The City of Terror

Chapter 1177: ,"Inugami"?

The poor road is busy with code words, no nonsense, everyone reads books and reads books.


The dragon scale pot is taken out, the ingredients are taken out, the ingredients are cleaned, the oil is burned, and after a while, the pot of braised crab meat is hot!

No way, the meat that is now the most stocked in Wei Xiaobei's storage ring is the crab meat and shrimp.

The crabs and prawns caught at the seaside of Weijia Island are all delicious.

In addition to this pot of braised crab meat, Wei Xiaobei used a flour from the Weijiadao plantation to make a large pot of soup for the green cattle.

Unlike other people, the green cattle this food, does not require high quality for the food, but the demand is large, at the same time delicious, full of flavor!

Therefore, the dishes made by Wei Xiaobei are naturally against his appetite.

After eating a drink in the sea, the green cow touched the belly, satisfied with the restoration of the original shape of the dragonfly, and began to slumber and sleep next to the world tree.

Wei Xiaobei brushed the dragon scale pot and took back the storage ring. After the fireball noticed the eucalyptus forest, he left the green wood.

Back in the reality, Wei Xiaobei saw the needle girl who was not far away in the first time, and then waved to the woman.

The dark fog in the sky has been dissipated, and no doubt that those dark clouds have been killed by the needle girl.

Didn't you see the big hairs that the female women dragged with their hair?

When I saw Wei Xiaobei, the tears of the girl’s eyes came out again.

Wei Xiaobei often plays missing, for the girl, it is simply playing the heartbeat.

"what's the situation?"

In order to stop the tears of this woman, Wei Xiaobei hurriedly asked, but his eyes looked at those dark clouds.

These so-called dark clouds are said to be different from ordinary cockroaches. The difference is not much larger, but the body size is much larger. At the same time, the bulges on them are pure black, and it seems that the toxicity is not weak.

Needle female witness Xiaobei asked, hurriedly wiped away the tears, set the gods, began to introduce.

It must be said that time has passed for so long, and the military base has been attacked by ghosts in Wei Xiaobei’s heart, and human beings are extinct.

In the mouth of the woman, the military base is still in the process of persisting, which makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat curious.

After listening to the description of the needle girl, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

This military base can still be adhered to now, and the main reason should probably be on itself.

Seeing that the red light of the military base was about to burst, Wei Xiaobei and the man-faced tree were hit, and the most powerful force of the ghosts on the battlefield was removed, and the female ran to kill those black clouds. The black fog that has shrouded in the battlefield has been broken, so that the human beings in the military base are no longer affected by the black fog, and thus the combat effectiveness is enhanced.

Of course, the changes in morale here are also very important. The high-level military bases saw changes in the situation. Even if they said that there were reinforcements, the soldiers in the military bases were so high-spirited that even the refugees took up their weapons and rushed to the wall. On the top, the strength in the military base has increased a lot.

Although the refugees said that the shooting was not good, they were more or less able to shock the ghosts.

On the other side of the ghost, suddenly, the powerful backing of the tree, which is dominated by the human face tree, disappears, making those ghosts a little daunting.

The combination of several factors has made the military base adhere to the present.

But then again, this military base is now the end of the military.

The red light shrouded in the wall has dissipated, and the fire that shines out to the outside has become sparse.

Quite simply, the current Dongpu has completely fallen into chaos and collapse. Without a complete social industrial system support, these military bases are unlikely to obtain follow-up arms. Depending on the previous arms reserve, they may be able to support for some time.

But how long can it last under the continuous attack of ghosts?

Of course, not all military bases have no follow-up arms support, and some military bases stationed by Sam’s soldiers can naturally receive support from Sam.

Although this kind of support is often a drop in the bucket, it is always better than nothing.

The military base in front of Wei Xiaobei was undoubtedly abandoned.

"Go, let's see it in the past."

Wei Xiaobei didn't have much time to spend here. After the black cloud that brought the girl back, she came to the military base and ran to the military base.

The female girl is behind Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, there was a mourning in the military base. Although the ghosts are now difficult to break into the base, the arms reserve in the military base has been weakened to a degree of terror.

Simply put, even if all the ammunition is distributed, each soldier will have at most 30 bullets!

It is also a magazine!

If the offensives of those ghosts are inexplicably weakened, I am afraid that the gap in the gate has already been broken.

For the time being, the focus of the military base's offensive and defensive is in the absence of the door to the breach.

The cost is 12.9 million US dollars, claiming to be the world's most expensive Dongpu x10 tank. Five lines are lined up in the gap. This is the last line of defense for the military base.

In all previous battles, the five x10 tanks were not dispatched.

This is also a helpless thing. In the field of weapons, there is a problem that cannot be avoided.

The more sophisticated the weapon, the higher the failure rate.

Often used for long periods of time, weapons that are loved by soldiers are not sophisticated weapons that are expensive to manufacture, but weapons that are simple to manufacture and have low failure rates.

Since the five x10 tanks have been in service since the service, they have not been seen to have integrated many of the world's top technologies, but in just three years, there have been more than 200 large and small faults, including 18 for returning to the factory. Up!

This is still a malfunction in the normal running-in training. If you put it into a battle with a ghost, you may have to take some armpits.

However, at this time, the high-level military base does not consider the failure rate. If the ghosts rush into the base, then these tanks are not useful in the warehouse.

More than a dozen Kappa sneaks appeared in the gap, and they have been scented by the smell of the base.

With the savvy degree of Kappa, they can feel that this human city has gradually lost its resistance.

And when to rush in and get the most benefit, this is a question that needs wisdom!

When the Kappa appeared, the crew in the x10 tank suddenly became alert. The command from the communication channel sounded from time to time. The shells were filled into the barrel by the automatic loader. The gunner waited for the final order. !

Finally, those Kappa couldn't stand it, rushing into the gap, followed by a group of ghosts.

In short, at this time, if you want to eat the most fat human beings, then you have to pay something!


The command sound is almost started at the same time as the button!


Almost every sound of the cannon suddenly sounded, and the shells rushed out of the muzzle at an extremely fast speed and shot at the ghosts!

The explosion sounded immediately, and whether it was a Kappa or a spider girl and other ghosts, under the close bombardment of five shells, they failed to make a good end.

Some were directly penetrated by the shells, while others were torn apart by the shells that were touched.

If any of the damages are used in Kappa and some ghosts that can blur the body, then their mighty vitality may be able to pass.

But now, the double damage mode plus the high temperature gas formed after the bomb explosion, these ghosts have been hit hard even if they have escaped the damage of the vital parts.

"Continue shelling! Continue shelling!"

But this is not the end. As the ghosts such as Kappa are killed by the shells, more ghosts rush into the gap.

The one that rushes to the front is a big dog without a head!

Well, this big dog has a head, but its head does not grow in the neck, but is suspended in the body a few meters away, looks very strange, and behind the big dog is followed by dozens of children, But they have a knife that exceeds their height.

Wei Xiaobei, who is running, naturally knows these two kinds of ghosts.

The big dog is the dog **** in the legend of Dongpu, and the children are the white children of the clothing dog god. Of course, this white child, some say that they are named after the white face, and some say that the number is over 100. name.

But the so-called dog god, not what everyone imagined, is a true god, but a spiritual ghost, which is transformed from a dog that has been cruelly killed.

The reason why it is called the dog **** is nothing more than the knowledge of the ancient Dongpu people.

The dog **** that rushed to the front did not attract the attention of all the tanks in the first time.

The shells smashed toward the dog **** in a blink of an eye.

The dog **** did not react slowly. In a flash, the body became blurred and turned into a translucent spirit, thus avoiding the subsequent explosion of the shell.

However, the whites behind the dog gods will not work. Their reaction speed is much slower than that of the dog god. Many white children only react when the shells touch the ground.

At this time, the shells exploded in an instant, and the fire formed, the impact shrouded these white children.

After this shelling, only a dozen white children escaped the bombardment of the shells, and the rest of the whites were torn into pieces by shrapnel.

Of course, there are also many ghosts that are damaged by the aftermath of the shells.

But the soldiers on the tank did not dare to relax at the moment, and constantly fired shells.

What they didn't notice, however, was that the smoldering dog **** had already plunged into a tank and disappeared into the tank.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the tank's communication channel.

"Ah for what!"

In the blink of an eye, the muzzle of the tank stopped firing and there was no more movement.

Undoubtedly, the abnormality of this tank has attracted everyone's attention.

Not long after, the dog **** came out of the tank, still a translucent spirit, and rushed toward another tank.


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