The City of Terror

Chapter 1168: Eating goods

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When the Kangye pig barbecued, it flew out.

At that time, the green cow had only a barbecue in his eyes. When he saw the barbecue inexplicably flew away, he could bear it, and screamed: "Where to escape!"

The voice has not completely fallen, and the green cow has turned into a blue light, and it has caught up with the barbecue in a blink of an eye.

To say that this young cow does not know if it is hungry for a long time, grab the barbecue and put it in the entrance, even chewing it, and swallowed the throat.

After that, the green cow walked to the side of Wei Xiaobei, and even brought a hint of pleasing between the looks: "That, Wei Xiao brother, is there any barbecue? It’s strange that the old cow’s mouth is big, and I haven’t had time to chew. It swallowed."

Hearing this sentence, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but see it. This is not the Journey to the West. After the pigs eat the ginseng fruit, do you want to find another word for Sun Wukong?

How can this blue cow also have this trick?

However, in the face of the Green Bull, Wei Xiaobei is not likely to refuse.

The character of this young cow, Wei Xiaobei has figured out some, probably with some rogue look.


Well, the best way to deal with rogues is to crush each other in strength.

And a rogue that is much more powerful than oneself, the way to deal with it is to slightly satisfy the other party's conditions.

It's that simple.

For Wei Xiaobei, a piece of barbecue is not a difficult problem.

After taking the barbecue, the green cow was slightly chewed twice and then swallowed, and then looked at Wei Xiaobei.

This young cow is now understandable. As long as this humanity is a little bit low and the posture is lowered a little, then you can get food, why not?

I have to say that in the following time, Qingniu let Wei Xiaobei see what is called a big appetite.

In one breath, this green cow ate more than 30 pieces of barbecue in Wei Xiaobei, and there was no such thing as a satisfying one.

This really makes Wei Xiaobei feel helpless.

Don't look at the body of this blue cow is more than 20 meters, but the barbecue cooked by Wei Xiaobei is not a simple barbecue. The strong like Wei Xiaobei, after exhaustion, up to five Six barbecues will fill your stomach and restore energy.

According to the size of this blue cow, it is at most 20 questions.

But now it seems that this green cow is indeed a little different.

Wei Xiaobei saw that this green cow was really a foodie, but it was also his own appetite.

For a senior chef, the dishes made can make the diners smirk, which is basically the biggest satisfaction.

Since the dragon scale pot has been taken out, Wei Xiaobei looked at the situation of the green cow and did not intend to take it back.

It’s always impossible for this blue cow to eat all the stock of the dishes in its storage ring.

The dragon scale pot began to heat up quickly, and then Wei Xiaobei poured some cooking oil into the pot.

As the temperature rises rapidly, a blue smoke begins to appear in the pot.

The green cows on the side smelled the oily fragrance. They were all drooling. If it wasn’t for Wei Xiaobei’s dissuasion, the blue cow might have picked up the dragon scale pot and drunk the oil.

When the temperature of the oil rises to a certain extent, Wei Xiaobei will even pour the half of the sinister fish in the storage ring into the pot.

Suddenly a small burst of bang in this pot came, and with Wei Xiaobei using a pot shovel to pull back and forth, the pot suddenly floated a fried fish flavor.

Smell the smell of fried fish, the blue cow can't wait to ask: "Little brother, done?"

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and immediately added a large pot of water to the pot, which was mixed with some fresh sea water.

As the water rushed, the frying of the fried fish suddenly disappeared, so that the blue cow could not help but regret.

When the water is open, Wei Xiaobei will add the seafood such as red meat crab to the pot.

After the fire burned the water again to boiling, Wei Xiaobei even lowered the temperature of the pot until the pottery smell came out of the pot. Wei Xiaobei’s face showed some smiles.

It must be said that Wei Xiaobei has not cooked up for a while, but now cooking is not a bit unfamiliar, but it all benefits from the benefits of skills.

Wei Xiaobei casually fell on the seafood soup in the dragon scale pot, and saw the properties of this seafood soup.

It is said that the ingredients of this pot of seafood soup are not calculated, and the ingredients such as the half-evil mermaid, red meat crab, etc. are not on the grade, but the seafood soup cooked has reached the quality of the treasure, and also Wei Xiaobei is quite satisfied.

"it is done?"

At this time, Qingniu finally couldn’t help but ask the locusts in his stomach. When he saw Wei Xiaobei nodded, he was overjoyed. He grabbed the edge of the dragon pot with both hands and poured the seafood soup in his pot into his mouth. I don't worry about the high temperature of seafood soup.

Of course, for the existence of such a green cow, less than a Baidu's high temperature, it is nothing at all.

But then again, then the big dragon pot fell down, the seafood soup did not even fall a little bit, all entered the green cattle mouth, this ability, Wei Xiaobei is not as good as self-sigh.

This may be the ability of the green cow to swallow a river.

In one breath, the seafood soup weighing five or six tons was swallowed in the stomach. The blue cow carefully put down the dragon scale pot. Undoubtedly, in the eyes of the green cow, this dragon scale pot does not look good, but it can cook. So delicious, that is baby!

After a nap, Qingniu took a long breath and was very relieved. Later, he regretted Wei Xiaobei: "Little brother, this soup is so delicious, it is not hard enough."

Well, this blue cow drank the soup, and also felt that the soup was used to fill the stomach is not enough, the stomach is a little empty!

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei's storage ring, there are not many other things, the high-grade flour produced from Weijia Island, rice or something, but quite a lot.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei will only be able to work hard and make a big pancake for the green cattle with flour.

If you can, this big pancake can barely apply for the Guinness World Record.

After doing it, weighed eight tons of big pancakes!

Although the dragon scale pot is big enough, it is not convenient for pancakes.

Therefore, this tool used for pancakes, Wei Xiaobei let the green cattle to find a large metal plate.

To say that the iron gate of the military base is very useful, but it was hit by a green cow and was finally broken into powder!

The green cow is willing to contribute as long as it is for eating.

Hearing Wei Xiaobei said that a large metal block should be used to make pancakes. You don’t have to say anything at all. While drooling, you rushed out: "Little brother, you will wait! Wait for the old cow to come back!"

Even if the green cow becomes a human figure, the speed is too fast to make people stunned, and soon disappeared into Wei Xiaobei's field of vision.

As the green cow went out to find the metal block, Wei Xiaobei began to lick the flour in the dragon scale pot.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei's power attribute is high enough, the flour is mixed with water, and the pot is smashed with a large spatula. It is completely brute force. The hard-boiled mixture of the water is full of eight tons of flour.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei now misses her own ink and wash gloves.

If you have a cotton glove, you can completely ignore the volume of the dough and easily control it.

Next, the dough is placed in a dragon pot, maintained at a temperature of about 30 degrees, and fermented quickly.

After the dough began to swell for a while, the green cow finally came back.

Of course, from the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, only two huge iron gates can be seen moving on land.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei can guess who is under the iron gate.

However, after Wei Xiaobei saw the iron gate, it was a bit stunned. Isn't that the iron gate of the military base?

Was the iron gate not shaken into powder by the green cow?


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