The City of Terror

Chapter 1182: Great sun god!

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The monks originally intended to stand still, but they were not sorghum after all, and the temper was still a little bit worse. Finally, under the charm that Wei Xiaobei quietly exuded, he offered his own baby and only asked the adults to see it.

To say that these sultry babies are rosary, with a little evil effect, but the strongest effect is to become bigger and used for sniper, it seems more violent.

From this point, it can be seen that these monks are probably not considered to be authentic.

Wei Xiaobei believes that if it is replaced by the sorghum of China, if its rosary has a magical effect, then most of it will be calm, suppress the evil spirits and so on.

The two priests insisted on the end, but their treasure is the cross and holy water hanging on the chest, which has the effect of suppressing the demon, but the effect is weak, the only advantage is that if the holy water is applied to the bullet, Ghosts have a certain restraint effect, and even have the effect of the body ghosts that are blurred.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, the treasures of these religious people, regardless of their quality, only the practicality, then the well-being of the well-being Daxiong and the holy water of the two priests.

The spirits stick can hold up a barrier to prevent ghosts from invading. The military base can support this for a long time, and has a great relationship with this spirit stick.

The holy water can strengthen the lethality of the bullets, which means that the ordinary soldiers have increased their combat power.

In the words of the two priests, if it is not this holy water that takes a day to pray, it is impossible for those ghosts to rush in.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei doesn't think so. Even if they have a lot of holy water, they can't resist for too long. You know, the soldiers don't have much bullets.

After Wei Xiaobei talked with these religious people, he took out some food, shared it with everyone, and had dinner.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei, who can supplement physical and spiritual food, is very surprised by the priests, monks and priests. Therefore, they are more intimate with Wei Xiaobei.

Think about it, with this magical food, the chances of surviving in this chaotic place will increase a lot!

In the face of the concealed requests of these religious people, Wei Xiaobei did not have any slightest embarrassment, and each party sent a few barbecues to make these religious people happy.

After this, Wei Xiaobei proposed to see some of their rituals.

This request was not rejected.

In the next two days, Wei Xiaobei’s time was basically spent on these religious people.

Let's first talk about those priests. Because the ghosts are raging everywhere, these priests are also trying to escape the ghosts before they flee to the military base.

But leaving the shrine does not affect their offering of the instrument.

These priests took away the trays used to place the gods in their shrines. The gods worshipped by the shrines were likely to be replaced, but the trays could not be replaced. As for why, they did not know.

What they know is that this tray was created when the shrine was created and has been used until now.

When these gods worship the gods they are offering, they take out a palm-sized statue directly on the tray, and then scent, and recite the specific spells that their shrines have handed down.

On the side of Wei Xiaobei, nature will not let go of these details. In his eyes, the tray is actually a treasure. When these priests begin to recite the curse, the tray that originally emits a faint gleam will Brilliant, shrouded the statue on it, and then the statue will extend a gold line, immersed in the air, and do not know where to contact, but then, the gold line will return a breath, And this breath is absorbed in the spell, and it will be absorbed by treasures such as the spirits sticks that are enshrined in front of the gods.

As for the monks, it is even more convenient. Take out a futon and just find a place to sit down. While reading the scriptures and shaking the beads with your hands, the rosary will also shine, and absorb some breath from the surroundings.

On the contrary, the two priests must enter the chapel of the military base, convene some believers, hold a mass, and preferably have a choir to help.

In short, after a mass ritual full of hymns, the water placed in front of the icon becomes holy water.

In such a mass ritual, Wei Xiaobei can see that the believers who participated in the mass ritual will have a special breath. After that, this special atmosphere will enter the icon, and then the glory of the icon will bloom. Will continue to integrate into the water to form holy water.

After two days of visits, Wei Xiaobei probably understood.

In the end, whether it is a priest, a monk, or a priest, their means are actually using the power of faith!

Wei Xiaobei named the special atmosphere as the power of faith.

Well, in fact, this term is not the first creation of Wei Xiaobei, the fantasy that Wei Xiaobei has seen, and the term has been used up in fantasy novels.

But Wei Xiaobei thinks that the special breath he sees is the power of faith in the novel.

It’s just that they use the power of faith to be a little different.

For example, those priests seem to use the foundation of the shrine to steal the power of the faith enshrined in the gods.

Deaf people use their own beliefs to make use of them. The priests create an atmosphere that guides people to generate the power of faith. After the sacredness absorbs the power of faith, it influences the surrounding things.

After two days of observation, Wei Xiaobei’s thoughts became more and more clear.

Wei Xiaobei is going to do a test to test whether his idea is feasible.

"Wei adults, you said there will be no holidays?"

Takeda Ueno, who was busy mobilizing people to go out to collect food, was suddenly asked by the needle girl to Wei Xiaobei. After that, Wei Xiaobei said something to him, so that Wutian Ueno was so excited and even forgot. The small majesty of Wei Xiaobei raised doubts.

Of course, after discovering this, Takeda Ueda was extremely decisive, and immediately gave Wei Xiaobei a slap in the face. He slammed three heads and got blood on his forehead: "Wei Daren, please forgive the offense!"

Well, if you come to Dongpu, Wei Xiaobei feels good, but the least able to adapt is that Dongpu people like to squat, and this Takeda Ueno is the ultimate in the characteristics of Dongpu people. Shantou.

Of course, this is a polite expression of the Dongpu people, but Wei Xiaobei knows that this is just their appearance, but it is this appearance, so that their image in the eyes of other countries is very good, is considered a civilized person.

"Get up, if you want, I can host a life altar ceremony for you."

Wei Xiaobei reached out and pulled up Ueda Takeda.

What makes this Takeda Ueno unbelievable is what Wei Xiaobei said.

The thought before Wei Xiaobei was to borrow the power of faith to condense the divine!

Of course, this condensed divinity is not the use of Wei Xiaobei himself, but the fireball in the green wood!

You must know that the fireball in Aomufudi already has a trace of divinity, which is extracted from those Kappa. It is such a trace of divinity that the fireball has a lot of control over the space.

Now, as the ghost bodies are constantly digested, the six-winged angels also provide power to the space, and the biological chain formed by the space is also in the feedback force. This series of changes makes Aoki Fudi's The growth rate has increased a lot faster.

For now, the diameter of Aoki Fudi has increased to 1,600 meters!

It is conceivable that with the growth of more ghosts and corpses in the future, the growth rate of Aoki Fudi will be further enhanced. In that case, the control of the fireball will gradually decline.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei needs to make some preparations in advance.

Of course, it is not easy to collect the power of faith.

Wei Xiaobei has neither the trays of the gods and the gods, and there is no such time as the monks to recite the scriptures. Moreover, the speed of collecting the power of faith is too slow. Wei Xiaobei thinks that it is not suitable for him.

The only choice left is the priest's way.

For this kind of thing, Wei Xiaobei was the first time. In order to be cautious, he mobilized six minds to develop a set of plans.

To put it simply, this solution is to create a statue of the fireball, find a group of believers to worship, and thus gain the power of faith!

Of course, if you want believers to worship the gods, then you need to give the believers some benefits. Otherwise, if people want to come to worship you?

Everything about this kind of thing is good.

There are good worlds, good fruits, and a good birth, and the rich promises of the rich and the rich, the doctors to send medicines, the holidays to send snacks, nothing to do for you free psychological counseling, there is a **** after death, a lot of beauty wealth of. There are also promotions, wealth, security, family protection and so on.

The advantage that Wei Xiaobei has prepared is that as long as he believes in the fireball, he can get the warrior sent by the fireball!

Ok, let's say that this girl has some dog blood.

But in Wei Xiaobei's view, it should be easier to use.

However, Wei Xiaobei still needs a test article!

If you push it out without experimenting, if something goes wrong, then the previous effort will be wasted, and it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei chose Takeda Ueno as his own experimental product!

Wei Xiaobei believes that for those who are ambitious like Takeda Ueno, what better temptation than gaining power?

As for the temptation of other people, Wei Xiaobei feels no problem. In this troubled world, the minimum right to subsistence is not guaranteed!

Wei Xiaobei’s propaganda is even a trick, and I’m afraid some people will believe it.

Wei Xiaobei said to Takeda Ueno that his power comes from the sun god. As long as he believes in the sun god, he will gain the power given by the sun god. The more devout, the stronger the power given by the sun god!


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