The City of Terror

Chapter 1123: Mud

Those so-called abandoned places are not talking about playing.

Once the country of Qingqiu and the gray world are combined into one, then the final end is that the aura is exhausted and it is abandoned.

After listening to Tu Qingqing's words, Wei Xiaobei pondered for a moment, calculated some, and reached a conclusion.

In the understanding of the mystery of space, it takes at least five years to reach the level that can separate the country of Qingqiu from the gray world!

The question is, can the country of Qingqiu still wait five years?

"It only takes five years? You are awesome!"

After Tu Qingqing listened to Wei Xiaobei’s answer, a rare surprise came.

Well, in fact, the time of the Qingqiu country and the gray world is one, at least 50 years!

Of course, in the eyes of the Qingqiu family, fifty years is very short.

After winning the promise of Wei Xiaobei, Tu Qingqing did not continue to disturb Wei Xiaobei, but stepped back to Weijia Island.

As the mother of Weijiadao, Tu Qingqing has a lot to deal with, especially when Wei Xiaobei is the treasurer.

After Tu Qingqing left, Wei Xiaobei slightly reminisced about what happened in the cave before, forcibly calmed down the idea of ​​anchoring around and focused on the gray stone.

After successfully creating the small space, the blue light at the center of the gray stone has disappeared. The whole gray stone is only the volume of the previous two-fifths, and as time goes by, this gray The boundary stone is also gradually disintegrating, and fine gravel is continuously peeled off from its surface.

It is not surprising that the gray boundary stone can maintain the minimum volume by relying on that point of blue light. Once the blue light is controlled by Wei Xiaobei and transformed into the starting point for creating space, then the remaining gray boundary stone has no core attached.

Of course, if this gray stone is disintegrated into a pile of space, then Wei Xiaobei’s loss is not small.

You know, although these space graves can still be used to refine the magic of storage, they have lost the benefits of being able to expand space.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei's heart sinks and he enters the space he created.

To say that this space is small, but it is actually not too small.

The whole is a sphere with a diameter of about 30 meters. The mud ball inside is 10 meters in diameter, and a circle of air surrounded by water vapor and the like is wrapped around the mud ball.

Well, if you have to describe it, it is probably similar to the earth.

To put it simply, if Wei Xiaobei needs it, he can probably store more than 2,000 cubic meters of material in this space.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei created such a space, not just to use it as a storage magic weapon.

Wei Xiaobei is watching the situation of this space from the inside out.

After reviewing the interest rate, Wei Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, which was more in line with his expectations.

The whole space situation performed well, but the space volume was too small, making the whole space in a state of slow operation.

Simply put, this is slightly similar to what is in the storage ring.

Of course, in essence, the two are different.

The space in the storage ring is a completely solidified space, and the reason why its storage space can exist is its coagulation.

The space created by Wei Xiaobei is almost solidified, but it is actually in a state of motion.

The flame in the mud ball constantly turns the water into steam and fills it in the air, and the water vapor in the air condenses on the surface of the mud ball because of the temperature drop, thus forming an extremely simple circulation system.

After learning this, Wei Xiaobei looked for a moment in his mind, and then selected the mud ball as the main key point to further expand the space.


As Wei Xiaobei's heart **** gently drank, the mud ball grew rapidly.

As the mud ball continues to grow, in reality, the gray stone that is suspended in the hands of Wei Xiaobei has begun to shrink slowly.

When the gray stone narrowed to the previous half, Wei Xiaobei stopped the growth of the mud ball.

At this time, the diameter of the mud ball has been increased to 50 meters!

Undoubtedly, the simple growth of the mud ball is much less expensive for the gray boundary stone than when the space is created.

At this point, the thickness of the air layer on the surface of the mud ball has been thinned to less than five meters.

Looking at the status quo of the mud ball, Wei Xiaobei could not help but frown, it seems that something is not quite right.

Looking for a long time, Wei Xiaobei raised his brow.

It turned out to be the case.

I have forgotten myself.

If space exists in a circle, this utilization rate will undoubtedly be weakened a lot.


Then Wei Xiaobei began to trim the mud ball and stretch it like a plasticine.

Under the control of Wei Xiaobei's mind, the mud ball quickly became flat, and the edge extended outward, and soon a mud was formed.

Wei Xiaobei was a little embarrassed, and after stretching the mud, its vertical and horizontal is about three hundred meters, and its thickness is reduced to less than one meter!

To be precise, the mud of an area of ​​135 acres has a thickness of only about 72 centimeters.

Well, even Wei Xiaobei feels the instability of the space at this time.

Mud is the foundation of this space, and the thickness is too thin, which undoubtedly reduces the stability of the space.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei had to consume the last half of the gray stone to promote the thickness of the mud.

However, this also brought Wei Xiaobei an unexpected surprise.

According to the previous consumption ratio, the remaining half-grey stone can only double the thickness of the mud.

However, after the exhaustion of the gray stone was exhausted, the thickness of the mud was surprisingly increased to five meters!

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei could not help but feel a bit stunned, and even studied this problem.

After spending hours of brainpower, Wei Xiaobei confirmed that the shape of the space has different effects on the volume added after the consumption of graystone.

In simple terms, this influence is the weakest in the shape of the sphere and the strongest in the thin skin.

Of course, the shape of the sphere also has its own advantages, that is, the stability of the space is the highest!

As for the thin skin form, its spatial stability is the weakest. Even if Wei Xiaobei does not pay attention to it, this space has its own tendency to collapse.

However, even so, the benefits of this thin skin form were also recorded by Wei Xiaobei.

In fact, from the thinning of the thin skin to the development of the cuboid, this space should be extra extracted from the outside, so that the thickening of the thin skin exceeds expectations.

Of course, if you want to thoroughly study this issue, it’s not that Wei Xiaobei can do it now.

When the thickness of the mud is increased to five meters, the stability of the space is improved, but it is still in the mud state, so some black cracks still appear at the edge of the space.

This made Wei Xiaobei look a little black.

Those black cracks will naturally not be a good thing, that is, space cracks, and any space that appears in this space is not a good thing.

Fortunately, those space cracks did not continue to increase, but also showed the benefits of mud thickening.

Obviously, if you want to make the space more stable and let the space repair the cracks yourself, then you need more gray boundaries.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei took the mind out of the space, and then took out the gray stone that was collapsed and condensed from the lake from the storage ring.

Broken gray stone!

Light can be seen from the name, this gray stone formed by the collapse of Cuihu, its quality is much stronger than the previous gray stone.


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