The City of Terror

Chapter 1149: The spring of wisdom!

It can be said that even Wei Xiaobei himself may be lost in the face of such a constantly appearing martyrdom.

Perhaps it is worried that Wei Xiaobei is too boring. In the way down, the Valkyrie also whispers something to Wei Xiaobei.

For example, this continuous downward channel does not look at so many ramps, but in the end only three channels can reach the deepest, while the other channels are labyrinths that cannot be returned. .

These three passages lead to three different places.

The spring of the dear, it is said that the three goddess of fate live near this spring, so this spring is also known as the fountain of destiny.

The fountain of Mimir is the spring of wisdom. The giant Mimir lives here and is therefore the source of the name of this spring.

Nieforheim, the country of the fog, also known as the Netherland, is the kingdom of Hull Hull. It is said that all the dead souls live here, and it is so cold and snowy.

However, now, only the spring of wisdom can be reached in these three places. The spring of the dear is the spring of destiny and the connection between the country of the world and the world tree has been interrupted. This point, the Valkyrie has been explored before, to determine undoubtedly.

"The giant who guards the spring of wisdom is very powerful?"

Having said that, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but ask a question. After all, Wei Xiaobei's current state has not yet recovered to its peak. If it encounters a strong enemy, it is really a bit of a parry, so if the giant is very powerful, Wei Xiaobei I hope to take some more flexible means.

Hearing Xiaobei’s questioning, the formerly serious female Valkyrie had a rare chuckle: “Yes, the Mimir Giant is very powerful, only the Father God Odin can defeat it!”

? ? ? ! ! !

Ok, after hearing the answer from the Valkyrie, Wei Xiaobei is a bit stunned, such a powerful giant, he can

Dealing with it?

At least for now, Wei Xiaobei thinks that he is too far away from the Nordic **** Odin.

Far away, just look at the finger left by the fire **** Loki and know how good the Rocky is.

The main **** Odin is the boss of the Nordic gods! How can you say no worse than Rocky?

It is conceivable that Odin will not dare to act rashly, but how powerful the giants who have dug one eye in exchange for wisdom springs can be.

I can only say that he is right on such a giant.

However, it has not yet waited for Xiaobei to figure out what can be done against the giant. The Valkyrie spoke again. The meaning is that the giant who guarded the wisdom spring disappeared without a trace hundreds of years ago.

Although I don't know where the giant went, the Valkyrie can guarantee that there is no giant existence next to the current wisdom spring.

Well, after listening to the words of Valkyrie, there is only one thought in Wei Xiaobei’s mind: Do you play with me?

There are so many beddings in front, how do the giants be so powerful, and now that the giants have disappeared? Is it necessary to look at the hard colors on your face?

Of course, even if the Valkyrie teased herself, Wei Xiaobei is not good at firing or talking about the Valkyrie.

Next, the Valkyrie may feel that it is too much to adjust to Xiaobei, so there is not much to say on the way.

This makes Wei Xiaobei's ears clean a lot.

I have to say that this world tree is too abnormal, and its canopy height is hundreds of kilometers! And its roots are probably more than a few times the height of the canopy!

Wei Xiaobei and Valkyrie were not slow in the channel, but they still traveled for more than two hours.

Well, when I was actually close to Wisdom Spring, Wei Xiaobei didn’t use the introduction of Valkyrie, and probably understood it.

The end of the passage expands instantly and becomes a giant cave that can't reach the end of the big north!

After entering the cave, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

It is a small world here.

There are green lights scattered in the sky, and even a cloud of clouds can be seen. Some plants grow on the ground, and large swaths of woods stand in the distance.

Of course, the most attractive thing to watch Wei Xiaobei is the peak of the center of this huge cave!

The height of this mountain is probably more than a kilometer.

Of course, it is not surprising that there is a mountain here. The golden spring water on the top of the mountain rises and falls slowly, which is the focus of attracting Wei Beibei.

That should be the wisdom spring.

Wei Xiaobei took a long breath and ran towards the mountain. At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s speed exceeded that of the Valkyrie.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, Wei Xiaobei looked at the first thing but not the wisdom spring, but the huge thatched shed that had been abandoned behind the mountain!

Wei Xiaobei had to marvel at the height of the giant.

This point can be seen by looking at this abandoned huge thatched shed.

The top of the thatched shed is almost flush with the mountain!

The giant's body size is at least 800 meters!

"This is the wisdom spring. As long as you drink a spring, you may get what you want."

The Valkyrie introduced this spring that was close at hand, but then said: "However, it may not be able to get what you want, and this wisdom spring is weak."

In some words, the Valkyrie did not say it completely.

For example, when I became a Valkyrie, I came to drink the smart spring water. Unfortunately, nothing was obtained. This smart spring water is just like ordinary spring water.

Of course, this is one of the reasons why the Valkyrie is willing to bring Wei Xiaobei here.

If the smart spring water is still the kind of responsiveness in the past, the female Valkyrie will not be able to bring Wei Xiaobei here if he gives his weapon to Wei Xiaobei to compensate for the human condition!

Maybe get what you want?

Wei Xiaobei looked at the Valkyrie, and his brow wrinkled slightly. He probably also saw it. This spring of wisdom is probably similar to the world tree, and there are some problems.

However, Wei Xiaobei has already arrived here, and it is impossible to retreat. At most, it is empty-handed and returned.

To say what traps the female Valkyrie arranged, Wei Xiaobei should be able to predict.

The spring water is extremely golden, emitting a faint golden light, light and thorough, and occasionally spurting up more than ten meters high, then falling down, splashing countless splashes, like gold beads rolling around.

Came to the wisdom spring, Wei Xiaobei bowed his head and took a sip, and a golden spring water was taken in by Wei Xiaobei.

The cool spring water, with this spring water drunk, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found that his property panel has changed.

The intellectual property is slowly rising! Slowly beat 5 times, jumped from 100 to 100.05!

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not think of.

This smart spring water can actually improve the intellectual property!

A bit of an increase in the intellectual property of 0.05!

To say that this is not a small amount.

The main attribute of this thing, starting from 100 o'clock, every time you consume 80 evolution points, you can increase the value of 0.01!

In other words, Wei Xiaobei's wisdom spring is equivalent to getting 400 evolution points!

You know, with Wei Xiaobei's current creature level, killing a monster of Samsung's horror creature level, there is only 150 to 200 evolution points!

This kind of advantage, suddenly made Wei Xiaobei somewhat tempted, then bowed his head and took another sip.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s move, the female Valkyrie could not help but sigh, the words with regret, but the faint seems to be a bit happy: “This smart spring, whether it is human or god, only the first mouth is effective, then drink more It doesn't help."


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