The City of Terror

Chapter 1102: Gray boundary stone

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But now I don't think there is any sign of it.

The guys who bullied Wu Ji hanged one after another in a few days.

To say that in the gray world, it is a very normal thing to hang up. After all, even the central square is not good at that time.

But now I think that those who hang up are undoubtedly killed by Wu Ji.

After that, the performance of Wu Ji is not outstanding. In the gray gang, it is a soy sauce character. Until Tian Yuwen worships Wei Xiaobei as a teacher, this Wu Ji seems to be a little youthful, and the strength begins. A little bit of rise, and thus into the ranks of gray high-level.

Now I want to come, this Wu Ji is undoubtedly planned. In order to avoid revealing the identity, naturally, the more soy sauce, the better, but with Wei Xiaobei accepting Tian Yuwen as an apprentice, this Wu Ji wants to do something. Therefore, it is only going to develop at a high level.

As for the situation of Wu Ji, Tian Yuwen recalled and suddenly found that he did not know the other than the other family address, but even this family address, I am afraid that there is no use at all.

After saying this, Tian Yuwen could not help but worship Wei Xiaobei: "Thank you Master for giving this spy out."

At the thought of this, Tian Yuwen's back is a layer of cold sweat.

One such powerful guy ambushes himself, and you can see it when you think about it. It is like a sword of Damocles hanging from your head!

I am the same as the deer who is standing by the crocodile's mouth and drinking water. When she is careless, she hangs up.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and could not help but sigh: "This guy ran away, I am afraid that the trouble is a bit big, so that you temporarily put down the gray gang and go back to Weijiadao as a teacher."

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei is extremely concerned about Tian Yuwen, the apprentice.

Worried that Tian Yuwen had an accident, he was prepared to take him back to Weijia Island. After all, in the case of this, in the face of a four-star ordinary strongman who may appear at any time, Tian Yuwen has no resilience.

What's more, Wu Ji is not only a four-star ordinary creature level, but also the ability to easily change his face to hide his own thousand face people and the hands of the poisonous.

It’s easy to get rid of Tian Yuwen.

Hearing that Master wants to bring himself back to defend the island, Tian Yuwen’s heart is also a joy.

You must know that going to Weijiadao and staying with the teachers and sisters, tempering fists, etc., but Tian Yuwen has always dreamed.

But in the moment of joy, Tian Yuwen was a little hesitant: "Master, what about the gray help?"

"What should I do? It is natural for your younger brothers to exercise. Do you want to leave this foundation?"

Wei Xiaobei didn't hesitate about it, but he also teased Tian Yuwen.

However, Tian Yuwen did not seem to listen to Wei Xiaobei’s jokes. However, he was anxious to sweat. He worried that Master had looked down on himself and hurriedly defended: "Master, the disciples are not reluctant to give up this foundation, but worry about the Wu Ji. Start with the younger brothers."

What Tian Yuwen said is not without reason.

However, Wei Xiaobei had his own plan, just smiled, and even after the decision, Tian Yuwen was temporarily handed over to the deputy helper and returned to reality.

Seeing that Master has made up his mind, even if Tian Yuwen does not agree with his heart, he will not dare to oppose it. He will call Zhang Qinghua in a hurry. After some explanation, he will be transparent with Wei Xiaobei and slowly disappear into the gray world. .

That Tsinghua is the temporary helper that Tian Yuwen decided last time. He is loyal to Tian Yuwen. The last time he served as a temporary helper was also good. Therefore, Tian Yuwen still allowed the other party to be a temporary helper.

For the gray gang, Tian Yuwen is not worried.

A strong person like Wu Ji, even if he wants to do something, I am afraid that it will not help the gray.

The reason is very simple. As long as Wei Xiaobei still exists, even if the gray gang is destroyed, it is a breeze to re-establish it.

Do not doubt the appeal and mobility of a four-star terrorist.

On the contrary, during the existence of Wei Xiaobei, Wu Ji feared that he would not dare to deal with the gray gang.

Including now, that Wu Ji is afraid to find a hidden place at this time to avoid the possible search of Wei Xiaobei.

After all, the performance of the former Wei Xiaobei really made Wu Ji too shocked. He has used the ability of thousands of people to change his appearance, but he still has the feeling of being stared.

For a spy head who has always prided himself on camouflage, this situation is no different than a beautiful woman suddenly in the downtown area of ​​Akasaka!

Just think about it, this Wu Ji is the whole body cold, can not help but some trembling.

Not to mention Wu Ji’s hiding in a certain place. After Wei Xiaobei returned to reality, he called Wei Xingwu and Zhao Guang to tell Wu Ji’s affairs and let them inform Weijiadao.

It should be said that Wei Xiaobei feels that Wu Ji may not have the courage to find trouble in a short period of time, but this kind of thing is hard to say. The trend of the human heart is unpredictable. Therefore, doing a good job of defense is undoubtedly an important way to reduce losses. .

Weijiadao, Wei Xiaobei is not too worried.

The Wushou’s ability of thousands of people is great, and it can deceive the eyes of most people, but it is absolutely impossible to deceive Tu Qingqing. At the same time, the sea grazing and the Yin soldiers all over the Weijia Island will let the Wu Remember to know what is nowhere to hide!

On the contrary, the defense of the security base is much weaker.

But there are Zhao Guang, Wei Xiaobei is not very worried.

Zhao Guang has amazing insight into the human heart. If Wu Ji wants to pretend to be close to Zhao Guang, I am afraid that it will soon be discovered.

In the case of a positive conflict, Zhao Guang is not a vegetarian.

Of course, the area of ​​the security base is not small now, in order to improve the security capabilities of the security base.

Wei Xiaobei simply cultivated some sea grazing out, mixed with those ordinary people, and served as an early warning system for the security base.

Wei Xiaobei has already recorded the body taste of Wu Ji and passed it to these sea grazing animals. Once Wu Ji encounters these sea grazing, he must be immediately exposed.

To be honest, if the area of ​​Green Lake City is not too big, Wei Xiaobei wants to let these sea animals go to the Wuji.

Looking at the newly added giant dogs in the security base, Wei Xingwu’s high-hanging heart suddenly fell to the ground.

After listening to Xiaobei’s words about Wu Ji, Wei Xingwu’s heart was suspended.

The four-star ordinary strong, peat, lurking in, killing himself, do not know how the other side appeared.

And Haimu is so high that the height of the ground is more than one meter five, giving people a much higher security than those who are ordinary.

Of course, if you want to say combat power, the current generals can be a little better than Haimu.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not completely abandon the intention of searching for the whereabouts of Wu Ji.

After Zhao Guang went to the Cuihu City Psychiatric Hospital, the official strength of Cuihu City was mobilized and began to find a person's whereabouts.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that such a search is absolutely impossible to find Wu Ji.

The appearance of Wu Ji can be ever-changing. That is to say, the information that Zhao Guang handed over to the investigation team has been invalidated.

However, Wei Xiaobei still hopes to borrow this kind of action, killing the snake and swindling the Wuji.

While waiting for the situation to change, Wei Xiaobei naturally did not relax his research on the mysteries of space.

It is said that Wei Xiaobei also wants to get more gray stone, but the gray stone that is better found in the gray world of Cuihu City has been taken by Wei Xiaobei.

Cuihu University did not say much, those pens, the dish Xian Pan was there, Wei Xiaobei did not want to provoke these guys.

The principle of big grass was occupied by the special department of the parliament. If Wei Xiaobei collapsed the prairie, I am afraid that the Chinese parliament will fight desperately with Wei Xiaobei!

Of course, the most important thing is that Wei Xiaobei feels that the bottomless deep pit at the center of the prairie is still more dangerous than Cuihu University. I hope that it is not an easy task to collapse the prairie.

As for the rest, let alone mention it.

Amazing cottage?

Ha ha.

StarCraft battlefield?

Ha ha!


In short, the rest of the city of Green Lake is not easy to destroy.

Wei Xiaobei was able to get two gray stone stones this time, which is quite satisfactory.

Wei Xiaobei stood outside the door with two ordinary people, suits and tie black shoes, and proper bodyguard shape.

Including Zhao Guang, everyone knows that once the two bodyguards stand outside Weiwei North Gate, then it means no interruption.

Wei Xiaobei sat on the bed at this moment, and a black gray stone was suspended in the palm of his hand.

Well, no matter what grade the gray stone is, at least the gray stone that Wei Xiaobei has seen is a black of water. It looks like a piece of coal from afar, but it can be found that the black of this gray stone is extremely deep. Gives a mysterious feeling.

This gray stone is the broken gray stone that appeared after the collapse of the zombie maze. It is the most inferior class in the gray stone.

However, Wei Xiaobei also knows from the mouth of the seven divisions, that this gray stone is not indecomposable.

With some special means, the gray boundary stone can be decomposed into powder.

And this gray boundary stone powder can be made into a storage magic weapon after adding some special materials!

At the same time, the storage magic weapon wants to expand the space inside, then it also needs to use this gray boundary stone powder.

Of course, in the view of Wei Xiaobei, the use of gray stone in this way is tantamount to violent things.

Be aware that even the gray stone that is broken to the extreme can be used to create a real space!

However, even if it is known that it is a violent thing, Wei Xiaobei has to do the work of decomposing the gray stone.

The reason is very simple. Wei Xiaobei needs a step-by-step experiment to improve his understanding of the mysteries of space.

If you use the gray boundary stone to test directly, then it is the real violent thing, one careless, a whole gray stone will be scrapped!



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