The City of Terror

Chapter 1126: Biological chain

The poor road feels that you must lose weight! This summer, because of the hot weather, I don't like to move, I am hungry, and my weight has increased by fifteen pounds! Don't say it, let's exercise first!

Perhaps this grandson came a little late, and the guardian attached great importance to it. Every day, I personally cook and cook a variety of medicated diets.

Tu Qingqing is reluctant to accept it, and does not care about the taste of those medicated diets.

In the past few days, Wei Xiaobei, while accompanying Tu Qingqing, also took time to go to the northern part of Weijia Island to collect some ordinary trees and even mixed plants during the period.

A few days later, the animals that came from China’s miles, the insects finally arrived at the dock.

After Wei Xiaobei learned the news, he personally dispatched them into the special containers and collected all the animals and insects into the space.

As those animals and insects enter the space, the biological chain in the space begins to be established.

The lowest level of the chain is the variety of plants that bear the burden of supplying the most basic food.

The second chain is a variety of herbivorous organisms, including but not limited to aphids, rabbits and the like.

The third chain is a variety of carnivorous creatures, mainly birds of some insectivores, and two smaller pythons.

This is also a helpless thing.

To say that the more kinds of creatures in this bio-chain, the less likely it is to collapse, and the number of creatures that Weibei can afford now is extremely limited.

The grasses in the space can only bear a hundred rabbits and insects, and the supply of two pythons to a hundred rabbits is also the limit.

After all, the area of ​​the earth in the space is only one square kilometer.

But then again, with the entry of these creatures, the speed of space growth has indeed improved a lot.

As for the management of space, the heart that formed the fireball is probably accompanied by a mind. The management is well organized and the place is dry. It immediately drives the rain clouds to rain in the past, and occasionally spawns some lightning to form enough nitrogen compounds. To increase the growth rate of plants and so on.

It can be said that with that heart in the space, as long as Wei Xiaobei does not act indiscriminately, this space can grow slowly.

Of course, for this reason, Wei Xiaobei’s investment is not too small.

There are not many graystones to say, and a permanent loss of mind has really made Wei Xiaobei feel some pain.

You know, even if it is Wei Xiaobei, it is not an easy task to split your mind again.

That is to take the risk of being a big one. If you are not careful, you will become an idiot.

At the same time, losing one mind, so that the remaining three minds need to spend more time when dealing with the same thing, this naturally does not have to be questioned.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei does not have to use most of his mind to study the mysteries of space as before.

However, the creation of space for Wei Xiaobei, the biggest advantage is that its own security has been greatly improved!

If you think about it, you will know that if you encounter any danger and cannot resist it, you can enter the space directly.

Even when Weijia Island encounters an insurmountable danger, it is possible to send the people of Weijiadao into the space.

However, if you want to do the latter, Wei Xiaobei still needs to work hard. After all, the space is only a little big. If you want to accommodate the current population of Weijia Island, temporarily accommodate a few days, prepare some food, if you want To stay in it for a long time, space must have enough space to provide food.

Of course, even now, Wei Xiaobei is quite satisfied with the space.

With the initial establishment of the biological chain in the space, the various animals, the corpses of the plants rot in the soil, the fertilizers made by lightning, etc., also make the soil in the space gradually become fertile.

Wei Xiaobei even dug a small pond in the space, pour some world sap into the rain and pour it into it, which led to those creatures rushing to grab food.

After eating the world sap, Wei Xiaobei found that the meat quality of these creatures seems to have become quite delicious. Of course, the most important problem here is that as the world sap falls, the growth rate of space is temporary. The number has increased a lot.

Although this temporary surge has ended in just a few minutes, it also allows Wei Xiaobei to see another way to improve the space!

Well, if you can, Wei Xiaobei would like to move the altar of youthful spring water into the space.

I want to come to the youthful spring water altar will give the space a lot of growth.

However, the current spring water altar is placed in the plantation. If it is moved, it will affect the growth of crops in the plantation.

This can only wait a second.

In addition to these things, Wei Xiaobei finally regretted that when he entered the world tree gray world, why did he forget to break a world tree branch!

What would happen if you put the world tree branches in your own space?

Wei Xiaobei is not very clear, but he understands that there are probably many benefits.

Of course, if you need it, Wei Xiaobei doesn't mind running another Nordic!

I have to say that there are quite a few treasures in the world of tree ash.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei spent most of his time with his wife.

Well, women, before pregnancy and after pregnancy, are completely different creatures! Wei Xiaobei Quotations

This sentence is the conclusion that Wei Xiaobei accompanied Tu Qingqing to go to Guodu Island for a few days.

It can be said that Tu Qingqing before pregnancy is basically a model of a woman, Xianhui is gentle and generous, on the hall, under the kitchen, the bed is very

After pregnancy, it seems to have returned to the era of little girls, from time to time spoiled, occasionally arrogant, and even some unreasonable demands, so Wei Xiaobei feels a headache.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also painful and happy.

Some of the leisure time, Wei Xiaobei is used in the research space.

Let's just say that a relatively perfect and growing space can bring a lot of space mystery to Wei Xiaobei.

This is naturally not a joke.

In just three months, Wei Xiaobei's understanding of space is leaps and bounds.

Just as Wei Xiaobei was immersed in the mystery of space and the funeral of the mortuary, a series of news came, and Wei Xiaobei was blown out from inside.

Kyoto Prefecture in the Eastern Shu Kingdom is one of the three most economically developed places in Dongpu, and it is home to the Dongpu branch of most of the world's top 500 companies.

It can be said that if there is something big here, then the whole world economy will be affected by a small shock.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, it was the opening of Dongpu Nightlife.

In the famous street of the bar, some of the white-collar workers with their faces were blushing, and the white-collar workers who were well-dressed were walking around, sang unspoken songs in their mouths, completely disappeared from the company's style, and escaped from the alcoholic spirits.

For them, after a day of fatigue, drink a little wine, play around the glamorous bar owner, then go home with a smoked, take a bath, sleep, what a wonderful thing工具

Don't even think about the need to get up early tomorrow, carrying a briefcase to squeeze the subway.

While enjoying the nightlife, these white-collar workers have become bohemian.

"Sir, sir commonly!"

By the afterglow of the sun, a tall, charming girl appeared in front of the white-collar workers, greeting these white-collar workers.

"Josie, is a beautiful girl, is there anything?"

One of the white-collar workers, who looked like a middle-aged man with a drink, looked at the girl's exquisite figure and asked.

"Mr., don't know how to go in the autumn town?"

The girl seems to be blushing by this group of white-collar workers, asking for a bit of shame.

"Akimachi, I know, need me to take you there?"

The middle-aged man laughed haha.

"Is it really ok? Thank you so much."

After getting a positive reply from the middle-aged man, the girl was happy to go forward, and her hands were on the right arm of the middle-aged man. The softness was placed on his right arm, and the middle-aged man had almost exploded on the spot with his mind. .

"Feng Chenjun, you go well, remember the way home."

The other white-collar workers said goodbye to the Toyotomi with a tone of laughter.

In the eyes of these white-collar workers, this Fengchenjun is a good luck today, and he has encountered such a beautiful girl. It seems that Toyotomi may not be able to go home tonight.

Middle-aged men and girls walked in the direction of Qiuxiamachi, so that a colleague was quite envious and hateful.

But no matter how envious and hateful, life has to continue, work has to continue, and after a good start, the white-collar workers will go home after the farewell, and there is no need to mention more.

The next morning, white-collar workers got up from home and ate their wife's elaborate breakfast, carrying a briefcase, crowding the subway, bus, and reporting to the company.

It was not until 10 am that these white-collar workers discovered a problem.

Consistently following the company system, never late to leave early, Feng Chenjun, who insists on working overtime, is rare late today.

No, not late, but never been there!

The head of the class was a little angry to call the phone of Toyotomi. Today, the company has a large client who needs to receive it. As the backbone of the business, Toyotomi Xiaoji is an indispensable important receptionist.

But this guy is not coming to work now, nor has he called back a phone call. Is it dead? ! !

The head of the class made a curse while screaming at the same time.

"Bastard!! Toyotomi! What are you doing?!! Don't you know that it is time for work? The customer is coming! You will come right away! Otherwise! You will not be used!"

As soon as the phone was connected, the anger of the class leader suddenly vented the past, and the loud roar almost made the white-collar workers who were eavesdropping scared.

You must know that with the usual character of the class leader, you will be so angry and angry that it is obvious that Toyotomi Xiaoji did anger him.

However, when the class leader’s voice fell, the phone came with a strange voice: “Sorry, interrupt, introduce yourself, I am Yamada’s near the Kyoto Police Department. This phone number is your mouth. What?" To be continued.


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