The City of Terror

Chapter 1147: ,provocative!

Of course, only the sharp vision of Wei Xiaobei can see the truth of the imprint. If it is replaced by ordinary humans, it can only be seen as a deformed humanoid pattern.

Wei Xiaobei knew that the sword of the blazing angel recognized the success of the Lord.

Pulling out the sword of the sacred angel who succeeded the Lord, Wei Xiaobei then added it to the storage ring.

This thing has neither scabbard nor scabbard, and it can't be swallowed in the belly. It is more blind in the hand, and Wei Xiaobei can only earn it into the storage ring.

After finishing these things, the wound on the shoulders healed long ago, and Wei Xiaobei replaced the broken clothes, and then he sank and left the space.

As soon as he left the space, Wei Xiaobei felt a threat to fly toward himself, and fixed his eyes, but the female Valkyrie rode his horse to himself.

Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. Naturally, I know that this Valkyrie is probably a confession. I regard myself as a six-winged angel and hurriedly yelled: "Women, do you want to be enemies?!!"

Well, well, the enemies are the idioms of China. In Norwegian, it’s probably how you can poison the benefactors who saved you on board! !

Probably this means.

The female Valkyrie was undoubtedly understandable. The horses that flew in the air stopped immediately, and the Valkyrie unveiled the visor. A slightly blushing white face appeared in Wei Xiaobei's line of sight.

"How did you escape? What about the six-winged angel?"

This is the first time Wei Xiaobei heard the female Valkyrie speak, the sound is crisp and sweet, and its appearance is a fifteen or six-year-old blonde girl.

"Six-winged angel? I was killed."

Wei Xiaobei smiled softly, but his eyes looked around the battlefield and judged the situation.

Undoubtedly, the horror of the six-winged angel being suppressed in the space is not much different from being killed. It is just a matter of dying early and dying, and which one is worse.

After staying in space for such a long time, the battlefield under the world tree is still raging, and the angels are still under the command of the four-winged angels!

This is beyond the expectation of Wei Xiaobei.

Although the time flow rate in the space is much faster, here, the time is probably more than an hour.

After losing the command of the Hexagon Angel, in the view of Wei Xiaobei, the Valkyrie can naturally lay the victory easily. When he comes out, I am afraid that the battle is over.

But now it seems that the female Valkyrie does not seem to join the battlefield?

Look at the monsters around the world tree surrounded by yourself, the strong, Wei Xiaobei understands some.

The reason is very simple. The six-winged angel and Wei Xiaobei suddenly disappeared.

The female martial art probably didn't know what was going on, so she didn't dare to join the battlefield. At the same time, she gathered a group of strong men to stay here to prevent the six-winged angel from suddenly smashing out!

"You killed the six-winged angel?! How is it possible?"

In the face of Wei Xiaobei's answer, the female Valkyrie had not had time to ask, and a rumbling sound sounded, and the tone contained contempt and distrust.

It is a flame giant with a body shape of more than 80 meters, and the biological level is about the level of the four-star elite.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of this flame giant, the six-winged angel is too strong, and it is impossible to be a powerful existence like Wei Xiaobei that can be killed!

Indeed, the body shape determines the level of strength in many cases, but the size of the six-winged angel is only three meters, and it is still small in the eyes of the flame giant.

Wei Xiaobei knows that if he can't find tangible evidence to prove that he really killed the six-winged angels, then the guy on the world tree side probably won't believe in himself, which will bring trouble to Wei Xiaobei's plan.

At least, this Valkyrie is probably not going to answer his own questions.

"How is it possible?" Wei Xiaobei smiled, his right hand caught in the air, and then a white long sword appeared on the right hand of Wei Xiaobei, and then a layer of white light gathered on the sword.

Wei Xiaobei waved a little, and the white light above the long sword came out of the sword. In a flash, he shot at the flame giant!


Upon seeing it, the flame giant rushed to dodge, but the speed of the white light column was too fast, and the flame giant was hit in an instant, then drowned in the rising dust.

Waiting for a gust of wind to blow away the dust, the situation appeared to make the Valkyrie and so on look a little worried.

The flame giant only had a few bones with flames left.

Just one trick, kill the Flame Giant!

That's right! The sword on the guy's hand should be the sword of the sacred angel of the six-winged angel!

For a moment, the eyes of Valkyrie were slightly shrunk. As for other monsters, they suddenly stepped back and seemed to want to distance themselves from Wei Xiaobei.

"Who still has questions?"

Wei Xiaobei whispered a question, just as if the flame giant was killed before, it was not what he did.

The scene was silent, even if the Valkyrie did not speak at this time, they were thinking about a problem in their minds, how to deal with this guy who killed the six-winged angel.

There is no doubt that no matter who it is, there is no doubt about the fact that Wei Xiaobei killed the six-winged angel.

Just a joke, even the long-winged sword that the six-winged angel never left is in his hand, and the sera of the six-winged angel can be imagined.

"No doubt, are you a friend?"

Only the sound of the killing from the battlefield in the distance seemed to be even more silent. Finally, the Valkyrie opened her mouth and asked with a trace of tension on her face.

"Yes, I am your friend."

After Wei Xiaobei heard the question of the Valkyrie, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and replied immediately.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s use of this blazing angel sword is somewhat troublesome.

After the sword was pulled out of the light beam, the positive energy stored in the sword of the blazing angel was consumed by more than 30%!

That is to say, before the positive energy in the Sword of the Blazing Angels was restored, Wei Xiaobei could only pull out three beams of light.

After all, Wei Xiaobei is not a six-winged angel. It is not a body built by positive energy. The true mercury in Wei Xiaobei's body cannot be converted into positive energy.

Therefore, if Wei Xiaobei and the female Valkyrie fight, this is a troublesome thing.

Besides, the killing of Wei Xiaobei and the Six-Winged Angels is also very expensive. The troubles that can be avoided at this time should be avoided as much as possible.

After receiving the affirmative answer from Wei Xiaobei, the look on the face of the female Valkyrie suddenly relaxed.

Have to say, the hemp hit the wolf, two afraid!

The female Valkyrie was also worried before she got an accurate answer from Wei Xiaobei.

If this guy is not a friend and an enemy, there will be new changes in the battle here.

Now, now that the other party is a friend, the next thing is better solved.

But while the female martial arts breathed a sigh of relief, a rumbling sound sounded: "Why are you killing Cartaras!"

The master of the sound is a frost giant with a body shape of more than 90 meters.

Compared to the hot flaming giant, the Frost Giants are undoubtedly much more calm, and they also have considerable wisdom.

Wei Xiaobei naturally understands that the so-called Cartaras should be the flame giant that he had killed before.

"It challenges me! I will be killed if I challenge me!"

Obviously, Wei Xiaobei’s answer will affect the next thing.

For this kind of thing, Wei Xiaobei can choose to express a series of answers, such as accidental injury, apology, and Wei Xiaobei, who has adopted the most adventurous answer, and is also the most domineering answer.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s words, there is a tendency for me to shun me.

To say that such an answer is easy to trigger the other side's rebound.

What is unexpected is that the Frost Giant did not even speak, it seems to default Wei Xiaobei's answer.


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