The City of Terror

Chapter 1099: The hand of poison!

First send a chapter, it is too stuffy, and the poor road is now almost in the water.


You know, if you really want to hide your identity, it is Wei Xiaobei who has a variety of methods to achieve this perfectly, so that most people can not see their own cover.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to check the details of these people a little bit, but to directly start all things.

In the face of the ability of all things to understand this, most creatures can not hide themselves, unless the strength of the other party is much higher than themselves!

But Wei Xiaobei believes that if such a guy is really lurking in the gray gang, I am afraid that I have already discovered the existence of the other party.

No way, the strength is very strong, and its atmosphere wants to cover up, it is not so easy.

Name: Zhang Feng

Race: human

Gender: Male

Biological grade: two stars ordinary

Introduction: Zhang Feng, a native of Cuihu City, lives in No. 192, East Street, Shizhong District.

Weakness: none

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: Sanda, driving, education

Special ability: weapon heating

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: Daguan knife


A personal property sheet emerges in the sight of Wei Xiaobei........

Of course, there are more than fifty people here, and it takes a little time for these property sheets to be viewed.

Ok? this is?

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze was on a middle-aged man in a gray suit.

Name: Wu Ji

Race: human

Gender: Male

Biological grade: four stars common

Introduction: Wu Ji, Chinese, Cruz Asian, resident, No. 210, Xingwang Street, Central District, the director of the gray-white murder department, gray-white executive elder, good at camouflage, proficient in multi-language, electronic equipment, etc. Once successfully provoked the war between Tamado and New Zealand....

Weakness: Fear of glare

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: combat, driving, language (English, Japanese, bear, French, Spanish, Norwegian, German), electronic design, electrical maintenance, firearms transformation, firearm shooting, diving, skydiving, wild survival, camouflage

Special ability: thousands of people, the hand of poison

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: Gloves


Good guy, the gray gang is still hiding such a powerful spy!

Four stars ordinary!

It’s not a problem for a guy like this to get rid of gray.

Not to mention the various skills that it possesses, it is the director of the gray-and-white scams, the gray-and-white executive elders, which is enough to cause Wei Xiaobei's focus.

Grayish white!

This undoubtedly triggered many memories of Wei Xiaobei's mind.

When Wei Xiaobei first came into contact with the gray-white organization, he almost turned over the gutter.

Of course, I can seduce the turtle demon king from the gray-white hand. This thing has been put into the present, and Wei Xiaobei thinks that he feels good.

Now that I found this spy, Wei Xiaobei feels a bit too good.

Gray-white actually sent people to lurk in the gray gang, so what does this mean?

When Wei Xiaobei gaze at the middle-aged man Wu Ji of the suit, Wu Ji also knew that he was exposed.

Of course, Wu Ji’s heart is not very comfortable. To know the camouflage effect formed by the combination of the ability of the thousand faces and the camouflage skills, even the other elders of gray and white can’t see through. How can Wei Xiaobei stare at himself at a glance?

I feel uncomfortable in my heart, but Wu’s face is still unmoving, and I even try to make my expression look exactly like everyone else.

Wu Ji thought very well, maybe it was somewhere in his own place, but his information is perfect, and he said that he is also a veteran in the gray gang, as long as he does not admit it, this Wei Xiaobei may not dare Severe torture?

To put it bluntly, this Wu Ji is prepared to continue to cover up his identity. After all, he lurks here and delays a lot of time. If he leaves this way, it will be a bit of a big loss.

"Come out!"

This Wu Ji thought it was good. Wei Wei’s roots were not as he wished. With a light drink, he rushed toward Wu Ji in the crowd.

To be honest, this sudden accident made Wu Ji stunned.

But Wu Ji, in any case, is also a gray-white executive elder, the director of the Department of Mime, and has experienced so many things that ordinary people can imagine.

Therefore, after a slight glimpse, Wu Ji’s feet seemed to be loaded with springs. When he slammed, he bounced off the crowd and turned and fled toward the back.

At the same time, Wu Ji took off his gloves without hesitation, revealing a pair of dark green palms.


As Wu Ji took off his gloves and exposed his palms, a strange smell that made people feel vomited quickly spread.

The people closer to Wu Ji, who were smoked by this smell, suddenly felt sick and vomited when they grabbed their chests.

Of course, the performance of these people has given Wei Xiaobei a bit of vigilance.

Think about this Wu Ji's property sheet, Wei Xiaobei will know, Wu Ji's gloves are probably the so-called poison gloves, and the other pair of dark green palms is probably the hand of poison.


In a twinkling of an eye, the gray gangsters who licked the chest and vomited directly fell to the ground, the white foam on the corners of the mouth, and the face was blue and black, but it was a face after poisoning.

This poisonous hand is so powerful!

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene and could not help but take the water magic glove out of the storage ring and put it on his hand.

If you think about it, you will know.

Just smelling the smell from the air, it was poisoned and fell to the ground. If it was photographed by its venomous hand, what would it be?

You must know that Wei Xiaobei is immune to the flame, but he has no immunity to this poison!

Of course, even so, the speed of Wei Xiaobei is still easy to catch up with Wu Ji in the rush.

This Wu Ji is decisive, see Wei Xiaobei catch up, suddenly turned around, hands are caught in Wei Xiaobei!

Obviously, this Wu Ji’s idea is very sinister, no matter how Wei Xiaobei dealt with him, as long as his hands are glued to Wei Xiaobei, then he can poison the Weibei!

And this Wu Ji is very confident about his own poisonous hand!

It is not so simple to know that this poisonous hand.

It was the special ability that Wu Ji obtained after he entered the gray world for the first time. At that time, the hand of the poisonous man could not have such a horrible name.

At that time, the hand of the poison was called a poisonous hand, only with a kind of toxicity. This poison has no lethal effect on other creatures, but it can absorb various toxins and copy and use these toxins at the same time!

After absorbing ten kinds of toxins, the name becomes a poisonous hand. After absorbing a toxin, it becomes a poisonous hand...

Up to now, Wu Ji’s hands have absorbed more than 10,000 kinds of toxins! Thus the name becomes a poisonous hand!

The toxins it absorbs, in addition to the venoms and toxins carried by various poisons, this Wu Ji also paid a special chemical research institute.

The task of this chemical research institute is to statistically summarize the existing various chemical raw materials and products, and even to research new toxic chemical products, so that Wu Ji can easily obtain various toxins!

In short, this Wu Ji's venomous hand is a veritable hand of poison. If you only smell the smell it emits, it is at most a dozen poisons, and it is relatively mild, but if it is poisoned by it. The hand sticks to the body, hey, then you look at your luck.

If Wu Ji just wants to poison you, then transfer up to hundreds of toxins to make sure you are down.

But if you are strong and strong, but you will completely kill you, then Wu Ji will mobilize all the toxins!

Well, one thing to note is that the toxins produced by this poisonous hand are not coming out of thin air.

To put it bluntly, the toxin produced by this venomous hand is actually similar to the cultivating creature of the altar of life. At the same time, it also consumes some substances in Wu Ji.

Of course, this consumption, in general, is small.

After all, in terms of the ability of the venomous hand, most of the toxins are extremely toxic to ordinary people. Any kind of toxin can change a strong man with only a few and very few. Become a corpse!

And if a variety of toxins are mixed together, then the toxicity is naturally more horrible, and with a needle, I am afraid that I can poison hundreds of elephants.

In short, Wu Ji’s venomous hand is very powerful and the range is not weak.

At least when Wu Ji’s hands were quickly shot at Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei had to go back a few steps to prevent the poisonous hand from accidentally touching himself.

After all, this Wuji is also a four-star ordinary creature level. As long as the creature level reaches this level, its properties are generally not too low.

Therefore, if Wei Xiaobei is not careful, it may be fixed by Wu Ji’s venomous hand.


It is really disgusting!

Even if Wei Xiaobei stepped back a few steps, he escaped the poisonous hand, but the taste of the wind was sucked in by Wei Xiaobei.

This taste is in the words of Wei Xiaobei, which is the smell of rotten eggs after a hundred times!

When you let people know, there is some dizziness and nausea.

The same is true for Wei Xiaobei.

Moreover, Wei Xiaobei smelled a lot more intense than the previous ones, and even felt a bit stinging in the respiratory tract.

Of course, with Wei Xiaobei's current physique, this taste of drifting with the wind wants to poison him, and it is a little difficult.

What's more, the true mercury in Wei Xiaobei has the effect of detoxification. The true mercury in the meridians is slowly turning, and the toxins that enter the nostrils are quickly excreted by Wei Xiaobei's powerful body. In addition, at the same time, a burst of electric light flashed at the pores, and then there was a smell of protein burning.



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