him dazed . She approached him. He was elated at his mind control ability saving him.

Jessica stood in front of him smiling them punched him again in the face rendering him unconscious

Jessica :" Doesn't work on me anymore you fuċkɨnġ ȧsshole."

Elijah said sternly:" we are going to have a lengthy conversation about your bad usage of the english language."

Jessica for the first time in a long while was embarrassed. She looked like a child being berated by a parent.

Elijah clicked his fingers and Eliana appeared from the shadows startling Jessica.

Eliana walked pushing a covered trolley. She then took the unconscious Kilgrave and put him on a chair and tied him to it.

Jessica:" what are we gonna do with him?"

Elijah:" Whatever we want. Eliana , be a dear and wake him up."

Eliana nodded and took a syringe and injected him with it. Kilgrave woke up breathing heavily.

Kilgrave :" Where the bloody hell am i?"

He looked around seeing Elijah Müller, Jessica and a blonde woman in front of him.

Elijah stood up and took his vest off staying with his black t- shirt on. Eliana approached him and gave him white gloves.

Elijah:" Kevin Thompson. You had a very difficult childhood. "

Kilgrave screamed :" Kevin is dead . He's dead."

Elijah chuckled :" Of course he died. And you're about to join him too."

Jessica was also scared off by Elijah. The atmosphere around the house was bleak and gloomy and very cold.

Eliana uncovered the trolley showing several sharp items.

Elijah turned and looked at Kilgrave: " With your power, you could have become a good person. I don't know a politician and helped resolve wars using your ability. You could have become a psychiatrist and helped people deal with their mental issues but no you became a rapist. What a sad story. Too bad i have no empathy for the likes of you."

Elijah then touched Kilgrave forehead and increased his perceptual sensitivity making him feel everything 10x times more.

Elijah then took pliers and said:" When it comes to torture , I'm into classic."

Elijah then ripped Kilgrave's thumb off making the latter scream his lungs off.

Jessica was startled looking at the scene.

Elijah then sparked a small flame in his hand and burned Kikgrave arteries making him scream more.

Elijah continued to remove Kilgrave's fingers. And with 10x sensitivity , he was feeling hell over and over.

Elijah:" You screams annoys me."

Elijah then proceeded to rip Kilgrave's vocal cord magically making him mute.

Elijah proceeded to torture him in any kind of way possible.

He then handed him to Eliana who was a sadist by nature. She made him pay for all the woman he rȧpėd...

After 2 hours of watching Kilgrave's torture, Jessica almost puked but she felt satisfied inside. Her worries and problems might have not gone but at least she could have a semblance of normal life after Kilgrave is dead.

Elijah interrupted her inner thoughts:" Miss Jones, Finish him."

Jessica looked at the bloody and beaten Kilgrave. He was a mess. blood was flowing from all his orifices.

Jessica went forward remembering all the things that Kilgrave made her do. She had no sympathy for him.

She then proceeded to break his neck killing him instantly while tears flowing from her eyes.

Eliana hugged her and let her cry.

Elijah stopped in front of Kilgrave body then proceeded to hold Kilgrave's soul . It looked like he's moving his hand randomly in the air.

Elijah then sent his soul to Hel, Hela will be glad to reserve a special place for him since she still and always rule over Hel.

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