The City of Terror

Chapter 1101: Escape

The third chapter is sent. Le-wen--well, the poor road does not introduce salted duck eggs, give everyone a secret, fried peanuts mixed with cowhide tofu together, will eat beef flavor, the average person, the poor road will not tell him.


If the newcomers who are new to the gray world are lucky, they may meet a good predecessor, and this good predecessor will warn him with a serious look: "Remember! The gray world is a place where people can eat people! If you fall down Don't have someone else who will save you! They are more terrible than monsters, they will only strip you all over the body!"

Well, such warnings may be alarmist, but they are also facts in the gray world.

The chaos caused by such mental state is even more horrible!

You know, no one wants to be stripped into a light pig before he dies!

Seeing the chaos spread, Wu remembered to be excited, but he was clever and did not participate in it. Instead, he walked in the chaotic crowd and tried to drown himself in the crowd.

I have to say that this Wu Ji’s brain is indeed not stupid.

Such a means does play a certain role.

Wei Xiaobei is also unlikely to let the central square be destroyed.

You should know that this central square is a small amount of money for trading booths every day, not to mention the value of the gray coins is fully reflected in this central square.

It is possible to bring together all the realists in the gray world and let their gains trade here. If there are good things, the gray gang can also be acquired. The value of this is huge, and it is difficult to speak in time.

Therefore, at this moment, Wei Xiaobei decided to save people.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not forget to start the electromagnetic field to cover the entire central square. As long as Wu remembered to leave here, Wei Xiaobei could find each other in the first time!

This is where Wei Xiaobei's strength is!

"be quiet!"

Wei Xiaobei rushed to the place where the poison fog was, and slammed.

In an instant, a savage power will sweep out like Weifeng in the center of Wei Xiaobei.

Perfect legendary pressure!

Those who were in the chaos of the gray world suddenly found out that their bodies could not move under this power!

Of course, this is actually not the real effect of perfect legendary pressure.

Wei Xiaobei's perfect legendary pressure effect is to weaken the biological attributes of a certain range of creatures below Wei Xiaobei by half!

The gray-level experiencers in the central square, the most powerful ones are only two-star horror. After their attributes are weakened by half, the chain effect caused by the body itself makes the panic caused by them stiffen their bodies.

In fact, if they have a calmer mindset, they will find that their body is actually not really unable to move, only strength, speed and so on are weakened a lot.

This is actually not uncommon in reality.

For example, when an ordinary person passes through an unmanned Hu in the middle of the night and suddenly finds a person in front of him, then this ordinary person is likely to be scared and stiff, and can't even speak.

Or meet a tiger at a close distance, knowing that he should go backwards and pull away from the tiger, but the body is not listening and so on.

Of course, the stiff effect of this kind of panic on his body has helped Wei Xiaobei.

If these guys continue to confuse, the impact of the poisonous fog will be even greater.

Wei Xiaobei has come to the spread of the poisonous mist at this time. In fact, the poisonous fog at this time has been weak.

After Wu Ji’s release of the poisonous mist, he dared to stay in the same place and turned away.

After all, this poisonous fog is also eye-catching. Wu remembers that he was stared to death by Wei Xiaobei, and that is really finished.


Anyone who was close to the poisonous fog but was not stained with poisonous fog saw Wei Xiaobei come over and had not had time to react. He saw Wei Xiaobei reach out and grab his body, then he flew out. .

When they landed, these gray world practitioners stood on the ground.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed these gray world practitioners, and they flew like an artillery shell to an entrance to the central square. They flew more than three hundred meters away, but they were not injured.

This scene made them wonder that they didn't know what to say.

After a round, the guys who almost stuck in the poisonous fog and some inconvenience were thrown out by Wei Xiaobei.

Next, Wei Xiaobei ran around the poisonous mist, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the air was constantly fanned with the palm of his hand, making it spin on its own.

Before and after the ten-minute time, the area where the poisonous fog is located forms a tornado that rotates continuously!

It is not difficult to achieve this with the strength and speed of Wei Xiaobei.

At the end of the day, the tornado rose off the ground and rushed toward the sky at an increasing speed.

To say that this tornado does not have the power of tornadoes in nature, but it is enough to take those poisonous mists in and take them away.

As for what kind of situation will occur after these poisonous mists are caught in the sky, Wei Xiaobei has nothing to worry about.

The high winds will quickly dilute these poisonous mists to the extent that they have no effect!

Then Wei Xiaobei grabbed a poisoned guy and checked it a little, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it is Wu Ji in order to make the toxic mist produce more effect, the toxin used is easy to volatilize, not the kind of toxin that can kill quickly.

This made Wei Xiaobei have a chance to rescue these guys.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei analyzes the toxins one by one, and then finds the symptomatic detoxification drugs, then these guys are estimated to die.

Therefore, the method adopted by Wei Xiaobei is relatively quick, and a bottle of syrup is taken directly from the storage ring to give the other party a third.

One third is enough.

In addition to the inferior world sap, supplemented by Chinese herbal medicine plus water, the Huaxia Shenkang enhanced version, in addition to hemostasis, can also activate the biological physique and promote the effect of detoxification and detoxification.

To put it bluntly, this potion is equivalent to a broad-spectrum antidote.

Of course, it is precisely because of this, these guys who have been medicated, it takes about three hours to wake up.

At this time, Tian Yuwen and others who chased the back also arrived. Even after starting to appease the chaotic crowd, Wei Weibei was rescued, and even the high-rises that had been poisoned were lifted.

Wei Xiaobei did not care about it, and poured it into the potion.

After all, the guys who were poisoned by the poisonous mist were not too many, and they were only over fifty people.

After Wei Xiaobei consumed 20 bottles of potion, the situation was controlled.

At this time it seems that I should take out the hand to catch the big mouse.

However, Wei Xiaobei used the electromagnetic field to sweep through the central square, plus four minds running at the same time, to investigate the crowd in the central square, did not find the whereabouts of Wu Ji!

Ran? ! !

It is absolutely impossible to say that Wu Ji used his ability and camouflage skills to change his face. It is absolutely impossible to hide in this central square.

Before Wei Xiaobei used all things to know, he had already remembered the soul of the other party!

It can be said that as long as the other party is still here, no matter how to make a face-lift, it is impossible to escape the investigation of Wei Xiaobei.

It is also impossible to escape from the central square. The electromagnetic field of Wei Xiaobei has not been revoked.

As a result, there is only one possibility.

That Wu Ji has left the gray world! Returned to reality!

It is not surprising to say this.

As long as you have enough time in the gray world, those who are in the gray world can return to reality at any time.

I have to say that in many cases, this can save lives!

Of course, if you can master this well in a fierce battle, it is hard to say if you come back to reality.

If you are not careful, you will be killed if you have not returned to reality.

Of course, for Wu Ji to escape the reality of this matter, Wei Xiaobei's heart is quite uncomfortable.

An enemy like this who can make a face-lift and be able to poison is undoubtedly a big threat to Weijia Island.

However, this kind of thing is also normal, but also helpless.

To be honest, as long as you don't hold the thought of being just like the other side, a strong four-star powerhouse who wants to escape from the four-star horror is difficult, but not impossible.

After the Wu Ji from the dark countdown Wei Xiaobei failed, he set the plan to escape, so that under the pursuit of Wei Xiaobei, the people flashed smoothly.

Even if this time returns to reality, Wei Xiaobei is unlikely to find the whereabouts of Wu Ji in such a large area of ​​Cuihu City.

If you switch to the gray world monster invasion, through the relationship with the investigation team, through the official power of Green Lake City may find some clues in a short period of time.

But now, the status quo of Green Lake City has determined that this is impossible.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not give up the last point. After the central square returned to normal state with the efforts of the gray gang, Wei Xiaobei called Tian Yuwen and asked about the situation of Wu Ji.

To be honest, today’s experience is a big impact on Tian Yuwen.

As the gang of the gray-white gang, Tian Yuwen felt that he had firmly grasped everything in the gray gang, no matter before or after worshipping Xiaobei as a teacher.

But today, all of a sudden, there was a guy in the gray gang who could almost compete with Master and finally escaped. All this made Tian Yuwen feel like a nightmare.

At this time, listening to Master's inquiry, Tian Yuwen even remembered.

To say that the name of Wu Ji in the gray gang is naturally not Wu Ji, but Li Dabao!

Well, this very earthy name, from now on, is undoubtedly the pseudonym of Wu Ji.

After Tian Yuwen gathered several brothers to establish a gray-white gang, he expanded his recruitment.

Wu Ji is at this time into the gray gang.

At the beginning, this Wu Ji was exactly the same as his pseudonym. He was extremely honest and was often bullied by the guys who had bad habits in the gray gang. Tian Yuwen remembered that he had said a few words to those guys.


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