The City of Terror

Chapter 1174: Can you escape? ! !

The poor road is worried that you can't get out of bed, simply insist on it now, first update the chapter and go to sleep!


From the feeling before Wei Xiaobei, it can be inferred that this kind of screaming scream should belong to the sonic attack, but in addition to the simple sonic attack, it also adds some soul-related attack effects.

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei’s willpower is firm and the strength of the soul is strong enough, I am afraid that even if the whole body is protected against mercury, the additional power grid may suffer a big loss under this attack!

Even so, Wei Xiaobei's real mercury has been offset by three-tenths!

Didn't see those nightshade ghosts have no breath at this time?

However, it can be seen from this that the screaming scream of this human face tree should be an indiscriminate range attack.

Those night fork ghosts are too unlucky, too close to the human face tree.

The human face tree is aware of the exploration of the soul level, and the heart is furious and arrogant. At the root, there is no scruples about his own hands, and the big move is directly released.

As a result, those night-time ghosts failed to survive the three-week time, and they were taken away by this screaming spirit.

I have to say that, like these ghosts, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, their ability is very different and powerful, so Wei Xiaobei is somewhat impressive.

Finally, Wei Xiaobei, who had escaped the screams of grievances, was also angered. His legs were in the air, and he rushed straight toward the tree. The right hand grabbed a white sword and appeared. In the hands!

Sword of the Angels!

From the last time in the world tree ash world, in order to prove myself, after a sword killed the flame giant, these time passed, and the positive energy in the sword of the blazing angel has completely recovered!

One of the weaknesses of this human face tree is positive energy!

Although Wei Xiaobei could not take out the big guns, but used to deal with this man-faced tree, the sword of the blazing angel should be enough.

Obviously, the alertness of the human face tree is also quite high.

When Wei Xiaobei took out the sword of the blazing angel, all the faces of the woman's face brought a look of horror. The next moment, the eyes of all the women's faces began to slowly open!


Wei Xiaobei, who once again felt the danger of coming, couldn’t help but open his heart.

The special ability of this human face tree is actually a lot more, one stroke is no longer a change, and the threat to yourself is not small!

However, due to the distance, the sword of the sacred angel in Wei Xiaobei’s hand wants to use it, and he has to move closer to the human face tree.

The human face tree woman's face and eyes open as much as possible, Wei Xiaobei rushed to dodge!

But Wei Xiaobei’s speed is fast, and it’s impossible to get faster than the speed at which people’s eyes turn.

No matter how Wei Xiaobei can dodge, the more than a thousand pairs of eyes are staring at Wei Xiaobei.

No matter, rush!

Wei Xiaobei's body is covered with real mercury, the power grid is entangled, and it is no longer dodging. It is rushing forward. When it arrives at a sufficient distance, the sword of the blazing angel in the hand is far away from the tree of the person!


A layer of white light emerges on the sword of the blazing angel. The next moment, the white light forms a beam of light, and it sweeps over the tree of the face!

Wei Xiaobei can see that the horror on the woman's face of the human face tree has expanded rapidly, and even the face tree has made a dodge.

But compared to the speed of the light column, the speed of the human face tree is almost nothing. After the moment, the white light column swept over the trunk of the human face tree, and the faces of the women on the face of the tree screamed and even screamed. Dozens of faces were burned directly by the white light column!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that the body was cold, just like the body suddenly entered the ice.

This feeling is that Wei Xiaobei has not felt it for a long time.

With the physical attributes increased to 80 points, the reality of the summer heat has been difficult to let Wei Xiaobei feel hot and cold.

But now, under the attack of this human face tree, Wei Xiaobei finally felt it.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei and the man face the tree at the same time.

However, the performance after the two strokes is completely different.

Wei Xiaobei also feels that the whole body is chilly, and the upper half of the human face tree has crashed down, leaving only the lower half of the stump to desperately crawl away in the distance.

Want to run?

Wei Xiaobei's gaze fell on the stump of the human face tree. Perhaps it was felt that Wei Xiaobei was full of killing eyes. The stump climbed faster, and the speed of the roots underneath had been made visible to the naked eye. .

I have to say that this person's face tree is far stronger than the many plant monsters that Wei Xiaobei has seen in terms of mobility.

For example, big trees, tree people, strange trees, etc., their speed of movement is simply a slag, the fastest is faster than the human trot, slower than the people walking slowly.

If you let the person escape from the tree, Wei Xiaobei will probably get an internal injury.

In the air, a few arrows rushed out, and the speed of Wei Xiaobei was raised to a considerable extent.

Diligent, two interest, three interest

The distance between Wei Xiaobei and the person's face stump is getting shorter and shorter. When the distance is closer to less than 100 meters, Wei Xiaobei raises the sword of the right hand's blazing angel!


The sound of the air broke out, and the white long sword was thrown out by Wei Xiaobei.

With the power of Wei Xiaobei to throw this long sword, the speed of the long sword is unimaginable, and it even broke the sound barrier in a moment!

However, the sound of the sound has not yet arrived, and a long sword that has turned into a white line has already entered the human tree stump!


A soft bang, the white long sword burned.

This is not a follow-up attack by Wei Xiaobei. Instead, after the sword of the blazing angel is shot into the stump, he feels the evil and coldness in the stump, and then releases the remaining positive energy in the blade.

Before the human face tree was cut into two halves by the white light beam shot by the blazing angel sword, it was hit by the body of the blazing angel sword, and finally burned by the flame formed by positive energy.

No matter which aspect, this face tree has been hit hard!

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward is that the human tree stump wrapped in white flame suddenly burst into a sharp scream. At the next moment, the human tree stump disappeared into the flame, and the blazing angel who lost the target The sword fell to the ground.

How is this going?

Wei Xiaobei rushed over in a few steps, and when he lifted his hand, he smashed the sword.


Wei Xiaobei feels the breath left by the little space cracks in the air.

That's right, although the residual breath left by this space crack is a little weird, it is indeed a space crack!

With Wei Xiaobei’s understanding of the mystery of space, this judgment is not wrong.

This is an accident that Wei Xiaobei did not expect.

However, recalling the property sheet of the human face tree, Wei Xiaobei found the means for this human face tree to escape!

Malicious crossing!

Fortunately, this human face tree has a lower biological level than Wei Xiaobei, so Wei Xiaobei can understand the effect of his ability after focusing on this ability.

Malicious traversal: When the human face tree is in danger of being fatally threatened, the ability is automatically activated, and the human face tree is randomly sent to a malicious place in the world.

The world, malicious?

Wei Xiaobei seized two keywords in an instant.

The world means that the place where the human face tree is sent is in reality!

And malicious?

For this malicious explanation, Wei Xiaobei's mind can be explained in various language versions.

Of course, in fact, the interpretation of maliciousness in various language versions of the world is similar.

Bad intentions, bad intentions!

This is malicious.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, this maliciousness is probably divided into two levels.

One is the inner malicious, but not put into action.

The second is the maliciousness put into action.

So where is the place on the planet that is more malicious? Or, where there are more malicious subjects?

Wei Xiaobei’s mind quickly became operational.

Rogue map? Bad reporter? Or the black in the slum, help?

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei stopped the scrutiny of this issue.

The reason is very simple. One hundred people are in various colors.

This person, due to the influence of the outside world or his own factors, may have a bad heart in different periods of life.

This so-called malicious place is more likely to be speculated.

If you have to guess, the result will probably exceed 100,000!

And, it is sent randomly to a certain place, it is even less likely to find its place.

It seems that after that, we should pay attention to news from all over the world.

Wei Xiaobei believes that with the habit of the human face tree, I am afraid that it will take a long time to expose itself.

After all, this human face tree likes to kill men to bleed and peel off women's faces. This kind of behavior, regardless of its place, may cause people to panic, or a lot of media attention!

The sword of the blazing angel, whose positive energy has been exhausted, retracts the storage ring, and Wei Xiaobei rushes back to where the former human face tree was cut in half.


Just when Wei Xiaobei was close to it, I felt a little bit wrong.

The bodies of the night fork ghosts and the tree trunks of the human face are even on the ground, but in the middle of the sky, the dense spirits are suspended.

These spirits seem to attempt to attack the half of the trunk of the human face tree, but not for any use.

At the beginning, Wei Xiaobei thought it was a spiritual ghost. But when you look closely, there is no blood in these spirits, just with some white light, green light, yellow light or something, it looks a little faint.

And the appearances of these spirits are all women.

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

These spirits should be the soul of a woman bound by a tree of people!

However, looking at the weakness of these spirits, Wei Xiaobei knows that the face tree is basically a battery that will be used to enhance his strength.

These spirits are weak enough to be found in the air.

If it weren't for the dark fog above the sky, the vast majority of the sun was isolated, plus dozens of nocturnal ghosts and even the top half of the tree in the face of the tree, which made the neighborhood suffocating, and these spirits were leaving people. When the tree trunk is facing, it should be dissipated.


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