The City of Terror

Chapter 1098: Malicious peep

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Just before hitting the big net formed by the crack in the space, Wei Xiaobei’s body came with a series of bones bursting sounds, and his body instantly shrank to the extreme, like a large basketball crossed the space cracked big net. .

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei felt a pain in his body, and the real mercury and the power grid almost disappeared.

The legs fell lightly on the fence, and Wei Xiaobei was awkward and almost did not stand firm.

Although Wei Xiaobei was ready, he was still injured when he crossed the gap in the space.

It’s not too embarrassing to say it. The buttocks were cut off with two pieces of meat, and the shoulders were cracked. I almost fell into it.

Of course, this injury is not serious for Wei Xiaobei. Just standing on the wall, the blood on the wound will stop by itself. Then, on both sides of the wound, layers of pork are born, intertwined and intertwined. Together, seal the wound firmly.

However, Wei Xiaobei's real mercury in this body consumes at least at least half of the real mercury is consumed when it is against the crack in the space.

If this is not the case, the crack on the shoulder of Wei Xiaobei can be more than just this appearance. It is possible to cut Wei Xiaobei directly into two paragraphs.

Of course, if you change someone, I am afraid I will not dare to make such a risky thing.

Only the guys who know a little about the mysteries of space like Wei Xiaobei dare to do so.

After picking up a few pieces of roast meat from the storage ring, Wei Xiaobei mobilized the real mercury in Dantian to start slowly moving in the meridians to repair some damage to the meridians before the real mercury explosion.

If the damage like this is not repaired as soon as possible, once it is fixed, the next time the true mercury explosion occurs, the meridians may collapse.

At this time, the zombie maze has been divided by the space crack, and numerous black cracks are staggered in the zombie maze.

Not long after, only a sound of crisp glass shattered, the original zombie maze was divided into pieces of human head size. In these space fragments, there may be a few bricks, perhaps a zombie arm, skull Or maybe some dirt.

Compared to the scene when Cuihu collapsed, this zombie labyrinth collapsed a lot faster.

Not long after, a little blue light emerged, and then the space debris swirled around the blue light spot.

Less than ten minutes before and after, the space debris formed a huge vortex, and produced some gravitation, which attracted some things around.

This gravitation is not strong, and it can only **** some small things.

A piece of dead yellow leaves on the fence, a piece of rotten paper floating from a height, or a loose brick.

But these things that were attracted to the past were quickly cut into powder by the space fragments and disappeared into the whirlpool.

The vortex in the rotation quickly shrinks the volume, initially at a diameter of more than two thousand meters, but shrinks to less than one meter in less than half a minute.

Eventually, as the blue light spots were submerged by the space debris that was compressed together, the glare of the light blossomed, making Wei Xiaobei unable to look directly.

The few brawny who had been chatting and bragging before the zombie maze were already stunned.

To be honest, they didn't even think about it. After Mr. Wei entered the zombie maze, he would have made such a big move.

The monsters in this zombie maze are so powerful that they all know.

But the guards who are here, usually only dare to enter the 100 meters, killing those zombies, but deeper but not dare.

With their strength, they are guarded in the bunker at the entrance, and they are able to resist the zombies. If there are foraging people, they can call the rescue.

But if you enter the zombie maze, once you are surrounded by those zombies, or if you encounter a few foraging people, your life will be played.

This shows that this zombie maze is indeed a dangerous place.

But the Mr. Wei went into the maze of mammoths for less than an hour. Under the eyes of these brawny people, the walls of the zombies that formed the zombies had a black crack in the walls.

At first, the curious brawny used the long knife in his hand to dial the black crack on the wall.

But what made them horrified, the long knife had not touched the black crack, and the black crack spread, just spread from the knife of the long knife. Then, the brawny saw the harder blade. It became two paragraphs!

When you take the long knife back, you can see that the fracture is smooth, like a mirror!

Hey, this can't help but let these brawny people take a breath of cold air.

This is what they never thought of, the black crack is so powerful, and the long knife is cut into two halves in a blink of an eye.

If this spreads to the human body, it is not allowed to unload eight pieces on the spot! ! ?

At the thought of the place, those brave men dared to stay at the entrance, and turned to the bunker.

In fact, the bunker does not seem to be safe.

Not long after, the black cracks spread straight and scared a group of strong men to flee directly toward the central square.

Of course, if they fled, they still knew that they had sent two people to inform the helper. There was a big deal here.

As for the rest of the people, they fled to the rear of the 100 meters and stopped. They looked back at the labyrinth of the zombies one by one.

At this time, the zombie maze has been quickly cut into pieces by the black cracks, with some glass luster at the edges.

As for what to see next, it is similar to what Wei Xiaobei saw.

In the end, after the blue light slowly faded, the brawny people suddenly saw that the zombie maze had disappeared, and the only thing left was a giant pit with a diameter of more than a few kilometers!

As for the bunker they had been stationed in the past, they were also cut a knife, and the other half disappeared without a trace.

peat! What exactly is going on?

The smartest guy in the brains of this group of people saw this scene and didn't know what was going on.

After receiving the news from the gang, Tian Yuwen quickly came over with a helping hand.

Of course, most of these masters in the gray gang are the core disciples in the security base. They will stay in the gray gang before going to Weijia Island, in order to provide Tian Yuwen with sufficient force guarantee.

The rest of the game is a master of self-cultivation in the gray.

Of course, this is just their previous identity. Now, everyone in the gang knows that the gray and the security base are one, and there is no trouble.

Seeing the huge pit left behind after the disappearance of the zombie maze, not only those gangsters who were stunned, but even Tian Yuwen looked a little dumbfounded.

Tian Yuwen knew something about Master, but the problem was that he did not think that Master’s handwriting would be so big.

How long has this been?

Master will make this zombie maze into a look like this?

Fortunately, it is in everyone’s mind to guess whether this is a natural disaster or not. Wei Xiaobei walked slowly from the air with a smile on his face.

Undoubtedly, this zombie maze makes Wei Xiaobei very satisfied.

Another gray stone is at hand!

The purpose of entering the gray world this time is over-achieved.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also has a little bit of regret.

That is, this gray boundary stone condensed by the zombie maze is much worse than the previous one. It is just a gray stone that is broken to the extreme, the lowest grade gray stone.

However, it is not bad to be able to get a piece of it. This regret has little effect on Wei Xiaobei.


Tian Yuwen saw Wei Xiaobei stepping out of the air and rushing to see the ceremony. This is to make some gray-shoulders who are not familiar with Wei Xiaobei look stunned.

It should be said that Wei Xiaobei looks like he is less than twenty years old, and the pink and tender small fresh meat looks like.

Tian Yuwen is an uncle in his forties.

The uncle suddenly ran up to see a small fresh meat, and also called the master, which really makes people feel puzzled.

Of course, there is also a whispered whispering whispering to the Wei Bei, who is familiar with Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, for these gray-level gangs, Wei Xiaobei's strength is too strong, and in their hearts is the big backing of the gray gang, so when they introduce to their peers, they still have some pride in their hearts.

Wei Xiaobei fell on the ground, his eyes swept away from the crowd, so that everyone could not help but be surprised. This Mr. Wei’s eyes are sharp and sharp, just like seeing his heart!

Well, no matter who is seen by Wei Xiaobei at this time, he will not feel good.

Because Wei Xiaobei started all things at this time.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of thing that just likes to open all things to see others, but the problem is that when Wei Xiaobei falls on the ground, he feels that someone is peeping at himself through the sense of heaven.

The other party is extremely concealed, and even Wei Xiaobei can't lock it by the sense of heaven.

Of course, it is beyond reproach that everyone’s eyes are on their own because of their grand appearance.

But the other side is undoubtedly with a malicious peep, a little afraid of their appearance.

Wei Xiaobei can naturally detect this. Is there anyone in the gray gang who is malicious to himself?

Then you can only explain one point, there are spies in the gray gang!

Of course, the spies are well hidden.

It should be known that after Wei Xiaobei accepted Tian Yuwen as a disciple, Tian Yuwen and Wei Xingwu jointly conducted a series of investigations on the gray gang.

This was originally requested by Xiao Bei, and he did not want the gray gang to become an evil organization.

Therefore, those who did nothing by ignoring the identity were basically cleaned up in that survey.

But now it seems that the survey was not thorough enough.

However, this is normal.

After all, the gray-white help is originally a mixed organization. Many people's origins are not clear. Even Tian Yuwen, it is impossible to find out the details of everyone.



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