The City of Terror

Chapter 1121: Soul dissipation

However, they do not mean that they can get the most food, and it is not long before a nearby vine plant spreads its cane.

With only a light pumping, the poisonous grass was knocked over and frightened and fled.

Of course, in Wei Xiaobei's view, if these mutant carnivorous plants continue to evolve and mutate, it is probably the weak poisonous grass that can finally rule this small desert island.

The reason is simple. Although they can't get the most food, they are very fast, and every hunt can get enough food to keep them going.

After all, the food that this small desert island can supply to them is limited, the birds that occasionally land, the fish and crabs that are washed up on the beach, and so on.

As a result, as time goes by, the powerful mutant carnivorous plants have died, and this type of small size survives by its own ability to reproduce and rob the food.

Of course, this is just one of the many huntings that have happened on the small desert island.

For Wei Xiaobei, this is just a little bit of adjustment in the work.

At a glance at the carnivorous plants that are vying for food, Wei Xiaobei turned a bit of attention back to the gray stone on his hand.

It should be almost the same. Wei Xiaobei recalled the plan he had set up before, and after confirming that there was no problem, even with his right hand extended, the index finger gently tapped toward the black gray stone.

Wei Xiaobei once created a space, but because of his unfamiliarity with the mysteries of space, he almost couldn’t get out of it.

However, the process of creating that failure did give Wei Xiaobei a little experience.

To know that doing anything, the experience gained after practice will probably be the next guarantee of success.

For things that have never been done, people will be a little unconfident, even fearful, causing unnecessary negligence and causing things to fail.

And with some experience, you can know where to improve the mistakes, and thus increase the success rate.

At least, the current Wei Xiaobei knows how to motivate the gray boundary stone to activate the space power contained in it.

The key point here is the blue light at the center of the gray stone!

That point of blue light is called chaotic gas by the Seven Sis, which is said to be the root of creating space.

Wei Xiaobei did not understand how the blue light and the chaos of the air were pulled up. This is not the problem that Wei Xiaobei can now study.

Let's start by creating the space. Wei Xiaobei's finger has already fallen on the gray stone. A silver-white true mercury is mixed with electro-optic light from the fingertips, twisting through the gray boundary stone. The space debris shell spread toward the blue light at that point.

Undoubtedly, for Wei Xiaobei, it is an extremely difficult process for real mercury to spread to the position of the blue light.

In the process of the spread of true mercury, even if Wei Xiaobei controlled it finely, the real mercury could not avoid colliding with those dense space debris.

And this collision will inevitably consume real mercury.

There are too many space debris that make up the gray stone shell, and the real mercury has to collide with hundreds of space debris during the rest of the day.

This makes the real mercury in Wei Xiaobei's body like a balloon with a hole, which is consumed at a very fast speed.

Fortunately, the whole process took a long time. After the five interest, a silver wire formed by real mercury hit the blue light.


Wei Xiaobei only heard the sound of the sound of the soul level, like a thunderstorm in nine days, shaking his head and numb.

Then the blue light in the gray stone of the group quickly became dazzling.

it's time!

Wei Xiaobei’s heart sighed silently, and then he sank his heart and drove his mind, as if the moth was burning like a fire, the blue light that burned like the sun hit the past.

it hurts!

This is a kind of process. Wei Xiaobei is not very clear. He can only see that he has collided with a blue sun. The pain that comes from the next moment is completely manifested in the soul level. on.

This kind of pain is indescribable. If a person has a migraine attack, a splitting headache, and a painful direct impact on the wall to alleviate the pain, then Wei Xiaobei should suffer more than a thousand times more pain.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that if such pain is unbearable, then it will fail directly.

Forcing the pain, Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes, or it should be the heart and began to feel everything in the blue light.

This is a necessary step. If you want to create space, you have to master this blue light. Otherwise, even if space is created, this space will not be controlled by yourself. It will happen that Wei Xiaobei was almost trapped in the first time. The tragedy inside.

This is completely a kind of tormentation. It is as if you know that it will be very painful to reach into the oil pan, but you need to reach out and write a thousand words in the oil pan...

Probably this means.

Wei Xiaobei is almost in this state at this time. The mind has already sunk into the blue light and suffers from continuous pain. However, it is necessary to slowly feel everything in this blue light, thus leaving his own brand of heart.

This process is short, absolutely not short, at least in Wei Xiaobei's own feelings, it seems to be the same as ten years and eight years, but to say long, the time passed in reality is only less than ten minutes.

Chaos, this is Wei Xiaobei's initial understanding of everything in Blu-ray.

But in fact, Wei Xiaobei can receive a lot of information every moment.

These pieces of information are fascinating, and Wei Xiaobei can't describe exactly what this information is.

If you use Wei Xiaobei's four minds to receive this information, Wei Xiaobei's end is probably only one, the brain slams into a white pulp and splashes everywhere.

However, Wei Xiaobei, who entered the blue light with his heart, did not want to end this sad reminder. It was like being filled with ducks and forced to fill in this information.

In this regard, the guy with a little bit of willpower will probably give up.

Finally, the information that forced into the Wei Xiaobei heart **** disappeared like the tide.

Wei Xiaobei also sighed for a while, and had to say that after the information was stopped, Wei Xiaobei felt as if he was walking in the ice and snow for a whole day and soaked in the hot springs as comfortable and warm.

After the ultimate pain disappears, even if there is no change, it will feel comfortable and the soul will tremble.

At this time, in the feeling of Wei Xiaobei's heart, the blue light has disappeared, and he is in a world of extreme darkness and dullness.

Wei Xiaobei can feel that there is nothing here, and there is nothing in the air. If it is a metaphor, it should be empty than vacuum.

If the only thing that exists, Wei Xiaobei feels that it is time. As time goes by, Wei Xiaobei can feel that his heart is being weakened a little.

This is an inevitable phenomenon. The mind is actually part of the soul of Wei Xiaobei. In such an empty and incomparable place, the soul will gradually dissipate.

To put it simply, if the soul of Wei Xiaobei is not strong enough, then it will take time, and the souls of ordinary humans have probably been dissipated.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that an important moment has arrived.


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