The City of Terror

Chapter 1179: , fierce!

This chapter is scheduled to be clothed, and the poor road is now entering the black house, and the code is closed! ! !

These ghosts are probably in a state of excitement. They don’t even notice the ghosts that are desperately fleeing in front of Wei Xiaobei, but just focus on Wei Xiaobei.

For ghosts, the **** humans mean food!

Of course, they did not think of a problem, and the strong blood and blood will prove that the combat effectiveness is not weak.


Some of the ghosts that ushered in, even if nothing happened, they were turned into two halves by Wei Xiaobei's sword from beginning to end!

Although the sword of the blazing angel in Wei Xiaobei’s hand is not very easy to match, the burning flame on it has a lethal lethal effect on the ghost.

In particular, some ghosts with extremely strong vitality, after being smashed in half by the sword of the blazing angels, they also attempted to reclose the body.

In the past, this attempt was probably successful.

However, under the smoldering of the positive energy flame, the body that was split into two halves could not be closed, and even some spiritual ghosts were directly destroyed by a sword.

Compared with those ghosts who are enemies in the real body, the ghosts that will smear the body are a great weakness in front of the sword of the blazing angel.

All the ghosts who dare to hand the paws to Wei Xiaobei will be swiftly killed by Wei Xiaobei in the first time!

Of course, even if you don't hand your paws, you may hang up because the aftermath of the battle has been accidentally injured.

In a contact war that is less than ten minutes, those ghosts will understand that this human being is too strong!

Strong enough not to be able to deal with it!

The ghosts who reacted quickly turned and fled, and the ghosts who reacted slowly were killed by the sword.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei is completely killing ghosts in the most efficient way.

There are many ghosts in the place, Wei Xiaobei will immediately rush to the past, the double swords will rotate for a while, how much can be killed, and then immediately pounce on a place with more ghosts.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei is like a sword saint in the game. After three minutes, he will kill the military base.

Here, the ghosts that are escaping the soldiers and the refugees are gathered together, which is undoubtedly the place with the most ghosts in the military base.

As Wei Xiaobei killed in the past, many ghosts did not know what was going on, and they were killed by the long swords that were swept from the back.

It can be said that the soldiers who are running away, or who have no way to escape, the refugees, have seen this scene.

Where did you come from such a fierce person! !

The ghosts that are terrible in their own eyes and pervasive, completely turned into a cabbage in front of the kitchen knife in front of this fierce person!

The two long-swords that braved the fire waved back and forth, and there were several ghosts being smashed into bodies or dissipated in the air. When they encountered densely ghosted places, the two long swords went down, and in a flash, more than ten ghosts hang. Drop it.

What makes these Dongpu people most stunned is that those ghosts are basically difficult to attack this fierce person. Even if they are attacked, the sharp ones can drop a dent in the concrete floor and fall on the person. That is to cut the other's clothes, even the skin can not be scratched a little.

A large number of ghosts were killed by Wei Xiaobei and turned into corpses, while more ghosts desperately fled the military base.

With the advent of Wei Xiaobei, this military base has quickly changed from a human cemetery to a ghost cemetery.

But even if these ghosts escaped, Wei Xiaobei did not let them go, to defend Xiaobei's degree, it is difficult for ghosts to escape his pursuit.

Of course, because the direction of these ghosts can be said to be in all directions, Wei Xiaobei is even three-headed and six-armed, and he can't leave all the ghosts.

When the last ghost appeared in front of his own eyes, Wei Xiaobei’s position was already about five kilometers east of the military base.

Wei Xiaobei slightly calculated that there were only three hundred ghosts to escape, and the remaining ghosts were probably killed by four thousand and thrown into the green wood.

Looking at the sword of the blazing angel, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but shook his head. The sword of the blazing angel was not contaminated with a little blood, but because there were too many killing ghosts, most of the ghosts were negative, evil, and many blazing angels were killed. The positive energy of the sword makes this sacred angel's sword now bleak.

If this sword is still in the hands of the six-winged angel, this will not happen. The six-winged angel can always put positive energy into the long sword to restore the strength of the long sword.

According to this degree, you can fight up to two times at most. This is probably impossible to use between the blazing angels.

Wei Xiaobei will combine the long sword and throw it into the storage ring.

On the way back to the military base, Wei Xiaobei checked the situation inside the Aoki Fortune through the fireball.

The green cow is still asleep, and the eucalyptus forest can now be called a graveyard.

The bodies of those ghosts were deliberately thrown by Wei Xiaobei in the vicinity of the eucalyptus forest, which made the yin of the area particularly rich, and the growth of the eucalyptus trees became excellent. The average crown height increased by more than one meter, and the snow white The scented flowers are covered with branches, attracting a large number of bees to collect honey.

As for the growth of Aoki's blessed land, it is necessary to see the results after these ghost bodies are decomposed and digested in the space.

Thinking about things, Wei Xiaobei saw the needle girl running towards herself.

In the previous battle, the needle girl became cumbersome, and Wei Xiaobei threw it out of the battlefield.

Now, this woman is looking for it.

"Follow me."

Wei Xiaobei nodded to the needle girl.

It’s already close to the military base, and some soldiers on the wall are looking to the outside.

When they saw Wei Xiaobei and the needle girl, they hesitated a moment, then raised their weapons and screamed at Wei Xiaobei: "Stand up, who are you?"

To say that this woman is the closest to human beings in ghosts.

As long as the head of the female woman does not move, it is difficult to be recognized.

However, it was probably after a disaster. The soldiers became a little frightened. When they saw this man and a woman came over, they thought it was a ghost. If they were not stopped by Cao Chang, these soldiers shot directly.

As I said before, Wei Xiaobei is the most hated person pointing at himself with a gun. Seeing the soldiers’ guns aiming at themselves, the heart is really not very refreshing. If it’s not for the same human being, Wei Xiaobei Some want to punish them.

This is not China. These Dongpu people are not their own compatriots. Even if they kill them, Wei Xiaobei will not have a bit of awkwardness.

You know, if you didn't shoot yourself, these soldiers had already died in the hands of those ghosts!

For Wei Xiaobei, it can be said that it is a bit embarrassing.

With the status and status of Wei Xiaobei, I really don’t want to say to these soldiers that I saved them before, and I lost too much.

However, the soldiers did not really associate Wei Xiaobei with the former fierce person.

This is also a helpless thing. Before Wei Xiaobei rushed into the ghosts, holding the two swords to kill the Quartet, the soldiers, the refugees’ eyes were more than the two swords with sharp flames, even those The ghosts that were slaughtered were attracted.

If Wei Xiaobei is holding the sword of the blazing angel, these soldiers may be able to recognize it.

But Wei Xiaobei is now with his hands empty, and he is followed by a woman. This is a big gap with the image of the fierce people.

"Come on, or we will shoot!"

Seeing Wei Xiaobei did not speak, the soldiers became a little excited, shouted loudly and slammed the bullets.

"Bold! You dare to be rude to adults!"

At this time, the needle girl saw that the soldiers actually spoke to Wei Xiaobei, and suddenly they became angry. They stood up and yelled at the soldiers.

The needle girl is loyal to the main, but the soldiers were originally in a state of excitement and horror. The needle girl suddenly stood up and yelled, and immediately evoked the emotions of those soldiers.

Da da da

The gunshot suddenly sounded!

Of course, the bullets are much faster than the gunshots. When the gunshots are heard, the bullets have already hit the needles.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei’s degree was not slow. When he saw the fire of the muzzle, he reached out and grabbed the needle girl and grabbed it behind him.

The needle girl hid behind Wei Xiaobei and avoided the bullet, but the bullet then hit Wei Xiaobei.

The soldiers on the fence suddenly saw a spark on the body of Wei Xiaobei!

What is going on here?

The bullets couldn’t get into his body!

The soldiers couldn’t help but blink their eyes and couldn’t believe their eyes.

Even if it was a horrible ghost before, as long as the body is substantial and hit by bullets, it will also be injured, but it will recover quickly.

But how can this person not even hit the bullet? ? ! !

This is natural. Now Wei Xiaobei is not sure what kind of damage he can bear, but at least the bullets fired by the individual soldiers in their hands, unless they hit their eyes, the rest are not. Ability to penetrate your skin.

Most of the soldiers stopped shooting at this time. Except that they were frightened, there were not many bullets in their guns. So they fired fiercely, the bullets warned, and they couldn’t shoot.

Only a few bullets and other soldiers, at this time do not know whether they were frightened, or crazy, still shooting in Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei faced such a situation. Although he did not feel tempted, he felt a bit uncomfortable. I saved you and turned around. Are you doing this to me?

The right leg kicked on the ground at random, and a few stones suddenly flew out of the air. In the twinkling of an eye, the gunfire on the wall stopped. The soldiers broke a large hole between them, and the brain mixed with blood, and then the body again. I couldn’t control it, and I planted the wall at one end.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers on the wall were dumbfounded, and they had some laps. The stone that the person kicked up could kill! To be continued.


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