The City of Terror

Chapter 1103: Perceptual attribute enhancement

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The decomposition of the gray boundary stone into a powder, used to refine the storage magic weapon, not only has the opportunity to refine the storage magic weapon, but also to enhance their understanding of the mystery of space.

In this case, it is definitely more cost-effective than using the whole gray boundary stone.

At the time of Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the image of the gray boundary stone is extremely blurred, just like a cloud of clouds, like a pile of mud.

Of course, only Wei Xiaobei can see such a pattern. If it is replaced by other people, the gray stone is a black stone.

However, if you want to break down this gray stone, you need to see through the shape of the gray stone.

Still a little vague, Wei Xiaobei Jiao gathers his eyesight. After watching it for a while, he couldn't help but sigh and close his eyes. His right hand was soft on the eyelids a few times.

To say that Wei Xiaobei’s current eyesight, reading novels, even the small number of fourteen, watching a few days and nights, the eyes will not be a little red and swollen.

Can look at the gray stone, just watched for less than half an hour, Wei Xiaobei felt a bit stinging.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this is a phenomenon after the eyesight has been running to the extreme. If you look at it again, these eyes may not be used in the next few hours, even if Wei Xiaobei’s resilience is incomparable. is also like this.

As a result, you can only improve the perceptual properties.

Wei Xiaobei thought for a while and made a decision.

After a blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention to the property panel.

The evolution point is 81560 points.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has not been wasting the evolution point before he can accumulate so many evolution points.

The perceptual attribute is already 90 points. After the main attribute exceeds 80 points, for every main attribute of 0.01, it takes 40 evolution points.

Then first raise the perceived attribute to 100 points.

Wei Xiaobei's attention is focused on the perceptual attributes.

Needless to say, the whole process of upgrading attributes is not necessary.

In just one minute, the perceived attribute increased from 90 to 100, while the evolutionary point consumed 40,000!

It must be said that the consumption of this 40,000 evolution point is worthwhile.

After the perceived attribute is raised to 100 points, Wei Xiaobei, who has his eyes closed, feels that his feelings about the surroundings are a little different.

Even with his eyes closed, Wei Xiaobei can feel the surrounding environment.

Of course, similar effects can be achieved after starting the induction or electromagnetic field.

But this time it was different. Wei Xiaobei was able to see a hint of grayish white mist filled in the air. These grayish white mists hovered in the air, and even when someone passed by, the gray mist would penetrate into these people's bodies. Disappear.

this is?

Gray atmosphere?

Well, to be honest, if it is not the change that the perceived attribute reaches 100 points, Wei Xiaobei really does not know that this gray atmosphere has invaded the reality.

This is different from the gray world that humans carry.

Of course, what kind of impact will this gray environment breathe after it invades the reality? Wei Xiaobei still needs research and research to know the answer.

Of course, after Wei Xiaobei’s perceived attribute reaches 100 points, what he can see is not just the gray world that wanders in the air.

There are also differences in humans.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, all kinds of creatures will have some light of various colors.

For example, Wei Xiaobei saw Zhao Guang, and there was a silvery glow in the outside of it, and the light on ordinary people was extremely thin, even almost invisible.

Wei Xiaobei knows that these brilliance is actually the embodiment of their strength.

Now, Wei Xiaobei can see the flames burning on the shoulders of humans and the top of his head.

The flames are suspended above their shoulders and overhead, with three different colors.

The flame on the top of the head is yellow, while the flame on the left shoulder is red and the right shoulder is green.

How does this thing look so strange?

And each person's three flames are also different, some people have more than one foot fire on the top of the head, but the left shoulder fire is only less than five inches, the right shoulder is less than three inches, and some people have only six inches of fire on the head, but the left shoulder flame There are more than nine inches, the right shoulder is only two inches and so on.

Wei Xiaobei’s mind swayed and began to summarize the rules.

The effect of the simultaneous operation of the four minds is quite horrible.

After a while, Wei Xiaobei recorded the number of fires of tens of thousands of people in the entire security base, and at the same time summarized the rules.

Wei Xiaobei discovered that the flames on the top of these human heads are basically related to age. If the elderly are old, then the flames on the top of the head will be shorter, and if they are children, then the flames on the top of the head will be longer. As for young adults, they are medium. The length, of course, there are also different situations, but the general rule is this.

As for their right shoulder flames, they seem to have something to do with their status. For example, Wei Xingwu, except for himself and Zhao Guang, has the highest number of fires in the security base, while Tian Yuwen is only here for Wei Xingwu. As for Wei Xingwu’s two deputies, Then it is a little shorter, and so on. In the security base, those ordinary citizens who are not waiting for the core disciples, and not the staff, the right shoulder flame is relatively short.

Of course, like the flames on the top, there are also some different examples.

As for the left shoulder fire, it is probably related to money. If the family is richer, the fire will be higher, and the family will be poorer, the fire will be lower, and so on.

After summing up these situations for a while, Wei Xiaobei’s heart has some clarity.

This is probably the three fires in the legend of Chinese mythology!

According to the legend of Huaxia mythology, this person began to have three flames on his shoulders at the beginning of his birth. This is the Fulu Shou three fires!

The fire is on the left shoulder and represents the blessing of this person. It also explains why some families seem to have poor economic conditions, but the flames on their left shoulders are relatively high. Blessing does not mean that there is more money and less money. Sometimes family harmony is also a blessing.

Of course, in the current situation, this kind of blessing is generally higher in households with economic conditions.

Lu Huo is located on the right shoulder, which represents the person's fame and fortune, which is why Wei Xingwu's right shoulder is so high. In this security base, Wei Xingwu's power is unimaginable to outsiders. .

Even if the strength is stronger than Wei Xingwu's core disciples, Wei Xingwu will be very respectful.

The flame at the top of the head is naturally a fire. This is relatively simple, which means that the remaining life of this person is still much, and how long it can live.

After understanding this, Wei Xiaobei looked at his shoulders and his head, and could not help but be a bit stunned. Unlike those human beings, there was no such fire on the top of his shoulders!

This is what made Wei Xiaobei shocked.

But Wei Xiaobei soon understood that it was either too strong, which made the Fulu Shou three fires not show up, or that they could not see their own Fushou three fires.

Well, no matter which explanation, Wei Xiaobei didn't care too much.

If you have a Fu Lu Shou three fires, then it should be very high.

I don't know how long I can live. I am in charge of Weijiadao. I have a lot of talents, my own strength and horror, etc. These things are gathered together, and it is a strange thing that Fulu Shou is not high.

But then again, after Wei Xiaobei raised the perceived attribute to 100 points, he opened his eyes and once again set his sights on the gray stone. What he saw was different from before.

At this time, the gray boundary stone is divided into three parts in Wei Xiaobei's eye. The outermost part is composed of a layer of granular space debris. Inside is a mass of space debris like glass broken, but it is bigger. The innermost part is a touch of blue light.

It is not an easy task to separate the gray stone of such a structure.

In short, Wei Xiaobei has no suitable tools on hand.

After testing a variety of tools, even after taking a large gun to test, Wei Xiaobei had to give up the external tools.

Don't look at this gray stone in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the structure looks very loose, but for these tools, the stability of the gray stone structure is unimaginable to outsiders.

Using these tools to break down the gray stone is like using a common wooden knife to break the diamond apart.

Closed his eyes, Wei Xiaobei thought about it in his mind, and figured out how to break down the problem of this gray stone.

According to the seven-seven woman, if you want to break down the gray stone, either the hardness exceeds it or the sharpness exceeds it.

Well, this sentence, falling into the ear, I am afraid it is not so well explained.

But Wei Xiaobei knows the meaning of this sentence.

After thinking for more than half an hour, Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes and his eyes focused on the gray stone. Then he extended his finger and gently clicked on the gray stone.

At this time, a true mercury mixed with current infiltrated from the tip of Wei Xiaobei, and in the blink of an eye, under the control of Wei Xiaobei, it turned into a sharp silver wire, which was covered with a layer of electro-optic Then he went down to the gray stone.

Just at the moment when the silvery silk touched the gray stone, a sharp whistling sound came out!

For a moment, people in the entire security base heard this scream.

Some people with weaker bodies stunned after hearing this scream, and those who were in the gray world felt that their ears were very uncomfortable. Only Zhao Guang reacted and rushed over here. .

Fortunately, the two ordinary people standing outside the door were not affected by the scream. They stood straight outside the door and saw Zhao Guang coming over and hurriedly stopped Zhao Guang.

"Can my second uncle have something?"



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