The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 135 - Twin Flicker assassination

In another time, as soon as Elizabeth departed from the Daemon Household in Algard, the Grand Nobles were stupefied. The hall was silent. A few of the keener nobles sighed and regarded Elizabeth in a different light. They learned a lot about the new heir apparent tonight. Despite Elizabeth's humiliating defeat, it revealed she could pose a serious threat to the Grand Nobility. Some nobles were indignant and fumed. After setting up such a grand show, to be denied the final reward was too frustrating to them. Indeed, Elizabeth's actions had created a vast variety of opinions. Some respected her, while others disdained her. However, this first appearance would undoubtedly mark the beginning of a new era. Whether it began with Princess Elizabeth's ascension or fall was left to be seen!

Lord Fredrick contemplated in silence as everyone clambered around him. He gave a final glance in Elizabeth's direction before a smile emerged again. "Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long time since we've all assembled. Let's not waste this night on such affairs."

Everyone saw sense in his words and nodded. The mood in the hall gradually lightened as everyone began chatting again. It was like the competition with Elizabeth did not happen at all. Lord Archibon sighed and closed his book while Lady Kalasena remained stoic and quiet. Although the two said nothing, their presence continued to occupy the top spots in the hall.

Meanwhile, Sir Lorenzo was standing next to his brother, Benedict. They were one of the few solitary islands in the social circle. No one came to talk to them, nor did they approach anyone. To be honest, the Hawken Household had quite an awkward position amongst the Grand Nobility. They were considered a lesser family with relatively few material assets. If not for their close relationship with the Royal Family acting as Protectors, then they would have been demoted long ago. So, many youths considered it considered it beneath them to befriend such a family. That said, it was Benedict's ambiguous relationship with Elizabeth that made them rethink their friendliness this time.

Lorenzo glanced up towards the secret viewing rooms. Although the rooms were hidden well, he was already a foot into Perception Realm. They could not be hidden from him. Seeing that the leaders had left, his face finally relaxed.

"Brother, I'm glad that you kept your impulses under control," Lorenzo said slowly. "If you acted up while our father and the other leaders were watching…"

Benedict was quiet but his mind was chaotic. When Elizabeth was besieged on all sides, he stood and watched! He could not help but feel he betrayed her. A piece of him was ridden with overwhelming guilt. After everything they went through and after all the promises he made, he did nothing! Although his father was watching, what did that matter? It left a bitter taste in his mouth. Thinking this, he gritted his teeth and rushed out the door. Lorenzo stared blankly for a second before realizing what his brother was planning. When Lorenzo reached the door, Benedict was already mounting his horse.

"Benedict, get off that horse right now!" Lorenzo shouted. "You can't do this!"

"I know, but I must," Benedict said calmly. He gave up on Isabella before and she died alone. He regretted a lifetime over it. Now, Elizabeth was embarking on the same lonely path. It was his duty as her friend to show his support however meager it may be. He did not want to regret anymore!

Lorenzo sighed. "You really are…" After a moment, he walked over to his own horse and hopped on. "Come on then. Let's catch up before Her Highness reaches the castle."

"You're coming along?"

"I can't let you get into trouble by yourself, can I? I'm your older brother after all," he grinned. With a whip of the reins, he bolted out the stables and onto the road. Benedict returned the grin and followed closely behind. The two disappeared into the night, leaving the Daemon Household behind.

Meanwhile, slightly further ahead, the royal envoy was travelling through the countryside of Algard. It was a cloudy night with barely any light in sight. Although this was the capital, a large portion of the land was occupied by the Grand Nobility Households. They erected massive mansions and estates, while leaving most of the land undeveloped. This meant that most of Algard was simple green fields with sparse foliage. It was practically a completely different world when compared to the extremely dense and urban sister city, Corasen. Only the land around Castle Reinhard was fully developed.

Elizabeth was sitting in her carriage, staring out of the window blankly. Her aunt, Christina, was sat in front of her, but she said nothing. Despite the nobles' misunderstanding, the relationship between the two was still quite awkward. Elizabeth did not say a single thing to her aunt the entire night. It was like she regarded Christina like air. The two wanted to repair their relationship, but neither knew how to do so. Neither knew what to say… Alas, they could only bottle up their discontent and continue like this. Who knew if it would ever end?

Sir Winstin was leading the convoy when he frowned. He raised his hand and the convoy came to a halt. The air was foggy here and their lanterns could barely illuminate the path in front. The knight felt uneasy and his hand shifted to his glaive. He could tell something was about to happen, something that required him to participate and fight at full strength! Sir Winstin's actions were enough to tell everyone of how dangerous the situation was. He would not use his famous glaive otherwise! The five Grand Knights behind reached for their weapons too.

Everyone's horses whinnied in fright. The guards tried to tame the beasts, but they fiercely fought back. The poor horses were scared witless. Sir Winstin grimaced and fully unleashed his Martial Perception out, sending his senses to the absolute limit. The few Perception Realms behind did the same. They tried searching through the thick fog, but it was like their senses hit a brick wall. They could not sense beyond it! By now, all the guards drew their weapons and surrounded the royal carriage. Elizabeth peeked from behind the curtain and felt a bone-chilling cold travel down her spine. She strapped her quiver to her back, tied a dagger to her waist, and held her Whiteangel Bow. She was ready for anything!

The stifling cold air unnerved everyone. No one dared to say anything or budge a muscle. It was like the very fog itself was wrapping around their throats, holding their lives in its cold grasp… Sir Winstin's ear twitched as his muscles burst into action. At the same time, there were flashes of light from a dozen directions. Like bolts released from a crossbow, they moved at astonishing speed to pierce straight through the fog in an instant. In a flash, several spurts of blood rose high in the air like geysers. In a flash, half the guards were killed! Their faces were still blank and waiting for the enemy to appear.

The five Grand Knights reacted as well. Their bodies were already moving as their weapons slashed down. However, the two lights aiming at them accelerated to three times their current speed and zipped around the battlefield unpredictably. The change was so sudden and surprising that two Grand Knights were immediately hit. Their eyes were dumbfounded as a long red gash formed across their throats. Blood exploded out as they died. The remaining Grand Knights saw everything and dodged the attacks at the last instant. Their faces were pale with fright.

The two lights converged on Sir Winstin and accelerated once more! They moved so fast that they were nearly imperceptible. Sir Winstin snorted and raised his glaive. With a single clean strike, two metallic clangs were heard. The glaive rang in his hands which sang about how powerful the strikes were. Despite that, he blocked that unstoppable attack! The twin lights spiralled backwards and revealed two figures holding special daggers. The two were wearing masks and obscured their figures well. No one could tell if it was a man or woman at all.

Sir Winstin calmly thought. The famous Twin Flicker assassination technique! I never thought I'd have the chance to see it today. Has the Whispering Shadow really decided to make a move against the Royal Family?

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