The City of Terror

Chapter 1167: What is rogue?

Hungry, the poor road is hungry, resisting the hunger code is over the chapter, the poor road to eat and go, bye bye.

The wine-swallowing boy took the evil spirits and turned away. For the time being, he said that the blue-eyed hoof was running wildly toward Wei Xiaobei.

Don't look at the shape of the green cow, it is only more than 20 meters. The ground has also become a gravel that is easy to absorb vibration. But under the hoof of the green cow, the ground is constantly shaking. It doesn't take long before the vibration is transmitted to Wei Xiaobei. At the foot, Wei Xiaobei almost swayed on the hill.

For Wei Xiaobei, this is undoubtedly a battle of life and death!

Wei Xiaobei has no plans to escape at this time!

There is a hunch in his faintness. In front of this young cow, it is impossible to escape.

As the green cow runs, the momentum on its body continues to spread out, like a cloud in the sky, and it will lock Wei Xiaobei in a blink of an eye!

These momentums are like giant mountains, and they are pressed against Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei only feels that he can't even breathe, and even has an illusion that he is about to drown in the water!

Fortunately, at this time, Wei Xiaobei's temperament and forbearance are activated by themselves!

For a moment, the giant mountain that was pressed against Wei Xiaobei disappeared, and Wei Xiaobei was not able to breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this time, the green cow has already rushed to a distance of less than 500 meters from Wei Xiaobei. At the speed of this young cow, I am afraid that the next moment, Wei Xiaobei will be crushed by it.

The only option left by Wei Xiaobei is to enter the space and avoid the green cow!

As for whether the young cow can chase the space, Wei Xiaobei does not know, but the death is alive, and it can only fight this.

Of course, if you ask Xiaobei whether he regrets coming to Dongpu, Wei Xiaobei will never regret it.

In a word, people go in the world, how can they not slash.

If it is the result of Wei Xiaobei's own mistakes, naturally, there is no need to mention more, but to say that this time, Wei Xiaobei really did not make mistakes. The appearance of this green cow is completely an accident!

Just when Wei Xiaobei wanted to enter the space, the green cow stopped, and the huge body appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei. The big bulls stared at Wei Xiaobei, his nose shook, it seemed to be Smell what.

Being stared at the distance of the blue cow, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but have a cold sweat, but he was ready to enter the space at any time!

"How can you have the smell of seven sages in your body?"

Suddenly, a voice passed into Wei Xiaobei’s ear.


Wei Xiaobei had some doubts. His eyes looked around, but he did not find anyone. The only girl who was on his side had been stunned by the pressure of the green cow.

"Say! What is going on here!!?"

Perhaps Wei Weibei did not answer the question, and the voice sounded again.

Wei Xiaobei suddenly responded, this voice is issued by the green bull!

But when Wei Xiaobei knew this, it was already late, maybe it was a little impatient. The green cow spouted a lot of saliva between the words, and like a flood, he poured Wei Xiaobei into a whole body!


If it wasn’t for the fact that he couldn’t win the green cow, Wei Xiaobei was blown up.

The green cow's saliva is extremely sticky and falls on the body, just like glue, and it can't be licked.

The most unbearable thing that Wei Xiaobei can't stand is that this is so stinking, it is like the old manure that has been fished out from Maokeng!

Ok, now is not the time to consider this issue.

In the face of this problem, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

The seven-six-woman beauty that the green cow feels is undoubtedly from the waist card hanging on the neck!

Obviously, this young cow is a girl who knows Qi Si.

It’s not surprising that Taijun’s mount is a man who knows the heavenly system.

But the question is, what is the relationship between this young cow and the seven-seven jade girl?

Don't think that a heavenly system is a friend.

You know, even father and son, there may be grudges.

For example, there is no small contradiction between the three Princes and Tota Li Tianwang.

If there is a contradiction between this young cow and the seven-seven jade girl, and it is more fierce, then Wei Xiaobei has admitted the relationship with the seven-seven jade girl, and may be trampled to death by this young cow.

Of course, if Qi Siyu and Qingniu are friends, then Wei Xiaobei is naturally fine.

However, after all, although the green cow is only a mount, it is the mount of Laojun!

As the saying goes, the prime minister's concierge is seven!

The status of Qingniu is not low in the heaven system.

Whether the seven-seven jade girl can avenge this green cow, or become attached to it, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear.

"I am a friend with the Seven Sis."

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment and decided to gamble. He did not deny it, nor did he add more words. He just calmly said the relationship with the seven priests.

Wei Xiaobei’s voice fell, and the blue-eyed squatting Wei Xiaobei’s eyes seemed to be a little bigger, so Wei Xiaobei’s heart couldn’t help it for a while. Wouldn’t it be that the seven singers had offended the green cow?

Think about it, this is really possible!

You must know that the seven-seven jade girl is a big foodie, and he may have the idea of ​​this green cow. What kind of char-grilled beef and braised beef are delicious.

Wei Xiaobei thought of it here, and he was ready to enter the space.

Perhaps this blue cow saw that he had disappeared and left.

At this moment, the green cow suddenly laughed, and then the huge body was wrapped in a cloud of green smoke. After a while, a strong man with a height of two meters strode from the smoke. When I came out, I reached out and walked straight toward Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder. Then I said something: “Ha ha ha, since it’s a friend of the Seven Sis, it’s a friend of the old cow!”

Wei Xiaobei's strong power attribute, even failed to live with this brawny slap, immediately was taken a slap, almost fell to the ground.

There is no doubt that this strong man is the change of the green cow!

Wei Xiaobei groaned with some painful shoulders, and he was somewhat puzzled. This blue cow's property table has no such change at all. How did this guy change?

Wei Xiaobei is also not likely to ask about this kind of thing. He can only smile and start to talk with the young cow: "Niu brother, you have too much strength, and almost slap me off." ”

"Little brother, your body is still too thin, you can eat like a cow!"

Qingniu seems to be very proud of someone who praised his strength, and then he laughed, and made an empirical criticism of Wei Xiaobei.

Well, words like this, if you switch to other people, the guardian Xiaobei will not slap him to the wall.

My body is too thin?

Although Wei Xiaobei does not have the same muscle expansion as before, but it is not the kind of scholarly body, wearing a shirt, still able to see strong muscle mass.

But talking about the green cow, not to mention, after the green cow became human, it looked extremely strong.

The whole body skin is also blue-black, which looks a bit strange, but the muscles of the body are inflated from time to time. For example, the muscle monster walking on the same head is the whole body of red fruit. The lower one is about to fall on the ground. It looks quite Scary.

To say that this green cow changes into a human form, how much is still a bit of the previous form, such as a faint bulge between the forehead, probably that one-of-a-kind.

Regardless of Wei Xiaobei's gaze on his body, this blue cow does not seem to care about the body's red fruit at all, but also licks the following one, and there is a kind of momentum that makes Wei Xiaobei shy!

"Right, is there any clothes? Lend a set of old cows."

Just when Wei Xiaobei looked at the green cow, the other party slapped it on the shoulder of Wei Xiaobei, and asked with a smile, but where the position was borrowing clothes, the eyes were fixed on Wei Xiaobei’s reserve. On the ring of things, there is a big promise that the horse will be robbed immediately!

"No problem, not clothes."

Wei Xiaobei still dared to hesitate, nodded in a hurry, took out a set of clothes from the storage ring.

Fortunately, since Wei Xiaobei blew a few pieces of clothes, Zhu Xinyi’s clothes for Wei Xiaobei are all kind of elastic clothes, to Wei Xiaobei’s body shape, even if it doubles again. It will not be exploded.

Therefore, this blue cow wears the clothes of Wei Xiaobei, but there is not much problem, just a little tight.

Qingniu did not have any objection to this. He patted Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder and chatted for a while. After hearing the name of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei didn’t know what it was, and he saw that the blue cow’s eyes seemed to be bright. Then I became more enthusiastic about myself.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also learned a lot from the mouth of Qingniu.

It turned out that although the seven-seven jade girl was lower than the status of the green cow, but after the first encounter with the green cow, it became a friend!

According to the statement of Qingniu, even the seven-seven women who can become seven-seven jade women have made their own efforts.

That's it!

Although the strength of Qingniu is much stronger than that of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei can see that Qingniu does not lie! At most, it is an ambush on some details.

Until then, Wei Xiaobei really breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, Wei Xiaobei can be sure that this blue cow will not kill himself.

"What are you thinking about? The old cow is hungry."

Suddenly, a whistling sound rang, and the green cow smirked and said.

If you look at its honest and honest smile, Wei Xiaobei may have been deceived by him, but Qingniu’s eyes are still staring at Wei Xiaobei’s storage ring, and his mouth is still flowing.

Wei Xiaobei now understands a bit. For Mao’s seven-seven women’s association and this green cow to become good friends, probably both sides love to eat?

I want to come, the seven Siyu women may have said a lot of things in front of the green cow, otherwise, how can this blue cow stare at their storage ring?

"What to eat?"

Wei Xiaobei had some helplessness to take out the dragon scale pot, and he asked a word, of course, this sentence does not have any specific meaning, probably said to say hello to others, have not eaten yet? Go to my house.

That's almost what it means.

But let Wei Xiaobei never think of things, this green cow went up and climbed, and constantly licked out the name of the dish: "Barbecue pickles porridge, red porridge, flame barbecue, electric light barbecue, boiled Spicy and win-win fish is unfinished.


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