The City of Terror

Chapter 1178: , slaughter!

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It can be said that at this distance, the canine body that can be physically blurred can undoubtedly set off a massacre in the military base! !

The benefit of bodily deficiencies is the ability to ignore the damage caused by most modern firearms!

At this time, many soldiers have discovered the dog god, using automatic weapons in their hands to cover the fire, but those bullets can not cause even a little damage.

Only the flames of the shells can cause a little damage, but at this distance, even the most expensive 10 tanks in the world are not afraid to bombard.

At this time, an old man dressed in black and white strips, looking a little solemn, rushed out, holding a wooden stick with a few cloth strips on his right hand, and slammed it toward the dog god.

To say that the strength gap between the two is really big, the dog **** should probably be the ordinary strength of Samsung, and the strength of the elderly is also a star elite.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised is that when the stick went down towards the dog god, the dog god, who had been extremely arrogant before, showed his fear.

However, the dog **** has been unable to escape, and was suddenly caught in a wooden stick.


The dog **** only had time to utter a mourning, and his imaginary body was sucked in by the wooden stick and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei had some interest in the old man.

When I saw the disappearance of the dog god, the rest of the ghosts seemed crazy, and the gunfire in the tank wanted to rush to kill the old man.

Fortunately, there were a lot of soldiers next to them, dragging the old man and rolling around, and then retracted into the back of the bunker, let those ghosts rush.

But then again, even if the dog **** disappeared, the crisis of the military base did not disappear.

A large group of ghosts have already rushed into the military base from the gap. This is also a helpless thing. Although the tank fire is fierce, its shelling speed can not form enough killing effect on the ghosts when the crowds enter. .

The most terrible thing is that there are a lot of spirits in those ghosts. The shells have a weak effect on them. At the same time, they can also get into the tank and kill the occupants!

In the ten-day period, the five tanks stopped bombardment and the occupants were killed.

Lost the shock of the tank guns, more ghosts poured into the military base, set off a **** killing.

Before the protection of the wall, these ghosts can only continue to be injured and injured under the attack of modern firearms, but now, the distance between the two sides is close to a considerable extent.

The officers in the military base who are capable of killing the ghosts of the spirits are also too tired to have an effective resistance to these ghosts.

It must be said that in the close combat, the effect of these ghosts on human killing is somewhat powerful.

Just before Wei Xiaobei arrived at the military base, more than 20 bunkers in the military base had no living people.

It can be said that the entire military base has collapsed.

A large number of soldiers, refugees fled toward the rear of the military base as if they were mad. In that direction, the number of ghosts was very small, and most of the ghosts gathered in the front gap.

After all, these ghosts do not have the wisdom of human beings, especially after losing the command of the human face tree, it is a swarm of battles, where to break through, and then all go to a place.

The chaos in the military base has become a piece of chaos. Some soldiers have left the area as soon as possible, even shooting crazy toward the refugees. Of course, those refugees can survive until now and they are not completely vegetarian. They also fought back.

This kind of civil strife has caused the speed of human withdrawal from military bases to slow down.

Wei Xiaobei has already rushed to the periphery of the military base. Here, thousands of ghosts are crowded in the gap, they want to rush in, but the same human error.

At this point, there are already a lot of ghosts fighting each other.


A ghost similar to the Kappa swayed his nose. This is a mountain boy!

It is said that this mountain boy is a variant of Kappa after entering the deep mountains. He likes to eat human flesh. He is extremely sensitive to human breath, but his turtle shell has softened, but his strength is greater than that of Kappa!

Later, he looked up and saw Wei Xiaobei. Just after he made a sound, he was arrested by Wei Xiaobei, and then he went down to the most dense place of the ghost!


A dull sound came out, and the mountain boy was like a cannonball in the ghost.

On the spot, there were a few spider females who were smashed into meat dumplings. At the same time, the mountain boy smashed the concrete floor out of a large pit. He was hit by a crack, and the cement block shattered and spattered out like a cannonball. In the meantime, dozens of ghosts were thrown to the ground.

Of course, there are not many ghosts that can be directly killed by such physical attacks.

However, Wei Xiaobei had already taken out the sword of the blazing angel from the storage ring, and gently swayed it, and the white sword was raised above a flame.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei took the sword and entered the ghost.

The body of this blazing angel is originally composed of positive energy. The rising flame has a great effect on the ghosts, but it was not expected before Wei Xiaobei.

Any ghosts that are hit by this long sword, whether it is a ghost of the entity or a ghost of the spirit, will be hit hard in the first time, and the ghost with a weaker strength will be killed on the spot.

Although Wei Xiaobei is good at using big guns, it is not unfamiliar to this sword, and even a set of swords is displayed.

Originally, this set of swordsmanship is a set of incomplete swordsmanship in the Shaolin Temple. There is no name, but it is best at dealing with the enemy of the siege. It is similar to Shaolin’s crazy wand method.

I have to say that in front of Wei Xiaobei, the strength of these ghosts is too weak.

A simple comparison, if Wei Xiaobei is a heavyweight boxer, then these ghosts are basically kindergarten children.

Wei Xiaobei’s swordsmanship was not finished, and there were more than a hundred ghosts falling down on the ground.

Completely vulnerable!

However, Wei Xiaobei was not busy entering the base at this time. Instead, he killed the ghosts while killing the ghosts.

We must know that the main purpose of Wei Xiaobei’s coming is not to save people, but the bodies of these ghosts.

Even the ghost bodies that were killed by guns around the wall, Wei Xiaobei did not disappoint, and all of them were included in the green wood.

Those ghosts have been angered by Wei Xiaobei at this time.

If you want to come, the number of ghosts can be much more than that of Wei Xiaobei.

Most of the creatures that are slightly wise are deceptive.

As long as there are many people on your side, some of the ordinary enemies are not afraid, and even chasing the enemy.

It’s like a group of bisons wandering around the river, encountering a lion, and maybe even killing the lion.

But if you encounter a group of lions, then the buffalo will be chasing at most. After that, the old and weak and sick will be surrounded by the lions, and the rest of the bison will not be rescued.

It's that simple.

A large number of ghosts rushed from the four sides toward Wei Xiaobei.

The most inside should be the spider girl.

Wei Xiaobei is not sure what is going on. After I boarded the land of Dongpu, most of the ghosts I encountered were related to women, or with feminine characteristics.

Well, this probably has something to do with the thoughts of Dongpu people.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, these ghosts, no matter how beautiful they are, are in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, a group of monsters with blood and gas!

Wei Xiaobei is not a party, seeing that a beautiful face is dizzy, and he sent it to eat.


However, the number of ghosts is actually a lot. In particular, there are many ghosts in the body that can blur the body. They can even attack the small defender Xiaobei from the underground. For a time, Wei Xiaobei feels overwhelmed.

Of course, this is also because Wei Xiaobei has no weapons in his hand.

If the ink is in the hands of the guns, these ghosts may not even dare to approach.

This blazing angel's sword, even infused with real mercury, can't be done on a layer of power grid. Wei Xiaobei only cuts with a long sword, so it works.

Well, during the period, Wei Xiaobei also saved the needle girl several times.

This woman is loyal, but wants to join in such a battle, the strength is really lacking.

The Samsung elite, in all directions, are ghosts, and they can't stand it.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei simply throws the needle girl out of the battle circle.

After a few minutes of killing Wei Xiaobei, those ghosts were finally scared.

This is the same as playing a banknote game. You have hundreds of non-golden players in a country to besiege a super-golden local tyrant. For a long time, people have not lost much blood. On the contrary, people have one sword and they are refreshing.

If you fight like this, I am afraid that even if you have brain damage, you will not be willing to participate.

Therefore, in Wei Xiaobei, an attempt to sneak attack on his own flying edge magic sword into two halves, then split the long sword into two, hands with a sword, into a whirlwind, killing around, left The ghosts underneath are finally scared.

Some of the ghosts flee regardless of turning around, while the other part of the ghosts rushed toward the military base, probably wanting to flee some human flesh while fleeing.

Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention to those who fled, and went straight to the gap in the military base.

In fact, the military base is already bloody.

Only a handful of soldiers are still holding their positions, and the rest have been killed by ghosts or fleeing.

When Wei Xiaobei rushed into the base, the ghosts who were trying to prepare for the last few firepower points discovered this extremely powerful human!

"Human flesh!"

"Good fat man!" is not to be continued.


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