The City of Terror

Chapter 1095: Zombie maze

First send a chapter, the summer is almost over, today's temperature is actually the hottest this year. Is this the last manic in summer? How I hope to have a cool rain

This zombie labyrinth is probably not simple. At least in terms of the situation you have encountered, it is impossible to borrow a shortcut method through the labyrinth.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei can only choose a martyrdom and walk towards it.


This ramp was not a straight line. There was a corner without a few steps. Wei Xiaobei did not turn a few times. He heard a series of slow footsteps behind the corner.

It seems to be a zombie?

Wei Xiaobei mobilized the memories of the past, determined this, and then quickly walked toward the corner.

In fact, without waiting for Xiaobei to be close, those zombies appeared.

Compared with the zombies that Wei Xiaobei had seen before, these zombies look like the clothes are still broken and covered with black blood, but their bodies seem to be much stronger than ordinary zombies, even with a zombie. The muscles are all raised, it looks extremely majestic!


Wei Xiaobei did not take a bath. The unique sweat smell has caused the attention of those zombies. The sound of their voices in their mouths has accelerated toward Wei Xiaobei.

Well, these zombies are a lot stronger, but the speed of walking is not much faster. Even the strongest zombies at that time are a little slower than ordinary humans, and they are dragged directly behind by the zombies.

More than 30 zombies.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head. Even though these zombies were much more powerful than ordinary zombies, they were still a group of weak ants in front of themselves.

Wei Xiaobei didn't even use a large gun with water and ink, grabbed a stone directly from the storage ring and raised his hand.


Dozens of stones flew toward the zombies in the form of rain.

In a twinkling of an eye, the stone was precisely on the face of the zombies, a series of screaming dull sounds, the heads of those zombies burst even when they burst, the gray-black brains splashed like grease. Shoot out.

As the zombies who lost their heads fell, there was a stench in the passage.

These zombies are certainly more powerful than ordinary zombies, but after the head is exploding like a bullet, the high-speed shot of the stone is not likely to live longer.

After a stone smashed the zombies, Wei Xiaobei stepped forward.

Not long after, there was a new ramp in front. There were two in total. Wei Xiaobei frowned and recalled the direction he had moved forward before he stepped into the ramp on the left.

After Wei Xiaobei stepped into the left ramp, he walked less than ten minutes. In front of him, a group of more than 20 zombies emerged, and more than 20 zombies emerged from behind.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat strange is that the footsteps of the zombies in front of him were heard, and the group of zombies in the back appeared as if they were out of thin air. There was no footsteps before.

Of course, no matter how strange these zombies appear, they are still a group of ants in front of Wei Xiaobei.

After three, five, and two to kill these zombies, Wei Xiaobei continued to move forward.

However, Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly feel the aggravation of the zombies that appeared, and even in the following encounters, two foraging people appeared.

Of course, the foraging eater still can't turn the waves, even if he is dead faster than the zombies, and his exposed brain will be shot by the stone.

As I have felt before, with the advancement of Wei Xiaobei, the number of zombies has increased while the number of zombies has increased.

But no matter how these zombies change, they can’t escape under Wei Xiaobei’s hands.

Until the zombies that appeared were all for the eater, there was a big man with a arm in the corpse!

tyrant? ! !

Well, in the Resident Evil, the most powerful monster is the tyrant.

It has a variety of models, but the most famous is this long-range tyrant with a Vulcan gun!

As soon as the tyrant appeared, he raised his right hand toward Wei Xiaobei. At the same time, the Vulcan gun barrel on his arm began to rotate, and the sound of the electric motor was heard.

Da da da

When the right hand was parallel with Wei Xiaobei, the long fire tongue was sprayed in the barrel of the Vulcan gun, and a bullet consisting of bullets flew toward Wei Xiaobei.

In other words, with the strength of Wei Xiaobei, the bullets fired by the Vulcan guns are really not enough to watch, but Wei Xiaobei still jumped.

The reason is very simple, just like someone else slaps you in the face, it does not cause much damage to you, but the face can not go.

For Wei Xiaobei, it was so bad that he was hit by his bullets and torn all his clothes into pieces.

By convention, the Vulcan cannon in the hands of the tyrant moved with the trail of Wei Xiaobei.

In any case, due to the angle, it is easier to move the Vulcan cannon to catch up with Wei Xiaobei.

But after a blink of an eye, the tyrant fell, and the Vulcan guns rushed into the sky for a while before they stopped.

A finger-sized stone has blasted the tyrant's head!

As long as the key weaknesses of these zombies are still on the head, it is very easy for Wei Xiaobei to solve them.

However, as the depth continues, the number of tyrants that appear is also increasing, and the type is also changing.

The most common is the tyrant who installed the Vulcan gun, which is the chaser. The chaser in the back has an extra rocket tube left. Wei Xiaobei slightly notices that he is being blown up.

Secondly, it is a melee tyrant with a sharp nail like a beast.

Of course, even these two tyrants have several types under them.

The strength of these tyrants has also been rapidly upgraded from the original Samsung to the Samsung elite, Samsung Horror!

Of course, no matter how these tyrants improve their strength, they are all in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Finally, Wei Xiaobei passed through a martyrdom and came to a straight road.

Well, this straight road is rare, with small buildings on both sides, and the end of the kilometer is a wall.

This wall, Wei Xiaobei is very familiar.

It is the wall of the back door community of Cuihu University. Wei Xiaobei has repeatedly crossed the wall and entered the community.

When I got here, Wei Xiaobei’s spirit was a little tight.

Undoubtedly, this should be the deepest part of the zombie maze.

From the common sense, the big maze of this zombie should be in this area.

As Wei Xiaobei calculated, as Wei Xiaobei approached the wall, a black-and-white humanoid monster appeared in front of the wall.

That's right, it's a monster, no matter its face or skin color, even the pit-shaped abdomen, or even the giant claws of its right hand!

Undoubtedly, if it is a human, then the right hand should not be a giant claw, and this giant is even coming into contact with the ground.

But if you only talk about your body, there is no difference from ordinary human beings.

022? Still sleeping tyrant?

When I saw this monster, Wei Xiaobei’s mind came up with information about the birth crisis.

In this form, it is similar to the 022 tyrant, but the block is much worse than the 022.

In this way, this seemingly weird tyrant should be the ultimate product of the tyrant, that is, the sleeping **** tyrant with the title of art?

According to the biohazard information that Wei Xiaobei once saw, this sleeping tyrant is completely representative of cost.

It is said that the entire umbrella company has only cultivated one end!

Its size is similar to that of ordinary humans, but it has the most powerful melee ability of the tyrant!

It is said that this sleeping tyrant can multiply and evolve! As long as it is suppressed by the enemy during the battle, then it will transform itself, enhance its melee ability, and make a powerful blow to the enemy!

It is said that as long as it does not die, it can continue to evolve.

Of course, this also requires the enemy to be able to hold on to its fierce attack!

This is interesting.

The first reaction that emerged in Wei Xiaobei’s mind was fun, not fear.

Well, for now, there are not many monsters that can make Wei Xiaobei afraid.

The main reason for the fun is that this sleeping tyrant can continue to evolve?

This is similar to some of the creatures that Wei Xiaobei once cultivated with the altar of life.

Of course, the kind of creature that can evolve all the time, because of the slowness of evolution and even various defects, Wei Weibei eventually eliminated it.

Now it seems that the evolutionary speed of this sleeping tyrant should be faster?

Well, since the other side is big here and has such an interesting ability, Wei Xiaobei took the lead.

A stone broke through the air, and with a harsh whistling sound, it shot toward the sleeping tyrant.

The goal of this stone is the shoulder of the sleeping tyrant!

Wei Xiaobei can't play with fire. When the sleeping tyrant appears, Wei Xiaobei judges that the other party should be the biological level of Samsung's horror, and it should not be far from the four stars.

For a monster that can evolve like this, Wei Xiaobei decided to scrape the other arm first.

It can make the opponent have enough threat to promote the evolution, and can guarantee that the battle will not come out of control.

I have to say that the reaction and speed of this sleeping tyrant is indeed very fast, and the fighting consciousness is also quite exquisite.

Wei Xiaobei just raised his hand, and the sleeping tyrant began to dodge.

Of course, if the general master of the country, this must be lost.

The speed of the stone that can be fired by Xiaobei is far beyond the judgment of the sleeping tyrant.


A dull blast came and the stone hit the left hand wrist of the sleeping tyrant.

This is the consequence of the sleeping tyrant who finds that he can't escape the stone attack and actively raise his hand to block it!

The left wrist of the sleeping tyrant suddenly bursts open, leaving only half of the ribs connected, and the palms squat on the wrist.

The stone of Wei Xiaobei undoubtedly directly picked up the anger of the sleeping tyrant. To be continued.


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