The City of Terror

Chapter 1094: Troubled maze

Then send a chapter, this chapter is scheduled to be released, can you see more in the poor road?

Tian Yuwen left for a short time. For a long time, the gang was really a bit scratched.

Hearing the wishes of Tian Yuwen, Wei Xiaobei also had some headaches.

For this matter, Wei Xiaobei can only say that talent is rare!

Tian Yuwen himself could not find a reliable successor. He could only hope for Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Tian Yuwen’s problem is completely unresolved in Wei Xiaobei’s view.

Count your own few apprentices.

Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun did not say, each has their own focus on the body, it is impossible to take over this lord.

But the other disciples are different.

Xiao Baiyu, Cheng Dalong, Yang Tingting, Yang Feifei and others can pull and hone, so that they don't know how to improve their strength. When they really need to handle things, they are all scratched.

As for the step of marathon, it is no longer necessary. Its identity is the second prince of the Reno, and because of its close relationship with Weijia Island, it is responsible for the threading between Weijiadao and Sam, and solving the big event of the Sam’s aircraft carrier, making the king Your Majesty is very valued for stepping on Marathi.

Even in the recent period, the Capital Island has also revealed the intention of His Majesty the King to change.

Of course, after the transfer, the national television station in the country came out.

But it is not that the hole does not come, the emergence of this rumor confirms that the prestige of Tamaras in Resina is constantly improving, even surpassing His Royal Highness.

After getting the promise of Wei Xiaobei, Tian Yuwen almost broke down.

To be honest, this gray help is not his ideal.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei came here not to run to see this apprentice, just to drop the way.

That's right, it's just a smooth road.

Tian Yuwen originally planned to ask Master to have a good meal. But Wei Xiaobei now has time to eat here. After leaving the ordinary people who brought him to Tian Yuwen, he quietly went to the strange cottage. Look.

I have to say that the present strange house is in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, but it is completely different from before.

The strangely looking huts are covered with a layer of dark gray mist, and the mist gives off a hint of light, giving a very mysterious feeling.

Of course, such a scene can only be seen by Wei Xiaobei. In other people's eyes, this strange hut is an ordinary small house.

It just seems strange to appear in the central square.

After watching it for a while, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh, but still can't see anything.

But when Wei Xiaobei goes to the strange hut, his heart will rise to a dangerous danger warning!


Sure enough, my current strength is not guaranteed to be safe after entering a strange hut.

This strange cottage is a bit strange.

Of course, this is not surprising.

To know the strong presence of the mutant farmer's market, hitting this strange hut, he almost hangs, and the strange hut is not damaged.

From this point of view, light knows that this strange cottage is amazing.

After Wei Xiaobei gave up and continued to explore the details of the strange huts, he turned to the north and left the central square.

To the north of the central square is the famous zombie maze in the newcomers!

Since the entrance to this zombie labyrinth is very close to the central square, there are some zombies coming out from time to time. Therefore, some people are responsible for guarding the entrance of the zombie maze and preventing the zombies from coming out to affect the business of the central square.

Therefore, at this time, the entrance to the zombie labyrinth was built with several stone-built bunkers. Some strong men patrolled around the bunker. When they saw Wei Xiaobei, these brawny men were surprised and hurried to the court: "I have seen Mr. Wei!"

For these brawny to actually know themselves, Wei Xiaobei is slightly surprised.

However, after a little inquiry, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

Originally, Wei Xiaobei's photo was posted on the honor list of the security base. As long as it is a security base, you can see it.

These brawny men are extremely respectful to Wei Xiaobei. They took out the seat and asked Xiaobei to sit down, and also brought tea and so on. But it made Wei Xiaobei feel a little blush.

After talking with these brawny for a while, Wei Xiaobei knew something that Tian Yuwen had forgotten.

For example, the gray security guard base, the gray gang actually sent people to practice in the past, but compared to the newcomers, there are many monsters with two stars in the depths of the security base. It is not safe, so there are only some strengths. Strong candidate core disciples have been experienced in the past.

In this way, when Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world in the security base, he did not see anyone.

"I will go in and see."

After the chat, Wei Xiaobei got up and walked up. Of course, before leaving, he would have to send some things down. It was the reward of these brawny people accompanying them to chat.

To say that Wei Xiaobei distributes things, it is probably some weapons that he refines when he practiced his hand. There are all kinds of weapons and swords, and there are no messes. The piles are in the storage ring, and the white space takes up space.

What's more, these weapons have no additional effect, that is, they are harder and sharper than ordinary weapons.

Some potions were also distributed.

Anyway, these potions are very simple to configure for Wei Xiaobei.

It is based on the world sap, supplemented by some Chinese herbal medicines that heal and stop bleeding, plus a lot of water.

However, these brawny men are not in a high position in the gray gang. Where can they see such weapons and potions in peacetime, but they are very happy, even planning to accompany Wei Xiaobei into the zombie maze adventure, it is also one of their own. I have a heart.

However, Wei Xiaobei directly rejected their follow-up.

This is not to look down on the strength of these brawny, mainly because Wei Xiaobei's real reason to enter this zombie maze is actually to completely destroy this zombie maze, and thus get the gray stone!

If these brawny follow, and do not say that there are any very powerful guys in the zombies, the space created by the destruction of the zombie maze is collapsed, and these strong men may enter the pit.

This is not a joke.

Wei Xiaobei can guarantee his safety when the space collapses, but he can't completely guarantee the safety of these strong men.

Therefore, for their safety, Wei Xiaobei naturally cannot let them follow.

The brawny had some regrets and sent Wei Xiaobei into the zombie maze.

To say this zombie is undoubtedly a relatively easy to deal with monsters. As long as it is not surrounded by too many zombies, even ordinary people can slowly kill a zombie.

Of course, such a good thing does not exist in the zombie maze.

The zombies in the zombie maze are all in the form of hordes, and the place is narrow and inattentive, and it may be trapped by those zombies!

In that case, even the experienced players of Samsung's ordinary strength may be trapped inside.

To know that those zombies are contagious in the gray world, and if you don't pay attention to being scratched by the other party, you may be turned into a zombie!

And the most terrible thing is that there may be some foraging eater in this zombie maze!

Undoubtedly, for most newcomers, the foraging eater is a terrible monster.

As a result, there are almost no newcomers who are willing to go to this zombie maze.

And the strong enough self-protection, there is no good to enter here to kill the zombies.

As a result, although this zombie labyrinth is closer to the central square, Wei Xiaobei did not see any experienced practitioners after entering.

This is in line with Wei Xiaobei's mind. If there are many experienced people in it, in order not to hurt the innocent, Wei Xiaobei has to throw them out one by one.

Of course, if time is tight, Wei Xiaobei does not mind putting them in a pot. After all, for Wei Xiaobei, good things can be done, but he is not willing to be a good old man and do good things without principle.

But then again, this zombie maze is a lot more complicated than before.

The original zombie maze is just a few ramps formed by some buildings. As long as it is not a fool, it is easy to find a way through the maze.

But now, this zombie labyrinth is a much wider area than before. Just stepping into the mouth, more than a dozen ramps appear in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei naturally would not be willing to slowly find the way, and even opened the electromagnetic field to explore the zombie maze to facilitate the identification of the sinuous road that can enter the depths of the zombie maze.

In fact, even Wei Xiaobei himself is not sure what to do to destroy this zombie maze.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei knows that this zombie maze should be explored.

However, Wei Xiaobei had some headaches. After the electromagnetic field expanded, Wei Xiaobei suddenly discovered that the electromagnetic field disappeared after hitting the wall of the ramp, and it was impossible to see through the wall.

After that, even if Wei Xiaobei started the induction of the heavens, he could only detect the zombies within a certain range, but it would not help for these ramps.

To be honest, this is the first time Wei Xiaobei has encountered such a situation.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei simply jumped and flew up toward the wall.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward is that the wall looks only more than ten meters, but Wei Xiaobei constantly rushes on the air, and the wall will be three or four meters higher than himself!

Well, in this case, Wei Xiaobei was also encountered before in the Cheng's martial arts.

Wei Xiaobei was a little angry, and reaching out was a punch on the wall.

It’s just that the walls formed by masonry are not strong, and even if Wei Xiaobei is a light punch, the power is not what the wall can bear.

Under the punch, the wall suddenly broke through a big hole.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but see that he wanted to cross this big hole.

But what Wei Xiaobei never imagined was that he had just lifted his foot, and the big hole on the wall suddenly disappeared. The wall that appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei was still intact!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei understood it. To be continued.


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