The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 134 - Gunther's intentions, Inari's meeting

Outside, Gunther walked around various street corners and alleyways until he stopped at a dark and secluded dead-end. His happy-go-lucky and friendly persona faded as a vicious and frightening face emerged. His smile was twisted into a snarl. He began punching the wall next to him repeatedly until his knuckles were red and bloody. He hollered at the top of his lungs, scaring the nearby homeless out of their wits. A tremendously thick killing intent seeped out of his bones as his rage continued to build. On the drop of a hat, he had completely transformed. It was like Gunther became a trapped feral animal, waiting to be released to tear everyone apart.

"Freon! Freon! Freon! I swear I will kill you!" he screamed. "All because of you! You trash! How dare you get in my way?"

His mind was haunted by the images of Yuna gazing at Freon with love in her eyes. Never once did she look at Gunther that way! But how could he lose? He was far superior in every aspect whether it be upbringing, background, charm, demeanor, or Core Level. He always acted like a gentleman, advanced and retreated as the situation called, and regarded Yuna like a true princess. Compared to Freon, it was like the difference between gold and dirt! However, every attempt at wooing her was turned down coldly. Even when Freon was drafted in the military, Yuna never let Gunther closer. As soon as Freon returned, Yuna saw him with affectionate eyes. What a joke!

That said, Gunther did not love or l.u.s.t for her. Rather, he desired her Bloodline! Most were unaware of it but how else could her extraordinary accomplishments be explained? It would have been too difficult to place at Rank 41 in the most competitive magic university otherwise. Sometimes, hard work was not enough. Luck was also a factor in life! That was just one reason why this world was so brutal. Even a one-in-a-generation genius might pale in comparison to a birth in the right family. That was the power of the Engelsheft Families! Even a long-lost and forgotten family like Yuna's could bear a strong offspring.

Gunther was not exactly from a commoner's family either. He was from a distant side family of an Engelsheft Family. They were so far removed from the central family that they were practically strangers. Nevertheless, the Bloodline coursed through his veins. If Yuna were to marry him and have children, the two Bloodlines could merge in their offspring! The resulting children could awaken frightening Magic Potential. In time, he might be able to stand alongside the main family! No longer would he have to live like a rat, scavenging for scraps on the street. He would stand with his head proud! That was his blazing ambition! Anyone that got in his way was an enemy!

He could not stand it, especially after Freon was revealed to have the legendary Arcellius Family's blood! It was like Freon transformed from a meager worm to a magnificent dragon! His status soared far above Gunther's in an instant. All sorts of vile emotions burned inside of Gunther's mind. However, they boiled down to one… Hatred! Absolutely pure hatred! Then, he went quiet before he began laughing. The laughter was so insidious and creepy that it sent shivers down everyone who heard it. It continued to echo throughout the alleyways until the night fully descended…

Sometime earlier, Inari left Shirley and began walking through the crowds. Even if Shirley were side-by-side with him, she would have no chance of keeping up. His movements were strange and hypnotic. Sometimes he would walk fast, other times slow. Sometimes in a straight line, other times in a zigzag. He weaved in and out of crowds like a stroll in a park, constantly blending in with every walk of life. No one noticed a thing. However, the truly shocking thing was how easy everything was to him. Inari moved with such finesse and agility but maintained such a calm and relaxed expression the entire time. It was like he had done this for all his life. Even a Perception Realm would be hard fetched to follow his erratic movements! Everyone would have been left in the dust!

After a long while, Inari entered a quaint little tavern off the beaten path. It was a dark and gloomy establishment with few customers inside. The air was filled with the smell of smoke and liquor. Everyone reflexively glanced at the newcomer with hostility. Inari snorted and ignored the curious gazes while approaching the bar. He sat down next to someone and ordered a drink. As soon as the bartender went away, the man beside him unsheathed his dagger. In a single clean motion, the man unleashed six blindingly fast attacks at Inari. Every attack was precisely aimed at a vital point. The speed would startle any Royal Guard. Even a grazing attack would kill a man on the spot!

Inari said nothing as these dagger lights rained on him. When they were about to penetrate his skin, there was an explosion of high-speed sparks. Inari sheathed his dagger after deflecting every blow. The exchange lasted less than a fraction of a second and displayed a supernatural level of skill. The few patrons had their eyes wide-open in disbelief. One was a famous gang leader who dabbled in many unsavory businesses, and another was a battle-hardened mercenary who fought on many warfronts. Despite their vast experience, they gulped in trepidation before scurrying out the door. They knew this business was not something they could intrude on. In a flash, everyone left except for the bartender.

The man beside Inari chuckled in a deep dry voice. He was wearing a peculiar mask that depicted a crying face and the setting suns. It prevented anyone from seeing his face. "Your skills haven't waned at all."

"I should the same thing about you," Inari said, sipping the drink in his hand. "If I weren't the one sitting here, you would have killed them six times over. What a harsh greeting."

"That's fine. Not many people can share my company anyways."

"And? Why did you call me here? I haven't heard from you in a while."

"Business," the man said, a sharp glare emanated from behind his mask. "I'll need your help."

"Who's our target this time?" Inari said carefreely.

"One of the Ten Dawns, Tengon Vensire."

Inari raised an eyebrow. "We're targeting a big fish here. Are you sure about this?"

"It would have been difficult for me alone, but with the both of us here, it'll be a breeze. What do you say?"

"I don't have a problem," Inari smiled. "When do we start?"

"Why not tonight?" the man wondered casually.

"Sure, we can finish this up early," he said as he also wore a mask that was strikingly like his partner's. It showed a smiling face with the rising suns on one side. As soon as they finished their drinks, the two vanished leaving a silent bartender behind. It was destined to be a busy night in Firecast…

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