The City of Terror

Chapter 1139: Six-winged angel!

It’s hard to climb out of the dark room. Today, the poor road has a fever.........The sweat is flowing, the pain in the whole body is like a body, but it’s like a stove in the body. It may be that the summer is too hot, the heat is accumulating in the body, and now the weather is cool and it is coming out. Tips: Autumn is cool, sleep at night, remember to cover the quilt, not like the poor road.


In this encirclement, there are heroic warriors, tree people, giant wolves, giant pythons, etc., as well as a group of flame giants, frost giants, they are like alliances, and there is no more fighting between them. It is the common external, the target of the attack is set on those angels!

How is this going?

To be honest, when Wei Xiaobei saw this scene, he was a little worried.

When did the world tree creatures become alliances with these giants? Where did the angels come from?

Of course, Wei Xiaobei quickly determined the origins of those angels!

It is exactly the same as the angel in the Heaven Mountain projection that I have contacted in the gray world of Baita County!

But the strength of these two-winged angels is much stronger than the angels in the Heaven Mountain projection.

To say that in terms of individual strength, the strength of these two-winged angels is stronger, that is, the two-star elite, which is much worse than the two-star horror of the spirits, not to mention the giant wolves, giant pythons, tree people and even giants. It is.

But the angels who entered the battlefield were not just these two-winged angels. The two-winged angels were just cannon fodder. They gathered together and, under the command of the four-winged angels, continually launched attacks against powerful enemies with far fewer numbers than them.

And some of them are huge, like a hill, and the angels holding the giant hammer are smashed with the huge trees.

To say that above the entire battlefield, the situation is slightly better than those heroic soldiers.

The heroic warriors formed a square array, constantly countering the angels, and above them were flying a swan, these swan constantly scattered the golden light particles, let these heroic soldiers recover their physical strength.

The most striking thing was the Valkyrie. She rode the white Pegasus, armed with a golden rifle, and an angel with three wings on her back suspended in the air at hundreds of meters.

Six-winged angel?

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

To say that the six-winged angel, Wei Xiaobei once saw it.

In the projection of Heaven Mountain in the gray world of Baita County, a projection of a six-winged angel has appeared. However, it has not yet been fully formed, and it was beaten by Wei Xiaobei’s face. After that, Wei Xiaobei escaped. Heaven Mountain projection.

Well, what needs to be explained is that this six-winged angel looks like a half-negative body. It should also be a projection, but its projection is a complete form, so its biological level is as high as four-star horror.

Wei Xiaobei is also a four-star horror, but in terms of the momentum transmitted through the body, Wei Xiaobei feels worse than the female Valkyrie and the Six-winged Angel.

Of course, this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei will be in a disadvantage when he is on any of them.

Wei Xiaobei did not intend to incorporate it into the world. He only squatted on a world leaf and quietly watched the changes in the war situation.

At this moment, the six-winged angel moved, and the right-handed sword was lifted up. As the sword was lifted, the long sword gradually condensed a layer of white light, such as the white flowers that bloomed in the same group.

Seeing the movement of the six-winged angel, the Valkyrie also moved. With a light clip, the white horse that was kneeling rushed toward the six-winged angel with the pace of the Valkyrie.

On the other hand, the golden lance of the right hand of Valkyrie also condenses a layer of golden light. Even the green light spots scattered from the world tree are continuously absorbed in the moment, making the golden light Keep zooming in.

With the speed of the white horse of the Valkyrie, the distance of several kilometers is instantaneous.

It can be seen that the six-winged angel seems to be very jealous of this female martial art. At the end, she did not allow the female martial arts to approach herself. Even if the white light on her right-handed sword did not reach the extreme, she smashed the martial goddess who had rushed. Go on.


For a moment, the incomparably white light spurted out along the long sword, forming a long white light column, which shot toward the female Wushen.

A strong positive energy!

Wei Xiaobei, who is watching from the side, can naturally see the horror contained in this white light column.

It can be said that in the place where the white light column passes, everything, whether it is air, or elements, dust, etc., is evaporated by the white light column for a moment, and there is no point.

Simply put, in the place where the white light column is located, it has become a vacuum.

In the face of such a fierce attack, the female Valkyrie wearing a golden helmet naturally could not see the look, but she did not retreat a little, the golden rifle of the right hand pointed forward, and the golden light attached to the rifle was immediately rushed. Out, turned into a golden beam of light, and in a blink of an eye it collided with the white light column that the six-winged angel took out.


Suddenly a loud bang broke out from the collision of the light column. For a moment, the transparent ripple visible to the naked eye spread out all the time.

The transparent corrugations generated by the collision of such light columns are extremely horrible. After they spread out, all the creatures affected by them, whether they are flame giants, frost giants, or angels, etc., will be boiled for a while. The blood mist sprayed around.

I have to say that the strength between the Valkyrie and the Six-winged Angel is quite the same. The two beams collide in the air, and even if they are deadlocked, it seems that the time has been suspended. It is set in the air, but the ripples that will spread out will be surrounded. The creatures are swept away.

Undoubtedly, the battle between the two strong men suddenly attracted most of the attention on the entire battlefield, so that the already heated battle has slowed down.

Indeed, it can be said that the outcome of this battle will undoubtedly determine the outcome of the entire battlefield!

Whether it is the Valkyrie or the Six-winged Angel, the defeat of either side will have an indelible impact on the entire battlefield.

However, soon, a tree with a body size of more than 100 meters moved the legs formed by the roots of the tree and walked slowly toward the six-winged angel. At the same time, the branches of the branches formed on the dozens of arms. A piece of fruit full of spikes.

All know that the strength of the two is quite, in a stalemate state, then if you can add strength and break this stalemate, it is undoubtedly unimaginable to benefit the other side.

Obviously, even the tree people who are not so good at their brains know how to act at this time.

As the tree man began to move, more monsters rushed toward the six-winged angels, and there were some powerful monsters that almost reached the four-star horror.

For example, a very fast Pegasus, or a flame giant with a body size of more than 80 meters.

Of course, the world tree knows to reinforce the female Valkyrie in an attempt to defeat the six-winged angel in one fell swoop, so the angel side is naturally not a fool.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of four-winged angels fanned the wings behind them and greeted them with their long swords.

It is said that the strength of these four-winged angels is far worse than that of the six-winged angels. Most of them are the strength of Samsung's horror. A few of them are able to reach the four-star common, compared with the strong ones of the world tree. Last cut.

But these four-winged angels have a group of two-winged angels. The two-winged angels follow their commanders and line up in a square matrix, fighting against these powerful enemies with the power of the group.

Not to mention, even the tree whose strength is almost four-star horror is entangled by these angels.

At first, the tree people couldn’t see the eyes of these two-winged angels. Even if the two-winged angels surrounded themselves, the treemen did not put too much attention on them. At most, they stretched out a few branches and beats. Trying to drive away these angels like flies.

But these two-winged angels don’t look weak, but they are not vegetarian. When their long swords fall on the tree, leaving a little flame, and finally after the tree rises, the tree finally knows these angels. Not a real fly.

Undoubtedly, this flame was originally a nemesis of a monster such as a tree man, not to mention the flames ignited by these two-winged angels, which are full of positive energy, and the lethality of the tree people is even greater.

The raging tree man instantly ejected the spiked fruit on his arm.

When the angels see it, they will not be stupid in the same place, waiting for the killing of the tree people. They are accelerating and fleeing in an attempt to escape the attack range of this tree.

But under the arm of the tree, the spiked fruit was given great kinetic energy, just like a supersonic flying projectile, which flew into the angels in a blink of an eye.

Just the direct impact of these spiked fruits, dozens of angels were smashed into meat sauce on the spot, and after hitting the angel, the spiked fruit then exploded, and the numerous spikes attached to it were like arrows. Sputtered out in all directions!

Angels closer to the spiked fruit, there are hundreds of small holes in the body, and the angels farther away are better than the horses.

This wave of attacks by the tree man will empty all the angels surrounding him in an instant, and the angels over 500 will become dead bodies in this attack.

But the number of angels is too much. Even if a wave of attacks by the tree can empty all the angels around, the next moment, there are a large number of angels flying in all directions, surrounded by the tree.

At this time, after the tree man released the big move, it is unlikely that he would erupt again in a short period of time. The spiked fruit that he ejected will take some time to grow.

Seeing the attack of the tree man, Wei Xiaobei asked himself, if he was under the attack of the tree, could he avoid those spikes.

The result is that at least three spikes will be tied to the body!

And those spikes are too sharp, I am afraid that even Wei Weibei's skin is difficult to resist the spiked puncture!

Of course, in terms of the resilience of Wei Xiaobei, even if it is spurred by spikes, the impact is not too great, but it will affect some flexibility.


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