The City of Terror

Chapter 1129: Love

This chapter is actually a little bit of the thing after the protagonist has been cool before, and if it is not finished, it is estimated that the poor road will smash the keyboard.


In any case, Wei Xiaobei has generated a lot of interest in Dongpu, a large-scale invasion of monsters.

I don't know how strong the monsters in the legends of the Dongpu gods will be.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was accompanying his wife on a yacht, holding a fishing rod and enjoying a rare free time on the sea.

However, because the attention was too concentrated on the things of Dongpu, the fish in the hands of Wei Xiaobei were almost towed away by a big fish.

After rushing to pull the big fish hard, Wei Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief. If the fish were towed away, then the face of his own generation of fishing masters was thrown away.

You must know that this yacht is not only Tu Qingqing, but also the old lady, the younger brother and sister, and even the self-discipline and Tu Qingqing.

"Wow! The teacher is so good, it turned out to be a bluefin tuna!"

After the big fish was pulled up by both hands, Wei Xiaobei’s thoughts were a little anchored, but the exclamation from Li Zhaoxing dragged his thoughts back.

Looking back, Wei Xiaobei was slightly surprised, and Li Zhaoxing was very knowledgeable. This is really a bluefin tuna.

Needless to say, this thing, because of the esteem of the catering industry, the number of additions has been greatly reduced, making the price of this thing higher and higher, and has become a trend of seafood gold.

The bigger the thing, the better. The bluefin tuna caught by Wei Xiaobei is only one meter more, and the size is smaller.

However, with the exclamation of Li Zhaoxing, the people on the deck were attracted.

Whether it is the Weijia family or the disciples who used to live in the past, the bluefin tuna's name has been heard, but it has not seen the real goods, so a swarm of bees gathered.

Among them, Wei Xiaoyun is the most excited, yelling for dinner and eating this.

To say that Wei Xiaobei has little interest in this stuff.

This thing is completely a model of the rareness of things.

I remember that three or forty years ago, the tuna was caught by the fishermen. They were all used to make canned fish. It was a pound of cents. At that time, no one had said how good this thing was.

After the number is small, this thing becomes more expensive, and as time goes by, the number is decreasing. This stuff has become a must-have item in the top restaurants, and the price per pound is as high as hundreds of dollars.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, this thing is far worse than the abalone, which is a bit higher in fat.

However, in order not to affect everyone's mood, Wei Xiaobei did not say these things, but took the tuna and went to the kitchen to deal with it.

As a senior chef, Wei Xiaobei handled this tuna naturally without any problems.

After the knife fell, the tuna was put to the blood, and after some dazzling movements, the tuna became a piece of sashimi.

This is also a helpless thing. Because of the fat content, the bluefin tuna is most suitable for the sashimi of Dongpu. As for other cooking methods, after eating it, the taste is not so delicious.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei's cooking is completely for everyone's happiness. So after making a small amount of sashimi, I actually made a large pot of boiled fish fillets with bluefin tuna, and also made fish dumplings, fish tofu, etc. A range of dishes.

So, when everyone went to the table, they suddenly found that Wei Xiaobei had made a big fish meal.

Although this boiled fish fillet and so on with tuna to make it look a little weird, but eat it, but there is no strange smell in the imagination.

Let everyone eat it is a dripping.

This meal is the last dinner of Wei Xiaobei and his family. Then Wei Xiaobei will leave Weijia Island.

When Wei Xiaobei said this decision, the dinner table became a bit deserted.

Undoubtedly, whether it is the guardian father or the younger brother and sister, a disciple, and the departure of Wei Xiaobei, there is some emotion in it.

After all, what is the status of Tu Qingqing now, everyone knows.

But fortunately, Tu Qingqing did not show anything, but it was to comfort everyone.

But Wei Xiaobei found that one person's face is different from other people, that is, the car Mei Han.

Before the car Mei Han's face has been a little depressed, this is normal, after all, the relationship between Wei Xiaobei and her is a bit chaotic, especially after Tu Qingqing came to Weijia Island, it can almost be said that Wei Xiaobei and There is not much contact.

However, at this time, the face of Che Meihan has become a lot easier, just like what major decisions have been made.

When the yacht returned, the car Mei Han found Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei did not have any surprises about this, but what Che Meihan said to him did make him a little surprised.

The meaning of the car Mei Han is that he wants to leave Weijia Island and go to the life he wants.

Well, for any man, the appearance of such things will make their mind's possessiveness a bit uncomfortable.

I didn’t feel much about the car before, but now I am a little bit sad.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that he wants to leave the other side, whether it is to himself or the other party, or even to Tu Qingqing is not a good thing, so after a moment of contemplation, Wei Xiaobei nodded.

When the car Mei Han left to leave Weijia Island, Wei Xiaobei did not send it, but sent Zhu Xinyi as a representative. This kind of thing, Wei Xiaobei personally went or sent someone else is not appropriate, only with Zhu Xinyi, who has a good relationship with the car, has the best fit.

However, it is unusual for Zhu Xinyi to bring the past to the car.

A black card from the National Bank of Bosnia, a piece of jade, and three ordinary people.

The monthly limit of the black card of the National Bank of the Republic of Bosnia is 300,000 US dollars, which is enough for the car to keep eating and drinking in the next trip.

Yu Pei is Wei Xiaobei's hand-made refining with sheep fat white jade. In fact, this is a treasure of storage. It has 30 cubic meters of storage space, and it also has several runes attached to it. To a certain body protection.

Of course, the most suitable one should be the three ordinary people.

They were originally the elites of the ordinary people who followed Huang Kun’s mission in Sam. In these days of tempering, they mastered a lot of new skills, and their strength has broken through to Samsung.

Later, Wei Xiaobei re-modulated it with the altar of life, consuming six thousand evolution points, and giving their archery skills to them, so that they have the archery of the realm of fire.

It can be said that these three ordinary people seem to be ugly, but if the three people are fighting together in terms of combat strength, even the monsters against Samsung’s terrorist strength will not suffer, even the ordinary monsters on the four stars. They are all able to leave with the car Mei Han.

With the protection of these three elites, Wei Xiaobei can barely be assured.

When Zhu Xinyi came back to report, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but ask about the whereabouts of the car.

Zhu Xinyi can only tell the first stop of the car Mei Han, that is the port city of China.

This is almost equal to saying that most of the passenger planes taking off from Resna have landed at the Hong Kong International Airport.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is probably able to judge the whereabouts of the car, and probably should go back to Cuihu City.

Although the car Mei Han is an orphan, but in any case, Cuihu City is her hometown, and has not returned for so long, it is normal to go back and see.

After a little attention, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention back from the car Mei Han.

Anyway, if the three elites have nothing to do, then the car will not have an accident.

And then, Wei Xiaobei needs to consider for his trip.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei's target is very clear, there are only two options.

Going to the world tree ash world or Dongpu country?

The first thing I need to explain is that Wei Xiaobei wants to make the space bigger. So it seems that going to the world tree gray world seems to be stronger. After all, what can be expected is that if the branches of the world tree are inserted into the space, the space will grow even more. fast!

But in the midst of it, Wei Xiaobei has a little premonition. If you go to Dongpu, there will be unexpected good things.

Obviously, no matter which one you choose, it is impossible to go to another place in a short time.

After all, even if Wei Xiaobei left Weijia Island, the time did not dare to be too long. After all, his wife’s stomach was about to rise.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei should also consider the impact of the East Monster monster riots on Weijia Island.

To be precise, the East China Monster riots this thing, Wei Xiaobei feels a bit strange after some calculation.

As mentioned before, the Dongpu monster invades the reality. According to the conditions of Dongpu, it should be something that happened relatively early, but it has been postponed until now.

How is this going?

After some calculations, Wei Xiaobei came up with two very different conclusions, one is an accident that happened by chance, and the other is the omen of the world's upcoming chaos.

Of course, although Wei Xiaobei is not satisfied with these two conclusions, he still prefers the conclusion.

This is the embodiment of the intuitive attribute of up to 90 points.

Of course, this is the case, Wei Xiaobei needs to make himself stronger before things get worse.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei chose to go to the world tree gray world first, then go to Dongpu country!

This trip, Wei Xiaobei brought the eDonkey, in order to travel faster.

In order not to attract the attention of other forces, Wei Xiaobei did not let people go off the line. After entering the night, he quietly went out to the sea and sneaked into the seabed. He had been swimming more than 100 nautical miles before he stopped.

At this time, the huge electric cymbal has quietly appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei, and the beard on both sides of his mouth has been spreading a trace of electric light.

There is no doubt that this eDonkey was busy preying on the seabed.

Wei Xiaobei entered the body directly from the open mouth.


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