The City of Terror

Chapter 1173: Horrible human face tree!

The poor road suddenly produced an inspiration yesterday. As a result, the dream went to the inspiration and made a circle. After waking up, it was cold and sweaty, and I would never think of such horrible inspiration.


To put it simply, plants are also weeds on the ground. Everyone can see that anyone can go up and step on their feet. If it is a crop, everyone will be careful when they pass, for fear of trampling.

The reason for this is the value!

In the eyes of human beings, crops are valuable and can produce food, that is, wealth, and cannot be destroyed at will.

Weeds have no value and are destroyed.

If this relationship between people is deeply analyzed, whether it is love or affection, it actually applies to this set of rules.

Having said that, some people will say, how can emotional things be measured by value?

But in fact, the relationship here is simple. The mother’s affection for the son comes from the recognition of her own value. The son is a piece of meat that falls from the mother. In the mother’s subconscious, it is part of herself. This is The greatest value in the world.

Love is also the same, lovers are mutually recognized the relationship of the existence of the other value, if one party does not recognize the value of the other party, then this relationship is deformed.

Of course, these words are more nonsense.

It can be seen from this that the crisis awareness of the female girl is still very heavy.

For Wei Xiaobei, the value of a girl is that she is a ghost, knows some things about ghosts, and is loyal to herself.

In the eyes of the girl, the strength gap between herself and Wei Daren is too great. If she can't reflect more value, she may be abandoned in the future.

Therefore, the needle woman finally proposed to Wei Xiaobei, to kill those dark clouds!

Wei Xiaobei waved his hand toward the needle girl and agreed to the other party's request. Those black clouds, Wei Xiaobei had seen it before, only two ordinary strengths, although the black fog spit out is a strategic level auxiliary weapon. However, its combat effectiveness is actually a bit worse.

The needle woman is willing to go.

The needle girl went to worship Wei Xiaobei and left.

Wei Xiaobei went straight to the military base.

Approximately five or six kilometers from the gap in the gate of the military base, stood a group of ghosts, each holding a steel fork, about three meters high, one muscles inflated, wearing a half body armor, but the center is suddenly a long A tree full of women's faces!

Wei Xiaobei’s goal is them!

Those ghosts should be nightshade ghosts. Well, in fact, the myths and legends of Dongpu are influenced by other myths and legends, and there will be some ghosts similar to other myths and legends.

And the big tree with a woman's face around it should be the human face tree in Dongpu mythology!

To be famous in the myth of Dongpu, it is very famous. It is a household name with ghosts, gossip and so on.

The most horrible ghost is the relatively strange ghost of the human face tree!

The origin of this human face tree is probably a stern love story. A pair of lovers can't get together because of family reasons. After the woman's death, the man buried him in his backyard. As a result, the body became a long one. The tree full of women's faces eventually led to a series of horror stories.

In myths and legends, the lords of the time sent people to burn the tree, but in the fire, the tree disappeared strangely, and basically no news of the big tree was heard.

Of course, the myths and legends are not the only ones related to the human face tree. What other people do not like to peel off the faces of beautiful women, stick them on themselves, and so on.

In short, light can be seen from the mythology story, this human face tree is not a good thing.

Of course, when Wei Xiaobei rushed toward the group of ghosts, he also saw the face of the tree clearly, even in order to hide the strength of the embankment, Wei Xiaobei also released a universal object to the tree. .

Name: Human face tree

Race: Wraith Plant

Gender: Female

Age: 310 years old

Biology level: four star elite

Introduction: The human face tree is a grievance plant transformed from a woman's body gathered with incompetent grievances. It is most like murder. The man bleeds blood for fertilizer. The woman peels off the skin and sticks it on the body, so as to ban the other soul and gather grievances.

Weaknesses: positive energy, flame, Buddhism

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: roots slamming, fast rooting, bloodsucking

Special abilities: physical simplification, grievance curse, imprisoned soul, malicious traversal, screaming

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: woman soul * 4320

Good guy!

Wei Xiaobei looked at the attribute table of this human face tree and couldn't help but **** a cold air.

This human face tree is still a real name!

It's not that it has a lot of special abilities, but its behavior is enough!

The man bleeds the blood for the fertilizer, the woman peels off the dough, and the soul is forbidden!

The female soul of the imprisoned woman has reached 4,320. Of course, the woman who actually killed it will probably have more, but many souls should be ruined by it.

It is no wonder that when Wei Xiaobei saw the other party, his body was the blood of the sky!

Wei Xiaobei thought that the other party’s murder was only a thousand.

But now it seems that its murder is not speculation.

Four-star elite!

Wei Xiaobei was slightly relieved.

Like this kind of ghost type ghost, if it reaches the four-star horror, it is conceivable to deal with the difficulty.

Now, the four-star elite, there is a limit to it.

In fact, just as Wei Xiaobei appeared, the red light outside the military base in the distance was already at a broken level. The night fork ghosts headed by the human face tree waved the steel fork and prepared to move toward the military base. Rushing away.

Undoubtedly, the most powerful ghosts on this battlefield are here, and the rest of the ghosts can be said to be cannon fodder. When the fruits of victory are about to be enjoyed, these powerful ghosts naturally have to rush to the front.

After all, ghosts are no better than the human army. They may be able to participate in the battlefield under the courage of powerful ghosts. But when humans are not eating, they should not devote their food to the food. Those who are powerful and ghosts.

The reason for this is very simple. It is similar to the monsters of China. Humans mean the improvement of strength for most ghosts.

Blood food!

This is a term commonly used in China and the East Monsters.

To put it simply, human beings are the blood food in the eyes of ghosts. If you eat more blood, you can improve your strength.

It's such a simple thing.

Ghosts see human beings as foods that can enhance their strength, and the results are imaginable.

However, when this group of powerful ghosts is about to start rushing toward the military base, the face tree that was originally pulling the roots out of the ground quickly, all the women’s faces on the body looked in the direction of Wei Xiaobei. past!

Undoubtedly, all the things released by Wei Xiaobei are known by this person!

The basic shape of the human face tree is a large tree about four meters high, with branches and leaves.

However, the trunk of the tree is covered with a woman's face, and the surface of the other part of the leaf is also the face of the woman who has been shortened.

Of course, these women's faces are different, beautiful and flowery, but also ugly, and more common looks, but they all have the same point, that is, their eyes are closed, pale and incomparable! And its lips are very beautiful!

Not to mention people with intensive phobias, even if Wei Xiaobei looked over, they all came out with a goose bump.

This shape is really horrible!

The most terrible thing is that in this horror style, it is still inexplicably with a hint of temptation!

A branch of the human face tree pointed to Wei Xiaobei, and then all the women's faces on his face opened the red lips!


At this time, Wei Xiaobei can clearly feel that a danger is coming!

Without thinking, Wei Xiaobei was in the first time, the body's real mercury operation, the pores opened in a blink of an eye, a trace of real mercury sprayed, so that the whole body covered with a layer of real mercury, its electric light shines.

And Wei Xiaobei’s legs are on the ground, just like a big bird!


The woman's face of the human face tree is full of mouths. It seems that an invisible wave has spread from the thousands of mouths, and it has spread to Wei Xiaobei in a blink of an eye.

Of course, the ones that bear the brunt at this time are the night fork ghosts around the human face tree!

Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that those night-time ghosts have big eyes and their faces are terrified. The next moment their bodies tremble, their hands are thrown away, and they want to hold their ears!

It should have been a very easy thing, and it was very difficult to do it at these night forks.

The distance between the hands and the ears is like a huge gap that can never be approached.

Less than half-time, these night fork ghost eyes, nose, ears, etc., there are bright red blood flowing out, it looks very embarrassing.

At this time, these night fork ghosts can no longer support the body, one by one like to push Jinshan down the jade column, smashed through the ground and fell to the ground, the body is full of life!

In fact, even Wei Xiaobei, who tried to dodge, did not completely escape the attack of the human face tree.

To say that Wei Xiaobei's speed has already been very fast, and in a flash, he fled to the sky a hundred meters away.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei felt his legs numb. Next, it was like the legs went deep into the storm, and trembled constantly, and the real mercury covering the legs broke out in a flash. Will resist an invisible wave.

After Wei Xiaobei pulled back his legs and rushed out for dozens of meters, the feeling was over.

Awesome tricks!

To be honest, at this time, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat scared.

Although this human face tree only has the biological level of the four-star elite, its attack method is somewhat horrible!

Undoubtedly, its ability to display should be the so-called grievances!


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