The City of Terror

Chapter 1176: Master is on!

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Of course, even if it is such a green cow, Wei Xiaobei can't turn his face. He can only honestly say that he has a vague relationship with the seven divisions.

Probably the meaning is that the seven Si Yu female is his own teacher.

After all, this green cow seems to have a good relationship with the seven priests and jade girls. They are holding the title of a seven-six-girl jade apprentice. This blue cow is also embarrassed about some things.

After listening to Wei Xiaobei’s words, Qingniu laughed and laughed: “The seven Siyu girls are younger after all. When the teacher is still a little lacking, come and come, little brother, let the old cow give you a lesson today.”

To say that this green cow is really not very good.

Although the relationship between Wei Xiaobei and Qi Siyu is vague, it probably belongs to the transaction, but in the face of Wei Xiaobei, it is a bit lacking in mind, or some Two.

However, the last sentence of this Qingniu is to raise the spirit of Wei Xiaobei.

Although this blue cow looks quite a bit unskilled, Wei Xiaobei knows that this green cow is the mount of Taishang Laojun!

How old is the green cow? 2581 years old!

How many years have you followed Laojun? How do you say it has been more than two thousand years?

With Laojun for so many years, even if the ear hangs, I get a little from the Taijun Laojun every month. This accumulation, no more learning, can learn a lot!

The thing in Wei Xiaobei will be in front of the green cow, I am afraid that it is really no school!

Seeing Wei Xiaobei heard this sentence, suddenly became spiritual, and the green bull was very cool.

You must know that in the years following Laojun, the few words that Qingniu listened to most were, licking animals! Do not learn without surgery!

But in fact, in the heart of Qingniu, I am still very envious of being a teacher.

Now Wei Xiaobei is willing to listen, and the green cow immediately changes into a human form, touches the beard that does not exist, and presents a majestic teacher.

Of course, if this appearance is placed on Laojun, it is the majesty of the Tao, the fairy style!

But the human form of this blue cow was originally grown thick. If it wasn't for the black-black skin, it was thrown onto the construction site.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to laugh at the green cow, but only bowed to the green bull to show respect.

The young cow saw Xiaobei so, and his heart became more and more happy. He even said it: "Can you hear the silence?"

Too quiet and quiet?

Wei Xiaobei turned around in his mind and found the memory of the Taishang Jingjing from a memory corner.

This is because the benefits of finding a book when Wei Xiaobei was fine before, with the super intellectual property, the number of books recorded by Wei Xiaobei in his mind, not to mention the same as a top university, but at least It can also be equal to a general library.

However, this Qingniu has no intention to let Wei Xiaobei answer this question, and even he smashed himself: "Laojunjun: the avenue is invisible, fertility world; the road is ruthless, running the sun and the moon; the avenue is unknown, the long-term I don't know the name, the name is swearing. The husband: There is clear and turbid, there is movement and static; the sky is clear and the sky is quiet. The man is clear and the girl is turbid, the man is moving, the woman is quiet. Everything is born. The source of the turbidity of the Qing dynasty, the foundation of the quiet person. People can always be quiet, and the heavens and the earth are all returned."

Good guy, this green cow is squirting, and the whole book will be smashed out in a single breath.

The ambiguous rhythm is relatively low, but it is extremely beautiful in the Weibeibei ear. Inexplicable, Wei Xiaobei has entered a mysterious state, feeling that his understanding of the mystery of space has gone deeper.

After the last sentence of Qingniu fell, Wei Xiaobei only came back to the world, and swayed toward the blue bull, and smashed three heads!

Without it, Wei Xiaobei is thankful for the teaching of the blue cow.

Undoubtedly, this article of Qingniu’s Taiqing Jingjing contains the understanding of the natural avenue of Qingniu. The great benefits for Wei Xiaobei are not very clear now, but Wei Xiaobei knows that I am a big earner!

It is no wonder that after the green cow entered the Aomu Fudi, even the fireball hanging above the sky could not see the position of the green cow.

In fact, the natural integration of the green cow and the green wood blessed land is naturally invisible.

"Master, what is the truth, what is the truth?"

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not take care of the eucalyptus forest. Instead, he took the time and looked at the mysterious state. He took more things from the mouth of the green bull, and now he recognized it. Green Bull is the master!

For Wei Xiaobei to recognize himself as a master, there is no change in the appearance of Qingniu, but Wei Xiaobei can clearly see some joy in the eyes of Qingniu.

For Wei Xiaobei's doubts, Qingniu explained that it was extremely oysterous, but Wei Xiaobei, who was in a mysterious state, was surprised to find that he could understand.

It’s a pity that this mysterious state is really short-lived. I haven’t waited for the blue cow to explain how long it has been. Wei Xiaobei has withdrawn from that state, and then the explanation of Qingniu’s explanation, Wei Xiaobei’s voice seems to understand, six At the same time, my mind was not able to understand half!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. With his powerful intellectual attributes, he has carefully recorded the explanations of Qingniu, and stayed there for a while, and then slowly understood.

However, after so much tossing back and forth, Wei Xiaobei’s face was also pale.

After listening to such a quiet and quiet, Wei Xiaobei felt that his energy was exhausted and there was a feeling of wanting to fall to the ground.

Seeing the support of the small Arctic force, the green cow could not help but shake his head and extended his right hand to gently touch Wei Xiaobei.

Immediately, Wei Xiaobei did not have time to react, and even fell asleep.

This feeling, Wei Xiaobei did not know how long he slept, but when he woke up, he felt comfortable and the energy he had consumed was restored.

It is not enough to describe the state of Wei Xiaobei now.

Waiting for Xiaobei, he stretched out and looked around, only to find that the green cow was sitting under the world tree.

Although there is no formal apprentice etiquette, Wei Xiaobei has already recognized the Qingniu as a teacher, so the attitude of the act naturally has to change.

In the first three steps, Wei Xiaobei went to the Qingniu for a ceremony: "Master, you have worked hard for the elderly."

Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. The previous energy consumption is not a general consumption. Even on the soul level, Wei Xiaobei consumes a lot, so he can recover when he sleeps.

Qingniu did not shoot, Wei Xiaobei is not believed.

Qingniu did not deny it and nodded to Wei Xiaobei.

I have to say that after Wei Xiaobei worshipped Qingniu as a master, the young cow became familiar with it, um, at least on the surface.

"Apprentice, come over quickly, the squatting of the woods, the teacher has not finished yet."

Qingniu waved to Wei Xiaobei and said.

Probably the Master's addiction has not finished yet, let's continue now.

Wei Xiaobei rules the past, standing next to the green cow, waiting for the explanation of the green cow.

"I learned Taijing Jingjing yesterday, do you know what yin and yang are?"

As soon as the green cow came up, he sent a question to Wei Xiaobei.

yin and yang?

Wei Xiaobei is a bit stunned, and this problem is too big.

"Say, I’m wrong, I don’t blame you for the teacher."

The green cow touched the beard and smiled.

This is only one night, the green cow's chin has a beard, and Wei Xiaobei is really amazing.

Of course, Master's chin, Wei Xiaobei can't see more, and then Wei Xiaobei will tell some of the yin and yang knowledge he has learned: "Men is yang, woman is yin, Jinwu is the sun, and jade rabbit is the yin, The south of the mountain is yang, and the north of the mountain is yin."

Wei Xiaobei Barabala said a big pass, Qingniu nodded, and then began to explain: "everything has yin and yang, everything is yin and yang, yin and yang, yin and yang, opposite yin and yang"

Wei Xiaobei feels that there is already enough of what he said before, but now Qingniu said more, this mouth has been said for more than three hours. When the green cow stops, it seems that Some feelings are still unfinished.

However, after the explanation of the green cow, Wei Xiaobei understood the meaning of the green cow.

It is not a bad thing for the eucalyptus forest to become a shade.

The simplest truth in this is that the yang is not born, and the yin is not long!

To put it bluntly, Wei Xiaobei, Qingmu Fudi, is now in a state of solitude.

Although the fireball hanging above the sky is not called the sun, it is also a thing of the sun, especially after the six-winged angels continue to output positive energy. Among the green woods, the yang has been extremely surplus.

Although Aoki Fudi is still growing, it is because Wei Xiaobei has thrown in a lot of ghost bodies, and more or less eased this state.

But after a certain degree, this state will make the Aomu Fudi unable to grow again, and may lead to the extinction of the creatures!

If you think about it, you will know that the earth was dry on the 10th, and if the land was not smashed into the moon palace for nine days, I am afraid that the world has already become a flame.

If this eucalyptus forest is turned into a yin, it will undoubtedly make Qingmufu grow better.

You must know that this is the key to the normal growth of the blessed land.

After the explanation of Qingniu, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was suddenly settled.

Of course, it’s not just a matter of eucalyptus.

With Qingniu as his master, Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt that he had a backing.

This feeling is hard to describe, but it can make Wei Xiaobei feel solid.


What kind of voice, Wei Xiaobei suddenly heard this voice, can not help but feel a bit stunned, looked around and saw nothing.

However, the green cow was slightly reddened and touched his belly: "Hungry for the teacher."


Master is hungry, Wei Xiaobei naturally does not dare to neglect, and even busy.


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