The City of Terror

Chapter 1093: Horror quantity

First send a chapter, go to the meeting, the weather turned hot again, the whole body is not happy.

In short, it is absolutely impossible for Wei Xiaobei to receive these experienced people from Weijia Island, at least not before they can fully understand them.

Of course, just letting these people go is a waste of it.

Although the gap between these gray world practitioners and Wei Xiaobei is very large, but among other gray world practitioners, it can be regarded as a group of high-powered veterans.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei eventually accepted them, but they were organized into action groups.

Well, the so-called action group is actually the team sent by Weijia Island after accepting the task of cleaning up monsters.

For now, Huang Kun is mainly responsible.

Of course, in fact, this is also a tempering of Wei Xiaobei against Huang Kun. Putting a group of old fritters under his hand, I think I will feel some headache when I come to Huang Kun.

Of course, if you can use these experienced old fritters, it will be able to enhance the fighting power of Huang Kun.

After all, the ordinary people under Huang Kun have several special bodies that can learn by themselves. Once they learn, the benefits are self-evident.

As the gray world practitioners were transparent and left the gray world, Wei Xiaobei did not stay too much here. After leaving the desert, he turned to the downtown square of Green Lake.

Will the gray world practitioners escape after returning to reality?

For this, Wei Xiaobei did not worry at all.

It can be said that after the self-appearance of strength, those gray-level practitioners have expressed their willingness to rely on themselves, then they cannot escape.

The fool can also imagine what will happen after the escape.

To tell the truth, even if Wei Xiaobei is at the Samsung level, if he encounters this matter today, if he surrenders, I am afraid he will not escape.

Escape is likely to be pursued by Wei Xiaobei!

In the face of the pursuit of such a strong person like Wei Xiaobei, there are not many people who are willing to make a choice to escape.

Unless Wei Xiaobei is too cruel to oppress them.

Those who are in the grey world will arrange their family affairs within three days before they will report to the security base.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s advice to them is to let them take their families to the security base.

Compared to Cuihu City and other places, the security base that has made a name in this monster riot can be reassuring.

Wei Xiaobei’s state is now recovering and running, and his heart is also very happy.

Not long after, some humans who were fighting with little monsters like green skin appeared in Wei Xiaobei's field of vision.

These humans are probably newcomers who have just entered the gray world.

In the body of ordinary humans, as long as a little guts, be careful, there is no problem in dealing with these green skins.

Of course, compared to singles, most of the humans here form a small team.

Three to five people can both be able to work with more green skins, and not too many people lead to too much strength improvement.

Well, I have to say that whenever Wei Xiaobei sees this scene, I will see the feeling of the game Xinren Village.

Isn't that the most battle upgrade game like this?

After the newcomer enters the game, they will kill the weak monsters near the new village, and gain experience, game currency or item equipment.

Looking back, Wei Xiaobei did not spend too much on these new people.

These newcomers are not lucky enough to be Yang Tingting and others, and can be appreciated by a strong person, so that they can go to heaven!

Good guy!

When Wei Xiaobei saw the downtown square of Cuihu, he couldn’t help but be amazed by the noise of this central square.

To say that this is the only safe trading place in Cuihu City before, so the prosperity is normal.

But now, what Wei Xiaobei sees is that the booths of those who have experienced are all outside the square. The area outside is just like a sea of ​​people, not to mention the square.

Wei Xiaobei’s intellectual property has now come back, and when he swept away, he probably got the number.

The number of people in the gray world who set up stalls and purchase items is not less than 10,000! !

It is said that the central square is not too small, but in order to prevent someone from approaching the strange hut, the gray-white gang will make a warning zone near the strange hut, prohibiting merchants from approaching, making one-fifth of the central square unavailable. .

The remaining area, the booths, and the passages opened up, the center square can only accommodate about 5,000 people.

Of course, the tens of thousands of people in the gray world are really a lot of people.

You know, the number of people returning to Green Lake City has only been more than 1.3 million!

In other words, in the area of ​​Cuihu City, there is a gray person in the 130 people!

This ratio is quite large. If you add those who are not gathered here, the number will be doubled!

Of course, most of these gray world practitioners are the biological level of a one-star elite, and a few stars or more, in terms of overall strength, are actually somewhat low.

Waiting for Xiaobei to enter the gray-white help headquarters, after seeing the four disciples Tian Yuwen, at the time of the chat, inadvertently asked, only to know the true number of people in the gray world.

More than 27,000 people!

"so much?"

After hearing this number, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Seeing Master’s surprise color, Tian Yuwen smiled bitterly.

It turns out that among the more than 37,000 gray world practitioners, there are only over 10,000 people who really belong to Cuihu City, and at least half of the remaining gray world practitioners are officially identifiable!

Well, in fact, these gray world practitioners basically belong to the army, the National Guard and even the police!

At the beginning, many soldiers entered the gray world because they had more contact with the gray world monsters. After they returned from the gray world, the Chinese Parliament found that those who had gray monsters invaded, the gray world experienced The number of people is several times more than other places!

As a result, the Huaxia Parliament has formulated a plan to let the National Guard and even the army fight.

As long as there is a practitioner who enters the gray world, he will be transferred from the original unit to a special department!

What is the name of this special department, Tian Yuwen is not very clear.

There are a lot of troops in the war, and there are many more people in the gray world. This is a lot of natural accumulation.

Of course, perhaps because of the short time, the strength of the gray world experienced by the special department is not strong. So far, even the two stars have not appeared.

This also makes Tian Yuwen's gray-white gang able to hold the central square. Otherwise, I am afraid that it has already been driven away.

Of course, after having so many gray world practitioners, the special department also took control of a site.

That is the prairie next to Cuihu University!

Compared with other places, the number of green skins in the prairie can be quite large, killing a batch, and it will not be long before it will grow a batch of its own, which can be described as a feng shui treasure for newcomers.

In particular, there are more than seven or eight thousand people in the gray sector in the special department. Those green skins are even more numerous, and they can't be turned over, only the ones that are constantly being killed.

But those green skins are killing more, and they don't provide much evolutionary benefits.

This may be the reason why the strength of the gray world is not improving.

The other half of the gray world practitioners can be said to be a mixture of fish and dragons. They are basically gray-level practitioners gathered from the cities around Cuihu City. They have former gangsters, criminals, rogues, and former workers. Teacher, sales clerk, etc.

Of course, the strength of these gray-level practitioners is stronger than that of the special departments. Because the better-positioned sites are occupied by people, they are more likely to be in more dangerous places.

For example, the interstellar tri-family site that kills blood flows into the river.

Of course, if you mix it there, the harvest is still quite a lot.

In addition, one of the forces that cannot be avoided is the security base.

For the time being, the security base is actually two brands and a group of people.

In terms of the number of people, the security industry has only more than 2,000 points in the gray world. However, in terms of strength, the gray-level practitioners of the security base are at least much better than the special departments.

After listening to Tian Yuwen's many introductions, Wei Xiaobei nodded and then said that he had conquered the group of gray-level practitioners.

Before Wei Xiaobei used all things to see the situation of those who were in the gray world, they didn't even know their names.

However, Tian Yuwen was a little surprised when he heard the situation of the gray world practitioners that Wei Bei said.

In fact, the group of gray-level practitioners who were conquered by Wei Xiaobei came from other places, but shortly after they came here, they smashed a great reputation, claiming to be a bronze gang!

Although there are only more than 30 people in the number, it is easy to defeat hundreds of other forces.

To be honest, Tian Yuwen is also worried about this problem during this time, for fear that the foundation will be seen by the other party.

Although he is already the ordinary strength of Samsung, he may not be able to deal with the bronze gang.

Now I heard Master say that Yang Xuanli turned out to be the strength of the four-star elite. Tian Yuwen couldn’t help but feel fortunate.

If you think about it with your buttocks, if the bronze is coming over, I am afraid that only one Yang Xuanli will be needed to completely remove the forces that have been used here.

Now, Yang Xuanli was killed by Master, and the rest of the guys were conquered, which really made Tian Yuwen breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, what Tian Yuwen thinks more is to really remove the position of the helper, return to Weijiadao, and improve the strength quickly, and learn martial arts with the teachers and brothers, instead of staying here, dealing with a lot of affairs every day. .

You must know that although Tian Yuwen has set a deputy lord to be responsible for handling the gang when he left, the deputy gang is not strong enough to serve the public. To be continued.



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