The City of Terror

Chapter 1140: Time to intervene

This chapter is scheduled to be released. The poor road is now suffering from high fever, headache and other symptoms and codes. I hope that I can get a lot of code before I fall.


But even so, the tree man facing the siege of the angels is not completely without a fight.

The roots that originally formed the legs must be scattered as if there were countless long whip flying in the air, as long as those angels dare to fly into the roots of their flying, then they will be violently slammed by the roots.

Therefore, from time to time, I will see an angel in the air being smashed into a mass of bolognese!

But as a result, it is impossible for the tree to continue to approach the six-winged angel.

No matter how many angels are lost, the ultimate goal of these angels is reached!

As for other monsters, they were also besieged by angels in the process of advancing.

In particular, the Pegasus was almost killed by more than 20 four-winged angels! After the fleeing horse fled, he never dared to approach, but turned around in the circle, trying to find the flaws of these angels.

Of course, as a result, the two sides have once again fallen into a stalemate.

The Valkyrie and the Six Winged Angels were deadlocked, and the powerful monsters and the Angels led by the Four Winged Angels were deadlocked. As for the battles in other places, it became irrelevant.

Of course, in Wei Xiaobei's view, if this stalemate is maintained, then the ultimate winner is undoubtedly an angel!

The reason for this is very simple. No matter how the world tree is resisted, they have all done their best. There is no reinforcement, and there is no new force!

And the angels are different, look at the angels who are constantly coming from afar and joining the battlefield.

The time goes by, the more the number of angels, the stronger the strength. At the end, when the world tree side can no longer hold on, then the angelic army can suffocate and completely defeat them!

Seeing the situation in this situation, Wei Xiaobei’s heart could not help but figure it out.

As far as the situation is concerned, Wei Xiaobei has three choices.

One is that the two are irrelevant, stand on the sidelines and wait for the end of the war.

The second is to help the angels, and the third is to help the world tree.

If judged, the first choice is undoubtedly the worst choice.

Wait until one party wins, um, most of them are angels' triumphs. Then, with the hanging nature of these angels, I am afraid that after seeing myself, I will also scream and kill. Besides, Wei Xiaobei used to be in the gray world of Baita County. The projection of the six-winged angel was over.

You must know that even if time has passed, the relationship between Wei Xiaobei and the angel is still hateful!

In other words, as long as there is a place where the angel exists, Wei Xiaobei appears, then it will be attacked by these angels!

It's that simple.

In this way, then the second choice can only be abandoned. Wei Xiaobei is not a fool, stupid to help the enemy to do things.

Only the third option has the greatest benefit to Wei Xiaobei.

As long as you help the world tree, your relationship with the world tree should be better, and you may be able to find out the whereabouts of the world tree fruit!

That's right, Wei Xiaobei's idea now is this!

Before entering the world tree ash world, Wei Xiaobei's plan was to find a branch of the world tree and insert it into his own space.

But by this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have such a wonderful idea.

It turns out that although the world tree branches contain a lot of vitality, but they want to use their branches to insert a new world tree again on the ground, this kind of thing is not reliable.

Before, Wei Xiaobei had done such an experiment.

He chose the most dynamic branch of the world, but after inserting the branch of the world into the land in the space, the leaves on it disappeared, and even the life contained in the branches of the world disappeared!

Wei Xiaobei thought that this world tree branch did not adapt to his own space, and some people were not satisfied with it.

But after a little research, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

At the root, it is not the cause of acclimatization, but the space is in the stage of growth. Things like the world branches contain a lot of life. For space, it is undoubtedly the same good tonic!

Therefore, the vitality contained in the branches of the world will be sucked out!

Didn't you see the grass around the world branches grow a lot?

This is the problem.

The world branches can't resist the space's breath of life, because the branches have a break!

Well, in fact, this problem does not only exist on the branches of the world. Even other plants have this kind of situation. For example, some wickers that were planted in the space before Wei Xiaobei were originally intended to plant some willows. In a few days, the wicker will die and die.

Wei Xiaobei at the time saw it, but did not pay attention to this issue.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei's only choice is the world tree fruit.

Of course, whether the world tree has fruit and whether it will bear fruit is not a problem in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes.

But in any case, even if the world tree has fruit, it is not something that Wei Xiaobei can do in a short time, if he wants to find out where the fruit is.

Then this kind of thing needs to lead the party.....well, it should be an insider.

Wei Xiaobei’s idea is naturally very good. At the moment of life and death, someone has stretched out your hand. You still can’t be grateful to the savior. ! !

After making a good plan, Wei Xiaobei did not immediately start, but turned the body lying on the leaves of the world to a face, took out some food, and ate it comfortably.

Looking at the situation in this situation, I am afraid it will have to be deadlocked for some time.

Wei Xiaobei is comfortable eating and drinking on the top, and the battlefield below is killing the dog.

Whether it is an angel or a world tree, at this time, they have taken out their own strength to eat milk.

At this time, a giant python is leaning back and forth across the angels with its huge body. Each time it opens its mouth, it can **** hundreds of angels into the mouth, and those angels are constantly swallowed by their own likes, but there is no such thing. Any emotions are revealed, just indifference to the giant python, try your best to insert the long sword into the body of the giant python!

Undoubtedly, an angel who is slightly taller than humans is the ant in front of this giant.

But the python is so powerful that its physical strength is limited in all aspects. In the constant battle with the angels, this giant scorpion gradually feels that he is getting tired.

Therefore, this giant python began to prepare for breakout, and wanted to rush out of the angel's encirclement and find a safer place to rest.

Not to mention, eating so many angels, this giant belly is a little raised.

Seeing the giants want to break through, the angels willing to let the giants leave, more angels rushed up, almost obscuring the body of the giants.

Finally, under the constant attack, an angel's long sword punctures the skin of the giant clam, so that the huge body of giants feels the pain of the bones for the first time!

The flame filled with positive energy violently burned on a small wound.

To be honest, this wound is much smaller than the huge body of the giant python.

But the giant cockroach, who had never felt the pain, was afraid of it for the first time. It writhed the body, and the long snake tail swept through the air, pumping a famous angel into a meat sauce.

In the face of the madness of the giant python, the two-winged angels strengthened the attack on the wound under the command of the four-winged angel, causing the wound to continue to expand, and the flame erupted from it was getting more and more fierce.

In the attack mode of the ant, the ant eats the elephant, the giant python finally falls weakly, and the huge body has been covered by the flame. Even if it is an occasional attack, there is no threat to the angel.

There are more and more monsters encountered like giant pythons.

Even the most powerful tree man, at this time, most of the body is burned by the flames. The roots that have been flying in the air are just a few, and they are doing the last resistance.

It can be said that in the battle of nearly one hour, the strength between the two sides has undergone tremendous changes.

The number of angels is increasing, and the number of world trees is getting smaller and smaller.

Of course, in this hour of battle, the Valkyrie also tried every means to help his side, even hard against the attack of the six-winged angels, shot and killed more than thirty four-winged angels!

You know, these four-winged angels are the commanders of the two-winged angels. The death of each four-winged angel means that a group of two-winged angels lose their command and their combat power drops rapidly.

But even so, the Valkyrie still failed to save the world's tree from disintegrating.

At this point, the Valkyrie looks like a maddening look. The golden armor on his body has been broken, and even the helmet has fallen, revealing the stunning face and the long hair like a waterfall.

It constantly swayed the golden rifle in his hand toward the six-winged angel, almost completely ignoring the counterattack of the six-winged angel. Even the long-sword that the six-winged angel stabbed blew a bunch of blood on his body. It pauses for half a minute!

At that time, the six-winged angel seemed to feel the victory in the grip, and was not willing to fight with the female Valkyrie. It only resisted the attack of the Valkyrie, and occasionally counterattacked once or twice, slowly weakening the resistance of the Valkyrie.

it's time!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the ink bow was taken out from the storage ring. The eyes locked the six-winged angel, Zhang bowed the string, and put on three broken armored wind arrows, gently let go, three The arrow then disengaged and shot toward the six-winged angel.

To say that these three broken armored wind arrows, Wei Xiaobei has done special treatment, above the arrow, Wei Xiaobei smeared a layer of undead poison!

To say that the six-winged angels are extremely keen on foreign hostility, Wei Xiaobei has just fixed his eyes on the six-winged angels. The six-winged angels have turned their eyes to the past and collided with Wei Xiaobei.


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