The City of Terror

Chapter 1122: Successfully created

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This makes Wei Xiaobei want to maintain this connection, the soul will be in a dissipated state at the cost.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood one thing.

That is after the Chinese mythology Pangu open the world, for Mao did not enjoy the benefits of creating the world, but fell back to a fallen end!

Probably the reason is here.

Only when I started, I lost 5 soul strengths. I think that the process of creating the world and creating the world, the consumption of the period is unimaginable.

Since there is no way to recover, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time, drank two world sap, slightly restored some spirits, and calmed down the feeling of dizziness, and then sinked again.

This time, Wei Xiaobei entered the uncreated space very easily. The few meters below his feet was the earthen group that had stopped expanding.

Wei Xiaobei’s mind has a corresponding form in this uncreated space.

Kicked the clay ball under the kick.

Compared with the soil in reality, the feeling of this earthen group to Wei Xiaobei is thick, cold, hard, and completely free of the softness that the earth should have.

This is pure soil, no moisture, making it not soft, no fire, making it cold and cold.


Wei Xiaobei's heart thought, and even a little crystal clear water droplets formed on the top of the head. The water droplets expanded like the previous soil particles and quickly became a water mass.

When it was more than one meter in diameter, the water mass fell and passed through the changing body of Wei Xiaobei, and squatted on the earthen group.

The water quickly immersed in the soil and softened the soil, which should be called mud.


This time, the fire generated by Wei Xiaobei appeared directly in the soft mud, and the incredible flame caused the invisible water vapor on the mud.


Those steams cooperate to produce a little wind, forming the air that surrounds the mud.

At the moment when the air was formed, Wei Xiaobei’s mind could no longer support it and retreated.


Wei Xiaobei did not open his eyes this time and went straight backwards.

He is too tired, and the consequences of the rapid decline of the soul's strength are directly reflected in his body, his body is weak, and even his mind is about to stop.

Struggling to check out the properties panel.

Soul strength 180!

Hey, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but **** a cold air.

Fortunately, the time to withdraw yourself, if the soul strength fell again, the consequences may be unimaginable.

Of course, with the four basic elements of the earth and water fire, a very simple mutual cycle process is formed, that is, the space is initially created successfully.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei is trying to drop some soul strength and I am afraid that he will not withdraw.

Since the space has been initially created, Wei Xiaobei has not continued to struggle with the intense vertigo that has been constantly coming from his mind. He simply relaxes in the whole body and suddenly wakes up in a blink of an eye.

Wei Xiaobei fell asleep comfortably, perhaps because he was too tired, and the snoring sound he had when he slept had a feeling of shaking the ground.

The snoring sound quickly spread out of the small valley and wandered around the small desert island.

The intense snoring caused the attention of those carnivorous plants on the island.

Obviously, if these carnivorous plants on the small desert island want to get enough food, they need enough perceptibility besides the motive force that can take the initiative.

Usually, ordinary plants collect information from the outside world mainly from light, and these carnivorous plants should come from airflow and even smell, sound and so on.

Wei Xiaobei’s snoring soon led to some carnivorous plants.

These carnivorous plants saw a food lying on the ground, where they could endure and attacked Wei Xiaobei.

Spiked, bomb fruit and even poisonous fog, etc., whistling away toward Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei, who was sleeping, was not aware of the arrival of these attacks.

In a twinkling of an eye, the place where Wei Xiaobei is located has become a big pit. Wei Xiaobei is lying at the bottom of the big pit, and the bottom of the pit is covered with large and small spikes.

If Wei Xiaobei’s defense is not enough, then he will die and die.

However, under such an attack, Wei Xiaobei, who was sleeping, was stimulated to a little bit awake. He opened his eyes and looked at the sharp spikes around him. He probably understood what was going on.

At this time, those carnivorous plants are relying on the roots to rush to the side, like a group of hungry wolves who have been hungry for three days and saw a meaty bone with a seductive scent.

I have to say that such a group of strange carnivorous monsters rushed over, it seems quite scary.

If you switch to an ordinary human being, I am afraid that I have been scared by my hands and feet and I can’t move.

However, in front of Wei Xiaobei, these carnivorous plants are nothing at all.

After releasing a little pressure, the carnivorous plants stopped in the same place, shivering and never dare to move forward.

It should be said that these carnivorous plants look quite powerful, but the actual biological level is only two degrees of ordinary level. In the face of the four-star terror of Wei Xiaobei, these carnivorous plants are completely equivalent to encountering irresistible natural enemies. .


Wei Xiaobei sighed lightly, although those carnivorous plants couldn't understand Huaxia, but Wei Xiaobei directly reached the soul level, letting these carnivorous plants turn and flee.

As those carnivorous plants escaped, Wei Xiaobei could no longer support it, and once again fell down and slumbered.

Since then, those carnivorous plants have never dared to approach the valley.

The previous experience left an indelible mark of terrible memories in their poor memories, making them tremble and unable to control the body as soon as they approached the valley.

It is not surprising that these carnivorous plants are actually quite different from ordinary plants in some ways.

They have more flexible mobility and a small amount of memory, which makes them known as primates in the plant world!

Or, in addition to some of the characteristics of plants, they are somewhat similar to animals.

Wei Xiaobei slept for a month.

During the period, Zhu Xinyi took a few teachers and sisters to the island to visit Master. It was shocked to see Master in this state.

Master can't wake up? But the signs are normal and the breathing is gentle, just like sleeping.

After Zhu Xinyi discovered this, he hurriedly notified Tu Qingqing.

Although in some places, Zhu Xinyi feels that he is not worse than Tu Qingqing, but in this seemingly mysterious thing, Zhu Xinyi also knows that Tu Qingqing is an expert.

After receiving the notice from Zhu Xinyi, Tu Qingqing flew straight from Weijia Island on a white cloud.

Well, to be honest, this disciple, Zhu Xinyi and other disciples are still seeing for the first time.

Seeing a white cloud with a green smear falling from the sky, Zhu Xinyi saw a lot of market, how much can still be calm, Yang's sister, Cheng Dalong and other disciples have been mouths are about to fall down.

Tsing Yi, feet on the clouds, the gods!

"I have seen the lady!"

Zhu Xinyi's crisp voice awakened everyone, and the disciples rushed to follow the master sister to see the ceremony, but also concealed their previous discomfort.


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