The City of Terror

Chapter 1127: Island catastrophe

In fact, these chapters are not meant to vent their dissatisfaction, but to have a deep meaning. Everyone knows that this is a parallel overhead world, hehe.


After the end of the call, the head of the class feels bad.

Toyotomi Xiaoji is really dead. According to the opposite police officer Yamada, in the early morning hours, the cleaning workers in Qiuxiamachi found a headless body with a briefcase next to it...

There is no doubt that 80% of this headless body may be Toyotomi Xiaoji.

Did you actually kill him?

Well, in fact, the headmaster has fallen into a state of mental paralysis.

In any case, Toyotomi Xiaoji, who enjoyed Yanfu last night, turned into a headless body today. The news spread in the company and suddenly caused a storm.

Last night, after I went to work with Fengchen Xiaoji, I went to the drunken colleagues and I was stunned. Not to mention the police department came to ask people to ask about last night’s things. They only said that this headless body is for white-collar workers living in a peaceful environment. Words, this shock is a bit big.

It is not to mention the frightening emotions of the family of Toyotomi Xiaoji to identify the body. The Kyoto City News also advertised this horrific news as the key news of the Evening News.

For the citizens of Kyoto County, the news in the newspapers is horrifying, but for them, it is the talks at the dinner table, and they have not entered their lives, just like watching a horror film, but after watching it, It’s gone, there’s nothing to pay attention to.

Indeed, in their view, the poor Toyotomi Xiaoji probably encountered a sinister gangster, and those gangsters would not be arrested by the police for a long time and sent to prison.

Other than that, there is nothing to worry about.

But the same case soon happened again.

"Uncle, I don't know how to go in the autumn town, can you take me there?"

A delicate and lovely girl, with two high-pitched ponytails, pouting, asked with a cute expression to a drunken white-collar man.

Hey, it’s Le, this is my own dish! Come to the three-dimensional two-dimensional beautiful girl?

The alcoholic white-collar worker immediately contacted this lovely girl in front of him with a certain manga that he had just seen.

"No, no problem, this area is very familiar with me, I will take you there."

At this time, the sky is already very dim, except for the street lights on the roadside, the sun's afterglow has disappeared.

If the alcoholic white-collar worker does not drink so much alcohol and his brain is slightly awake, you can see the few knuckles that are hidden behind the girl....


"Brother, I don't have the money to take the car, can you take me there?"

The lovely girl was wearing, and the two white-legged thighs almost drove the eyes of Tengjilang driving the car.

"No problem, no problem, helping others is my virtue."

Although I didn’t drink because of driving, the girl’s weird body fragrance made Tengjilang drunk, and opened the door without worry. I didn’t notice the strange friction sound from the girl when I got on the bus. It was like a hard object. The sound that rubs together with the metal.


In just one week, there were twelve headless bodies in three towns under the Kyoto County!

It can be said that the senior police officers of the Kyoto County Police Station felt a headache at this time.

Suddenly, a serial murder and corpse case suddenly attracted a media reporter with a sensitive sense.

A large number of reporters were crowded at the police station. As soon as police officers appeared, they would squeeze in and desperately want to put the microphone into the mouth of police officers to get the news that they wanted to know.

Of course, the media reporters are good to deal with, and the biggest headache for police officers is that these headless bodies are extremely tricky!

It is said that the face of the murderer is depicted through monitoring and contact with the description of the crowd.

If you switch to the past, you only need to enter it into the database. If you compare it, you can find the suspect's information.

But this time it can't be done, there is no suspect information in the database!

The most terrible thing is that although the modus operandi are almost identical, the faces of each suspect are different!

This is like a unified criminal organization, in which members of the group go into battle and commit crimes.

Of course, the police also suspected that the suspect used makeup techniques to cover up his true identity.

But before catching the suspect, everything is nothing.

In order to catch the suspects as soon as possible and prevent more citizens from being poisoned, after a series of arrangements, the police sent a bait group!

The so-called bait group is actually to let the newcomer who just graduated from the police school act as the target of the suspect's attack, and make a plan to seize the criminal!

The reason why new people are chosen is because the new faces are not easy to cause doubts.

On the first night of the implementation of the bait plan, the suspect was hooked, but the problem was that the plan failed.

When the new person acting as a bait was exposed to the arrest of the suspect, he was forcibly taken away by the other party and eventually killed.

Of course, after paying a life, the Kyoto Police Department is not without gain.

In the monitoring arranged by the police, it can be clearly seen that when the newcomer pistols out, reveals his identity, and makes the other party squat, the suspect suddenly turns into a spider body! Zhang mouth spit out a white silk, will entangle the newcomer, and then walk away!

When the police found a new person, it naturally became a headless body.

Dongpu people naturally have an understanding of the ghost legends of their own country.

When I saw this video, someone spoke a word with horror: "Sister Luo!"

The so-called new woman Luo is actually the so-called spider essence of Dongpu. It is a woman form during the day. At night, it will show the original shape of spider essence. It is most like to seduce men, absorb the blood of the other party, and even treat each other's head as delicious. .

Among the most famous legends in Dongpu, the danger of the bride is undoubtedly the ghost in front!

You must know that there are so many ghost legends in the East, and there is nothing more to say. The monsters that are enshrined in the temples are more than 100,000 according to incomplete statistics.

And this mistress can be placed in the front position, which shows its danger.

Of course, these problems should be the study of the ghost research experts.

However, for the Kyoto police, after discovering the identity of the suspect, there are some Spartans.

Is the bride Luo?

Well, the police officer who is a little middle-aged is really not sure what this is. Instead, the young police officers, young people who like to read comics, understand this.

After some popular science, the top of the Kyoto police finally understood what the so-called bride Luo is!

A legendary monster? ! !

Now it is a technology society!

Although the top executives want to anger the whimsy of the young police officers, the problem is that the suspects in the surveillance video should not be normal humans no matter what direction they look at!

Although Dongpu was not affected by the previous monsters, it did not affect their knowledge of what happened in other countries.

Even in the beginning, they still had some sneak peeks in their hearts. There is no doubt that when there are various monsters in other countries, and there are no monsters in Dongpu, Dongpu has undoubtedly become a rare safe place in the world.

Only from the international hot money in recent years has continued to flow into the East, so that the land price of Dongpu continues to soar, you can see the problem.

but now! Did the terrible monster finally appear in Dongpu?

The high-ranking Kyoto police officers who had come back to the scene finally had to report the incident as a report.

As everyone knows, such a strange theory is not very popular at the top of the East, and these legends are considered by them to be the dross of history.

Therefore, after the report went up, for half a month, it did not attract the attention of senior officials.

On the contrary, the more and more headless cases of headless corpses have joined with new brothers and sisters.

A young male body lying on the door of a house is covered with needles all over the body, and blood almost flows out of these needles.

This sudden new case finally made the people in Kyoto County discover that the horror tragedy in the newspapers was suddenly so close to themselves!

According to a media report, the body was the owner of the house, and the entire incident was inferred by the media.

Probably the man was drinking home and was attacked when he got out of the door and took out the keys!

Well, this conclusion came out, and the people who went out at night in Kyoto County suddenly fell by half.

To this end, the police have to step up patrols to alleviate the public's panic.

The problem is that no matter how the police increase their patrols, there are endless cases of headless corpses and pinholes.

Of course, the police’s efforts are not fruitless.

At least they found out what the suspect in the pinhole case might look like.

Through the monitoring of the dense streets, they found the suspect to be a woman with long hair.

Faces are completely obscured by the long hair that has been dragged on the ground, but this does not stop them from judging each other's identity.

It is also a monster!

Indeed, how can a normal human woman make hair as hard as steel, and in a flash the hair penetrates the victim's body like countless sharp needles and kills the victim.

At the same time, the case received by the Kyoto police also showed cases of victims escaping assassinations.

Simply put, the victim opened the door fortunately before the suspect waved his hair, hiding behind the door, and the seemingly indestructible hair could not pierce the thin wooden door!

Of course, this is a very strange phenomenon. You must know that in the arrest action carried out before the police, the police officers wearing bullet-proof vests were also stabbed into horses!

There is no doubt that only the wooden door with thick fingers is not the opponent of the bulletproof vest, but in front of the long hair of the monster, the wooden door is different than the bulletproof vest.

Ok, this question is not urgently needed to be discussed now.


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