The City of Terror

Chapter 1175: Eucalyptus

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Wei Xiaobei walked slowly toward those spirits, and suddenly caught the attention of those spiritual bodies.

Frightened! This is the only reaction of the spirits!

In the eyes of these spirits, Wei Xiaobei, who is slowly coming over, is not a human being, but a huge sun, radiating incredible light toward them, making their bodies quickly become unstable. .

In this case, the spirits are in a mess, and because only the human face trees have enough yin to survive, they dare not leave.

Seeing that the spirits suddenly became confused, Wei Xiaobei patted his head, but he forgot.

For these weak spirits, you are really too strong.

You must know that in the legends of Chinese mythology and ghosts, ghosts and evil spirits can kill people, but there are several kinds of people who are most afraid of evil spirits!

The first is the executioner! The executioner is said to be killing countless people, and the murderousness of the body makes those ghosts as soon as they are close, they may be smashed!

The second is the general who has fought a hundred wars. The reason is similar to that of the executioner, but it is even more powerful.

The third is an official who is upright! It is said that the official who is righteous is an official, to benefit the villagers, to be a good man, to have a night tour of the gods, to travel to the sun to protect the gods! It is this truth that the body is upright, the gods are sheltering, and the evil spirits do not invade.

The fourth is a scholar who is upright. Of course, this is going to be worse. If you encounter a ghost, if you encounter a monster, it is a rare food!

The fifth is the Taoist who is different from the magic, the monk is the Ranger, this is completely a combat type player, and most of those ghosts are restrained by them.

Of course, there is another kind of broiler chicken!

A man with a lot of blood can make the ghosts have to avoid it. Otherwise, if the distance is close, the blood will collide, and the ghosts will be scattered!

The blood of Wei Xiaobei is no longer comparable to human beings.

Not to mention these weak spirits, even those ordinary discs, **** now meet Wei Xiaobei, probably only to evade the three homes.

Wei Xiaobei saw that the bodies of the spirits were constantly becoming thin, and a trace of transparent air continually floated out of them. Even after a few steps, a wave of blue light fell out and fell on those spirits. Those spirits, together with the upper half of the human face tree, the night fork ghosts and other bodies, were all included in the green wood blessing.

Waiting for Xiaobei to enter Qingmufudi, he saw that the green cow that had been squatting beside the seedlings of the world tree had already awakened, and his eyes were staring in one direction, and he could not see his eyes.

The place was a small forest, and thousands of spirits received by Wei Xiaobei were hiding under the shade of the trees to avoid direct sunlight.

Of course, in fact, the fireball hanging above the sky in the Aomufu land is not called the sun, and the light that falls from it is too far away from the sunlight.

Its lethality to creatures such as the spirit is very weak.

But those spirits are too weak, so they can only hide under the shade of the trees.

The young cow seems to know that Wei Xiaobei came in. He did not change into a human form. He asked him with a scorpion: "Hey? Wei brothers, how can a whole group of girls come in? Let the old cows sleep?"

Obviously, this young cow is not very cold with the femininity such as the spirit, and was awakened after these spirits entered the Aomu blessed land.

"It's okay, it's just some poor people."

Wei Xiaobei slowly showed his body shape, watching the spirits could not help but sigh, and then told the young cows the origin of these spirits.

However, the tragic experience of these spirits did not cause the half-pity of the young cattle.

I want to come too. Like the existence of the green cow, I am afraid that this kind of thing will be much more.

In his view, this is nothing more than a group of ghosts that have been harmed by monsters.

Seeing that Qingniu has no pity, Wei Xiaobei is ready to say a few more words. He wants to transform the concept of this green cow. Otherwise, this blue cow is undoubtedly a bomb. Who knows if it is not happy? Make more things out.

"Forget it, forget it, don't lie, the old cow will help them, so that the old cow will not be able to sleep."

Seeing Xiaobei University is full of enthusiasm, ready to come to a long-formed posture, then the blue cow feels a little headache.

To say that this young cow is in the Taishang Laojun, it is a typical example of not learning.

In the mood of Taishang Laojun, when the altar was opened, the children of the children all pretended to occupy the position in advance, ready to listen, but this blue cow was desperately hiding when he heard the news of opening the altar, for fear of the old Jun will go to listen to himself.

Therefore, it is the most headache for a long story.

The green cow dropped a sentence, and then Zhangkou was a bubble of water sprayed toward the grove.


The bubble was just like a **** in Wei Xiaobei's eyes. When he flew over the grove, it changed into a rain cloud, and then the raindrops fell and fell.

Obviously, the rain cloud that this blue cow drool turns into is not an ordinary rain cloud!

Rain falls between the trees, and a green cloud rises in the woods, covering those spirits. When the rain clouds disappear, the green clouds dissipate, and Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are a little big.

Those spirits disappeared and disappeared? ! !

What is going on?

Will it be destroyed by this green cow?

This is very possible!

Wei Xiaobei looked at the green cow.

The Qingniu was sensitive at this time. Seeing Wei Xiaobei staring at himself, he understood the meaning of Wei Xiaobei. He probably worried that Wei Xiaobei would not cook for himself. Qingniu hurriedly explained: "Look at those trees, They went in."

Going in?

Wei Xiaobei immediately looked at the woods.


The woods are a eucalyptus forest.

It is said that the vitality of eucalyptus is relatively tenacious and the ability to reproduce is relatively strong. The germination rate of this tree seed is relatively rare, and it can reach between 80% and 90%!

After the battle with the Six-winged Angel, the eucalyptus accounted for 24% of the trees that grew up again in Aoki.

Don't think that this ratio is small.

You must know that there are more than 30 kinds of trees in Aoki Fukuchi!

In other words, in the Aomu Fudi, the largest number of trees are banyan trees.

Of course, in terms of commercial value, the value of eucalyptus is not too high, but it is not too low, and its wood is more delicate, but the old tree is easy to open up, making the value of the whole wood lower.

But for now, in the Aomu Fudi, this banyan tree is an extremely important source of honey. The bees that Wei Xiaobei stocked here are basically relying on the silk flowers opened by this banyan tree.

The strings of eucalyptus are as long as the pyramids.

Wei Xiaobei feels that these banyan trees are not quite the same as before.

The whole forest is sullen, but the eucalyptus grows better.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei contacted the fireball and used the fireball to observe the banyan trees.

Looking at it this way, Wei Xiaobei looked at it.

There are about fifty trees in this banyan tree. The spirits are not destroyed by the green cows, but they are sleeping in the trunks of the banyan trees. More than 80 of them are sleeping in the trunks of each banyan tree. Spiritual.

It turned out to be the case.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

It is said that this banyan tree is also a relatively famous plant in Chinese culture.

On the positive side, in ancient times, eucalyptus was often used to describe high officials.

For example, Yi Ding refers to the position of the three public, but also refers to the ruling minister.

Yan Qing refers to Sangong Jiuqing.

槐宸 refers to the emperor's palace, refers to the court, and looks to the reputation of the public.

槐绶Specially refers to the three gongs and so on.

In the Huaxia Five Elements Theory, the banyan tree is yin and it is a kind of yin, so the place where the eucalyptus is more yin is very heavy and can nourish the ghost.

Among the many ghost legends, the eucalyptus becomes a fine, and there are so many things to support the ghosts.

And this blue cow undoubtedly also adopted the method of eucalyptus to raise ghosts.

It seems that this method is not bad. The yin of the eucalyptus constantly nourishes the spirits, and the spirits are concentrated in a forest, which makes the forest intensify, making the eucalyptus grow better.

As a result, this forms a virtuous circle.

Of course, the only trouble is that this forest is likely to form a place of yin in the future.

The so-called yin land refers to the place where the yin is extremely rich.

For example, many people’s battlefields have been dead, many years of chaotic graves, and even some dark areas where the sun is not visible all year round.

Like this sinful land, it is easy to breed evil spirits such as evil spirits, ghosts and so on.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei felt a headache.

He didn't want his own Aoki Fukui to become a place where a group of ghosts danced. In that case, after waiting for his parents to come in, wouldn't you be scared to death?

Wei Xiaobei thought for a while and did not think of a better solution.

Of course, the most direct way is to eradicate this eucalyptus forest and eliminate those spirits. In that case, it is a hundred.

But if this is the case, there is no need for Wei Xiaobei to include these spirits before, let them be self-destructive outside, is it better, after all, in terms of their state, the most outside It was half an hour, and I died on my own.

Looked at the green cow that has been kneeling down and ready to sleep. Wei Xiaobei feels that this kind of thing should be solved by experts. At least from the previous performance, Qingniu knows more about this kind of thing than himself.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei said his fears to Qingniu, the blue cow that had been caught on the eyelids could not help but laugh: "Little brother, it seems that you know too little about this blessed land, who is your teacher. what?"

Well, when this young cow asked Wei Xiaobei to cook, but a Wei brother, now Wei Xiaobei has asked for it, and the tone suddenly changed.

Little brother!


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