The City of Terror

Chapter 1128: Toon

Dear friends, book friends, brothers and sisters, it is coming to the end of the month. The thick skin of the poor road is weak and asks, is there a monthly ticket?


The problem that the Kyoto police need to discuss is how to solve more and more monster victims.

At this point, even the most old-fashioned police executives have to admit this fact.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to rely on the power of the Kyoto police to solve these monsters.

You know, the police used the guns for the first time in the bait arrest of these monsters!

Although it is only a small-caliber police pistol, this police pistol has a fairly strong killing effect within 50 meters.

Five or six policemen fired with a pistol, and there was no problem in killing a black bear.

The problem is that in the bait arrest operation, the police officers used more than a dozen pistols to deal with a monster that turned into a spider, and they failed to kill them. They even let the other party dragged their wounds and fled.

This also made it impossible for the police to provide the physical committee to the relevant committee of Dongpu, thus losing the opportunity to initially control the situation!

After all, those of the senators are not seeing the role of rabbits and eagle. If they want to open their heads like granite, they must come up with evidence to convince them, not those surveillance videos that may be faked!

In just half a month, the scope of the monsters spread rapidly from Kyoto Prefecture to most of the land in Dongpu, covering more than 30 provincial-level administrative regions, which is 7:30 of the country of Dongpu.

Of course, the wide range of monsters hurting people has also contributed to the case.

That is, the report of the monster-injured people from all over the country has piled up the desks of the members of the relevant committee members.

At first, only the report of Kyoto County was not enough to attract the attention of the members of the parliament. However, when the 75% of the administrative regions of the country sent relevant reports, if these members of the parliament did not pay attention to them, it would not be what they were waiting for. Good thing.

However, when the members of the parliamentarians began to pay attention to this matter and mobilized relevant personnel to evaluate it, and finally took out the mobilization of the army to clean up the monsters, time passed another month.......

In this month, the number of monster wounding cases has increased to more than a million!

Even two provincial administrative districts have fallen and are occupied by powerful monsters!

According to some photos taken from the enemy-occupied areas and other intelligence, human beings have become the focus of the monsters in these fallen places.

Simply put, cooking techniques such as barbecues, stews, etc. are used by monsters on humans.

living hell!

This is the headline of a world-class media!

The pictures below are just a few of the monsters in the enemy-occupied area.


Suddenly the global public opinion is in vain!

Although many countries have also seen the chaos of monster tyranny, many people have lost their lives.

But these countries responded at least in time, suppressing most of the monster tyranny.

And this monster tyranny incident in Dongpu is completely because of the bad consequences caused by the high level of attention!

Of course, the most terrible problem is that monsters or monsters appearing in Dongpu seem to have higher intelligence than monsters in other countries!

This can be seen from the way they cook humans.

At least the use of fire, the ability to use some tools to create, they prove their wisdom is not low!

Even some monsters will actually pick up human guns and explore the use of these firearms!

This is the most shocking.

You know, even in the StarCraft in China, the star family, Stars, they have high-tech combat weapons, but they will never use the human weapons in reality!

They will only use their own weapons according to their own thinking, instead of learning to use real human weapons, it seems rather dull.

And now the Dongpu country has a monster with learning ability!

This really makes people feel a little afraid of future changes.

Even some media have put forward the proposal of the nuclear squad, which probably means annihilating the terrible disaster in the bud.

Of course, people with a little bit of brain will not agree with this suggestion.

I really put the Dongpu country to the nuclear level. What about nuclear pollution? Not everyone can go to Mars to take refuge?

If you think about the issue in more depth, it could lead to a nuclear war.

After all, before the nuclear bomb landed, no one knew where it might be.

When the nuclear bomb landed, it was late.

Of course, no matter how horrified the world is, the violent institutions in Dongpu have finally started under such stimuli.

In fact, the troops stationed in various places have long been involved in the battle with the monsters, but because there is no superior order, they can only narrow the scope of operations to the base.

Of course, this has also caused the people who have fled all over the country to concentrate on these military bases, and have also saved the lives of many citizens.

But what needs to be explained is that even if the local military is fully attacked, the situation in the East China is out of control.

Thirty percent of the administrative regions are already in complete chaos, and the national economy and so on have basically stopped.

In short, when Wei Xiaobei got the news, the situation in Dongpu has collapsed to the extreme!

You can use a sentence to describe the situation in Dongpu at this time, that is, the monsters sing triumphantly around the city!

The most sensational event in recent days was that the Eight Diagrams Serpent captured the Kyoto County, causing floods and flooding 60% of Kyoto County.

This incident forced the Supreme Council of Dongpu to evacuate Kyoto County urgently. At the same time, due to the fall of the capital, the entire Dongpu country further stepped into the lower lane of the collapse.

To put it simply, the prestige of the Supreme Council of Dongpu was lost in this incident, which led to the failure of local political orders.

The high-level military bases of some military bases refused to order from the Supreme Council, and they were busy with their own government and were busy building their own small kingdoms.

Another point is the blessing of the world financial system. At this stage, the world's hot money can escape from the East China country as if it were an escape.

No one is a fool. It used to be because the Dongpu country is safer, the money is put in, at least there is security. Now, is it that the money is swallowed up?

As a result, it has brought some benefits to Weijiadao and even to Resonia.

To put it simply, many international multinational group companies are preparing to set up branches in the country. It is important to know that although it is a relatively famous tourist destination, it is definitely not the investment that international multinational companies like. Resort.

After all, the industrial base of the country is a little bit worse. If the country is small, it is impossible to establish a perfect industrial system like those of the powerful countries.

But now, nothing compares to security.

Some big companies also want to relocate their headquarters.

This makes the land price of the island of the island of the country rise on the next day!

Even some large companies have also put in the idea of ​​several islands outside the Weijia Island.

Well, I have to say that their news is really well-informed. When Tu Qingqing was in charge of the Weijia Island, he had a little plan in this regard. After all, there are several islands outside Weijia Island, which have lower development value. If you are on a farm, it is difficult to maintain yourself.

This is an intolerable thing for Tu Qingqing, so it would be better to rent out these small islands.

At least around Weijia Island, the safety of these islands is guaranteed.

It’s just that after Tu Qingqing’s pregnancy, there is no follow-up to this matter.

Now, several big international companies have found the Prince of Maras, trying to get on the line through the hot Prince of the Prince and Weijiadao.

Is there a monster in Dongpu?

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei felt strange about the absence of monsters in Dongpu.

It is important to know that Dongpu State is in full compliance with the conditions of large-scale invasion of gray monsters.

First of all, Dongpu has a large population, and on such a few islands, it has more than 200 million people!

Besides, there are many legends of the gods and gods in the Eastern Kingdom. According to experts in this field, experts in this field have shown that there are more than eight million devils and monsters in the legend of the gods!

Well, so many gods and devils, plus enough people, there are no monsters to invade.

Now that Dongpu has this happening, Wei Xiaobei is relieved and has a bit of ecstasy.

This cannot be said that Wei Xiaobei is not generous enough to gloat over here. After all, Dong Haoguo has done too many **** things in these years. As a result, there is nothing wrong with gloating.

Of course, those companies that attempted to get some light, Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention to it, completely decentralized to Zhu Xinyi to deal with.

With Zhu Xinyi's current ability, there should be no problem in dealing with these things.

Of course, for now, it is impossible to enter Weijia Island.

In the past few months, the population of Weijia Island has already broken through 10,000!

According to the number of citizens who have migrated from Cuihu City, I am afraid that within half a year, the population of Weijia Island will reach the limit of 20,000 people!

After all, although Weijiadao is considered to be a big island, its area is only over 20 square kilometers!

More than 20 square kilometers will be removed from plantations, northern forests and other places, and the places available for human habitation will be less than ten square kilometers.

As a result, the physiological population density on Weijia Island will reach 2,000 people per square kilometer!

This population density is not too small, you know, the population density of some large cities is also this degree.

It should be noted that the annual consumption of human rations should be around 270 kg, which does not include vegetables, cooking oil or even meat.

That is to say, 20,000 people need 2,700 tons of food per year!

Of course, due to the existence of the youthful spring water altar, the Weijiadao plantation makes the annual grain output more than 10,000 tons.

But there is a considerable part of it that needs to be used to feed livestock and poultry, and the other part is subsidized for household use. As a result, 20,000 people are the limit.


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