The City of Terror

Chapter 1097: ,collapse

First send a chapter, insist on fighting against the heat! The code word is really fast and the sweat is turbulent.


Switched to most of the monsters, this foot is taken down and almost hangs.

But the vitality of this sleeping tyrant is directly linked to the virus, even if the internal organs are broken, but still struggle to climb out of the gravel pile.

Perhaps Wei Xiaobei’s attack this time is more than the bottom line of the sleeping tyrant, so the sleeping tyrant just climbed out of the gravel pile and the body expanded again.

Started to transform and evolve?

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene with some excitement. His eyes were on the sleeping tyrant and observed the change of the other side.

This time, the body shape of the sleeping tyrant was stretched again, and the joints continued to proliferate. The sound of the hyperplasia of the joints was exactly like a string of firecrackers being ignited.


As the height of the sleeping tyrant stretched to ten meters, the muscles on his body began to proliferate rapidly, and even the internal organs that were crushed by Wei Xiaobei seemed to be recovering quickly.


Just as his muscles began to proliferate, Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt that the breath of the sleeping tyrant did not improve quickly. Instead, it seemed like a balloon that had been smashed, and the breath quickly weakened.

What is going on?

The muscles that were originally proliferating suddenly softened and began to collapse.

The evolution of this sleeping tyrant seems to be a problem?

Wei Xiaobei’s heart screamed a lot, and lifted his leg and rushed over. In front of the sleeping tyrant, Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand and explored the wound in his chest.

At this time, the sleeping tyrant also did not seem to have the power of resistance. He just looked at Wei Xiaobei with his eyes sullen. It seemed that he wanted to put Wei Xiaobei into the entrance and chew it into minced meat.

Wei Xiaobei left into the chest wound of the sleeping tyrant, and suddenly noticed the problem.

At this time, the muscles of this sleeping tyrant are being dissolved!

That's right! Wei Xiaobei touched the soft muscles and some of the half-liquid solid part that was dissolved.

Wei Xiaobei's muscles have also been dissolved several times, naturally no stranger to this situation.

However, this sleeping tyrant is not only a muscle dissolve, but its internal organs, blood vessels, and even bones are softening and dissolving!

This is not dissolved and reorganized, but the gene collapses!

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei squirted a shredded pork in his left hand, and in a twinkling of an eye he plunged into the sleeping tyrant and began to madly pump the other's blood, muscles and so on.

This guy actually has a genetic breakdown!

Wei Xiaobei naturally will not let go of each other, squatting at the other party has not completely dissolved, and extract some of the other genes, for research purposes!

Otherwise, if I have been busy for so long before, isn’t it a waste of time?

You must know that Wei Xiaobei, the monster that can transform himself and evolve, is the first time he sees it. The genes that want to come to each other must have some wonderful points. If it is analyzed, the research is thorough, and there is no doubt that the life altar cultivation creature has a pole. Big benefits.

Of course, the most important thing in this is the ordinary people.

After all, this sleeping tyrant does not look at the shape of a monster, but in fact, the sleeping tyrant is a monster made after the transformation of human beings, whose genes are fundamentally human genes, but only mutated.

As a result, other breeding organisms may be more difficult to integrate into the gene of the sleeping tyrant, but the general should be easier.

If you don't say anything else, as long as the power of the ordinary people can be greatly enhanced like a sleeping tyrant, the ordinary people are no longer ordinary cannon fodder, but a fine cannon fodder!

This sleeping tyrant gene collapses very quickly, less than ten minutes before and after, the muscles of the whole body are softened and dissolved, and the yellow liquid formed after dissolution flows on the ground, which seems to be exceptionally disgusting.

However, Wei Xiaobei soon knew why the sleeping tyrant had collapsed.

The shredded meat that is extracting the gene of the sleeping tyrant is attacked at this time!

The muscles and other organs that they are exposed to, although they are being dissolved, still stick out a lot of granulation. These granules continue to swallow the shredded pork and spread to the left hand of Wei Xiaobei.

? ?


Wei Xiaobei let the altar of life spawn more shredded pork to **** the smuggling genes, while taking a few meat crabs from the storage ring and throwing them on the chest of the sleeping tyrant.

These meat crabs have long since died in the storage ring, and they are said to be fresh enough in the storage ring.

Initially able to survive in the storage ring for five days, even if it is dead to the present, these meat crabs are as fresh as they have just been fished from the sea.

As the meat crabs were thrown away, the granary of the sleeping tyrant's chest immediately gave birth to granulation.

These granules were directly plunged into the meat crabs. Not long after, Wei Xiaobei took a piece of meat crab and saw that the meat crab had only the outer shell. The crab meat and even the juice were sucked by the granulation. Clean.

That's it!

After seeing the end of those meat crabs, combined with the attack suffered by his left hand, Wei Xiaobei immediately understood.

The genetic breakdown of this sleeping tyrant is probably caused by hunger.

As a result, perhaps many people will not understand.

But be aware that the evolution of this sleeping tyrant is impossible without the support of energy!

In other words, the two evolutionary evolutions before the sleep tyrant have consumed all of the energy and material reserves in the body, and by the time the third transformation evolved, the enormous energy consumption required for evolutionary evolution, sleep tyrant The body can't be satisfied, then it directly induces its genetic collapse!

If you think about it, you know that many people think that zombie creatures don't need to eat. They are biological versions of perpetual motion machines!

Ok, the question is, is this possible?

Even if such a powerful zombie creature like a sleeping tyrant, its strength may not reach that level!

Otherwise, those zombies can't kill humans without any problems, just because they need food to provide the energy needed for the evolutionary mutation of the virus, so they will do so.

It is also the case that after Wei Xiaobei threw the meat crab to the sleeping tyrant, the sleeping tyrant will absorb the meat crab.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not have the idea of ​​feeding food to the sleeping tyrant at this time.

It's no longer useful, even if the sleeping tyrant has the ability to eat granules at this time, but once the gene collapses, it is basically impossible to stop the gene from collapsing.

Unless Wei Xiaobei had thoroughly analyzed the genetic research of this sleeping tyrant!

But then again, the altar of life has absorbed enough of the genes of the sleeping tyrant, so the use of the sleeping tyrant for Wei Xiaobei is not great.

Looking at the sleeping tyrant's body quickly dissolved into a sinister yellow liquid, Wei Xiaobei's heart moved, could not help but slap on his head, and then rushed toward the wall separating the community and the zombie maze. past!

The reason is very simple. When the body of the sleeping tyrant is turned into a pool of yellow water, Wei Xiaobei feels the instability of the surrounding space!

If this kind of thing is changed to the previous words, Wei Xiaobei may be able to feel dangerous, but it is impossible to feel this kind of space vibration.

But now Wei Xiaobei, although the understanding of the mystery of space is not very deep, just only to get started, but at least can feel the change of space!

Undoubtedly, with the death of this sleeping tyrant, the zombie maze finally began to collapse!

Wei Xiaobei is about 800 meters away from the residential wall at this time.

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei went out for a hundred meters, but then, the speed of Wei Xiaobei had to slow down quickly.

At this time, black traces began to appear on the streets, walls and even buildings. These black traces are naturally the cracks in the space formed when the space collapses.

Fortunately, the black traces have just appeared, and they are not integrated into one, making Wei Xiaobei have the space to dodge.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei covers the whole body with real mercury, he can rush through one or two space cracks, but in that case, the small consumption of Wei Xiaobei will make it difficult for him to support.

After bypassing a few black marks, Wei Xiaobei slightly accelerated the speed of advancement.

This is also a helpless thing. As time goes by, black marks appear more and more, and even some places have been connected in a line. Some zombies that have just appeared on the streets are directly cut into the cracks of this invincible space. Two halves.

Wei Xiaobei calculated it in a flash, and according to this trend, if you still slow down, then you will definitely be trapped here!

Six hundred meters! Five hundred meters! Three hundred meters! One hundred meters!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei mobilized all four minds, calculating his own trajectory and the possible orientation of those space cracks.

Only ten times of time is not enough. Wei Xiaobei’s forehead is a blue ridge, and the sweat falls like a raindrop.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to have a slight difference, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Finally, the distance between Wei Xiaobei and the wall is only less than 50 meters!

At this time, several space cracks located not far below the wall are connected to each other, like a large net for catching birds, completely blocking the road of Wei Xiaobei!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei can only fight!

As soon as the teeth are bitten, the real mercury in the meridians immediately accelerates, driving the real mercury in the body to work.

Less than half-time, the real mercury is like a magma that flows out of Wei Xiaobei's pores and covers the whole body!

At the same time, the electro-optical flashes on the real mercury, numerous fine lightnings quickly formed a layer of electricity on the surface of the real mercury, making Wei Xiaobei look like the same thunder!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has already leaped high, like the same cheetah. When he stepped on the air, he ran into the crack in the space that was spreading.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. After the calculation, Wei Xiaobei hit this head and adopted the most exquisite plan.



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