The City of Terror

Chapter 1148: ,What? Not long fruit?

. [Super good looking novel]

Those angels are like a group of birds hit by shotguns, falling down in pieces, falling to the ground, flesh and blood!

As a result, the battle suddenly reversed!

After many powerful people joined the battlefield, the number of angels decreased rapidly. Eventually, with the high horns coming from outside the world tree-gray world, the remaining angels never continued to fight, even on the four wings. Under the command of the angel, he quickly turned and fled the world tree.

Seeing that the Angel Legion finally fled, the monsters on the side of the world tree suddenly became excited.

Whether it is a giant wolf, giant python, heroic warrior, etc., or the giant side has fought and chased, and strive to win these angels!

However, the Angel Corps did not completely collapse. It even used the impetuousness of the world tree in the process of evacuation. It killed two rifles and killed some overly aggressive monsters.

The world tree leader, led by the Valkyrie, did not kill too much. Instead, he slowly watched the angels escape from the coverage of the world tree and finally entered the white-covered land and disappeared into the diffuse fog.


The monsters on the side of the world tree, who have a little wisdom, have a strange emotion in their hearts.

Can't tell is excited, moved or happy, excited.

In fact, in this battle with the Angels Corps, don’t look at the fact that the Angels’ Legion has been defeated, even in the ten, and the number of angels killed in the world’s trees is more than two million. !

To say that the world tree side, the number of monsters killed is not too big, what giant wolves, giant pythons, heroic warriors, reindeer, giants, etc., together, also killed 50,000.

Calculated, the contrast between the two sides is about 80 to 1. In this way, the world tree side should be considered a big win.

But you must know that the total strength of the world tree side is only about two hundred thousand, that is, one quarter of the death!

If you count the difference in power between the monsters and the two-winged angels, the loss will be even greater.

In this way, the world tree side has only won a tragic victory.

There are not many happy faces on the face of Valkyrie. It is also conceivable that the world tree has decayed to such an extent. In Wei Xiaobei’s view, the army of the day may be only a small part of the hexagram’s side.

When the time is wrong, the Angels will regroup and kill again.

Of course, after the Six-winged Angel was trapped here, the Angel Legion may not be called for the time being. Besides, this world tree is not Wei Xiaobei. I will do things well soon. The future things are not my own. I can manage it.

"Thank you for the help of the adults. I don't know what the adults are doing here?"

As the Angels retired, the monsters on the scene began to leave the battlefield and return to their own territory.

The giants began to move toward the ashes outside the world tree, and giant wolves, giant pythons and other monsters returned to their hunting grounds, while the heroic soldiers went towards the trunk.

At least at this time, their previous disputes and conflicts should probably be temporarily suspended.

However, the heads of these monsters did not leave, behind the Valkyrie.

At this time, the female Valkyrie came to Wei Xiaobei, and some complicated eyes looked at Wei Xiaobei.

Obviously, although Wei Xiaobei has made great efforts to defeat the Angels in the world tree, the origin of Wei Xiaobei’s identity is still a mystery. Therefore, the world tree side has to defend Wei Xiaobei.

"I am here to find something."

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze swept through the monsters behind the female martial arts, and did not seem to want to say what he was looking for.

"What? Maybe I can help?"

The female Valkyrie did not dare to say anything to death. After all, what is needed by a strong person like Wei Xiaobei, if you think about it with your butt, you will know that it will not be a good thing. If the other person wants something like a spring water altar, he Also help find it?

I think it is impossible to think about it.

Although there is still a broken spring water altar in the hands of the female Valkyrie, this youthful spring water, even the needs of those heroic warriors are not enough, how can this kind of thing be given to Wei Xiaobei! ?

It’s as if people are starving to death, and they give their gimmicks to others. This has to be done with many disabilities.

"Let them all loose."

Wei Xiaobei pointed at the monster leaders and waved around.

Valkyrie also wants to send away this unidentified guy as soon as possible, which is what Wei Xiaobei meant, leaving those monster leaders to leave.

However, the monster lords probably worried that the Valkyrie had accidentally sold the interests of their own party. After leaving a certain distance, they did not leave, and they were there, waiting for the negotiations to end.

In the following conversation, Wei Xiaobei knew the name of the Valkyrie.


Well, Wei Xiaobei thinks about it. In Norse mythology, the name of Valkyrie, the goddess of Valkyrie who is calling for the spirit on the battlefield, is called Brunnhilde.

But there is not only one in Valkyrie.

In any case, Brunnhilde, the Valkyrie, also knows the name of Wei Xiaobei.

For Wei Xiaobei’s proposal to obtain the fruit of a world tree, the Valkyrie is somewhat silent.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei’s request is beyond the expectations of Valkyrie.

Although the world tree fruit has no value for the female martial arts and even the heroic warriors.

The Valkyrie once remembered that a long time ago, when the world tree was still flourishing, the crown was full of fruit.

The fruits of these world trees were able to play a role in the hunger.

And if you want to plant new world trees with these world tree fruits, that is absolutely impossible!

It is said that before the dusk of the gods, the Lord God Odin tried to use the spring water to try to promote the fruit of the world tree, but even this great **** could not promote the fruit of the world tree into a seedling.

Even the Lord God Odin failed to do this, and the Valkyrie naturally would not imagine that Wei Xiaobei might do this.

In the view of the female martial arts, Wei Xiaobei probably needs the abundant life in the fruit of the world tree.

But the problem is that the current world tree has not produced fruit for hundreds of years because of the constant weakness!

When the Valkyrie told Wei Xiaobei about this, to tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei was really dumbfounded.

The world tree is no longer fruitful?

It is said that Wei Xiaobei thought that the fruit of the world tree was so rare that he was occupied by a strong man like the Valkyrie.

Now, everyone is not interested in the fruits of this world tree, and the world tree is not fruitful.

Fortunately, this world tree has not been fruitful for hundreds of years. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei really digs a hole for himself.

You must know that the last time you came to the world of tree ash, Wei Xiaobei has extracted a lot of world sap, so that the world tree becomes weaker.

To say that the Valkyrie is lying, Wei Xiaobei thinks it is unlikely.

For the existence of Wei Xiaobei, it is still difficult to lie in front of him.

Besides, to the strength of Wei Xiaobei's current soul, it is easier to identify whether the other person is lying.

In short, if the strength of Valkyrie does not exceed the level of Wei Xiaobei, it is very difficult to do this.

As a result, the purpose of Wei Xiaobei’s trip is nothing but defeat!

This makes Wei Xiaobei feel less comfortable.


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