The City of Terror

Chapter 1185: ,baptism

This chapter is scheduled to be released before the poor road enters the small black house, so the poor road is now locked in the innocent little black house, pray to you, send compassion, and subscribe to the book to make the poor road in the extreme darkness. There is a little thought in it, thank you brothers and sisters, young and old sisters.


When Takeda Ueno and Uesugi started praying there, Wei Xiaobei unveiled the small bottle and poured some liquid on the heads of the two.


This is the first feeling of the two people. The liquid seems to have some kind of magical power. It quickly penetrates into the top of the head and makes them feel comfortable all over the body. Some of the previous injuries seem to have improved a lot.

This holy fruit is amazing! This made them a bit more religious to the sun god.

This is natural, and the little bottle contains not the holy water, but the world sap.

Although this is just an inferior world sap, it still has a huge vitality. Once it falls on top of them, it will infiltrate itself.

The benefits of this world sap, naturally needless to say.

Looking at the two people's heads slowly appearing, and then the fog that floated toward the fireball statue, Wei Xiaobei brow slightly wrinkled.

This is not to say that the power of the two people's beliefs is too small, but before, Wei Xiaobei looked at the fireball idol and found a problem.

That is, after the power of the divine contained in the image that the divine nature will absorb, it grows a little bit, but it does not pass the power of faith to the fireball.

Of course, until the divine nature in the gods grows to a certain extent, Wei Xiaobei can divide part of his divinity and give it back to the fireball, which is also a feasible method.

But in this case, there is some trouble. Wei Xiaobei does not want to keep this statue.

Of course, this is a matter of the future. Wei Xiaobei does not have to think too much about it for the time being.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s so-called holy water has made Takeda, who had some beliefs, more devout, and Uesugi, who did not believe it at the time, officially became a believer in the sun god.

The religious figures stood behind and watched the prayers of the two, but what caught their attention was the image of the gods and the holy water.

They are all able to feel the vitality of the holy water, and one can't help but reveal a trace of greed.

Undoubtedly, such things are sacred objects in their eyes. If you drink them, I am afraid that even if you have only one breath, you can save them!

And the glimmer of the faint image of the gods makes them feel greedy.

This is a real baby!

Of course, in front of Wei Xiaobei, these religious people are even more greedy, and they dare not act rashly.

But then again, the main reason for this is not how powerful Wei Xiaobei is, but they know that this is a god.

Even if they snatched the statue back, it was not very useful. After all, they didn't know that it contained a small half-spirituality.

And things like the gods, they have seen, just like the statue in the base church, playing the same effect.

But the things that caught their eye most quickly appeared.

With Takeda Ueno and Uesugi ending this prayer, a popular person appeared behind Uesugi this time.

Um, Wei Xiaobei wants to make the gift of the sun **** more miraculous, and the cultivated ordinary people are sent into the green wood blessing, and when they need it, they are taken out from the green wood blessing.

Looking at the man with the whole body of red fruit with a little blue light, it really stimulated these religious people.

Then, Wei Xiaobei introduced it, this is one of the gifts of the sun god.

Of course, this ordinary person has only two stars, which is lower than that of Takeda Ueno.

In addition, the world sap used in the previous baptism was also included in the gift range by Wei Xiaobei.

Hearing the sudden appearance of the man is the gift of the sun **** to the believers, the eyes of those religious people have become complicated.

The strength of the **** warrior in Takeda Ueno is not weak, and the **** warrior that Uesugi received this time is weaker.

You should know that even these religious people are only hiding in the defensive facilities like the base in this chaotic east. If they are allowed to go out alone, they may be killed by any little ghosts.

No way, except for the monks who are a little bit more at the melee, the rest of the priests, the priests are basically weak chickens when they are close.

If you can have such a **** warrior, your own security will be guaranteed! These religious people suddenly became a little excited.

At the same time, they also saw that if the so-called sun **** beliefs are promoted, their status and value will be rapidly reduced!

These kinds of thoughts are intertwined, making these religious people feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Uesugi felt the full vitality of the body this time. Looking at the strong man who said to belong to himself, he could not help but be demented.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei waved his hand and gestured to Takeda to leave.

Compared with Uesugi, who is not very eye-catching, Takeda Ueno is naturally more eloquent. He hurriedly took Uesugi and left this time. The Pu people are naturally behind Uesugi.

"You, do you know if you are willing to belong to my master? Go to feel the grace of my master?"

When the two men of Takeda Ueno left, Wei Xiaobei did not turn around and asked the religious people whether they would like to believe in the sun god.

Well, to be honest, when Wei Xiaobei said this, those religious people were a little dumbfounded.

They will not be so direct in their past conversations. Even those priests will have to turn a corner and avoid the other party’s direct rejection of their demands.

Wei Wei Xiaobei said so directly.

Of course, the faces of these religious people are different.

The priests who presided over the family shrine industry showed their joy in the face of the first time.

This is very understandable.

For these priests, the belief in a certain **** can be abandoned at will. For them, the most important thing is their own interests.

The present thing is obvious. If you can invest in the sun god, let alone say that the holy water, the **** warrior, is worth the box office.

With such a strong melee fighter protection, it is naturally safer for these sages like the Master.

In this chaotic world, self-security is the first!

Moreover, they can also see that there are not many believers under the sun god. If you can join as soon as possible, according to history, I am afraid that I will become a high-ranking high-level in the future.

The opposite of those priests is the monks and priests.

The sultry face is hesitant.

This is understandable.

In Dongpu, the status of the monks is not low, at least higher than the status of the shrines of the family shrines. In particular, the two monks have a lot of time to participate in the Buddha, although they are not the kind of monks who are bent on the Buddha. But if they change their minds like this, their losses are not too small.

Although Dongpu is now in chaos, it is hard to say when it will not return to normal.

As for the priests, it seems more tangled.

Undoubtedly, their beliefs are very firm. After all, they can choose to leave Dongpu and go to other countries for church positions.

But the problem is that when faith meets life, it is difficult to make a choice.

These two priests have more thoughts than others.

They suspect that if they don't agree, the Wei Daren may not let go of themselves. What's more, if they kill themselves, I am afraid that no one in the base will speak to themselves.

In addition, the sun god, who seems to have never seen it, looks at the sun gods in the world, probably no one directly shows his image with fireball.

Who knows what will happen to the sun **** in the future?

"Well, talk about your choices."

Wei Xiaobeiguang saw their faces and knew what they were thinking.

However, Wei Xiaobei does not mind that the believers of the Sun God are not determined. After these religious people join, Wei Xiaobei does not need them to pray to the sun **** all day. They only need to spread their faith in the base and draw more believers. The sun **** is fine.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not express any words such as freedom, and his face was extremely serious. He saw that some religious people had some drums in their hearts.

Just kidding, before the sun god's beliefs extended to a certain extent, Wei Xiaobei did not want to attract the attention of other forces.

Therefore, the two priests really guessed it. If they did not agree, even if Wei Xiaobei did not kill them, they would be imprisoned and prevent the news from leaking in advance.

"Adult! I am willing!"

"I am willing!"

"I am willing!"

As Wei Xiaobei’s words fell, the well-side Daxiong immediately said that he was willing, followed by other priests.


Wei Xiaobei showed a smile of approval to Daxiong at the well.

To be honest, although most of the priests are already willing, it is hard to say that they will not want to make some requests. In that case, it is not beautiful.

And the first side of the well, Daxiong jumped out, and even led to the emotions of other priests, so that the sun **** smoothed out more than a dozen believers.

With the approval of Wei Xiaobei, the big man at the well couldn’t help but feel happy. It seems that his decision is correct.

The idea of ​​Nobita's Daxiong is different from that of other people. He feels that this sun **** may be the thing that the Weidai people have made.

Of course, this is no different for myself. This Wei Da is so powerful. As long as he is given to him, his benefits are naturally more than others. It is as simple as that.

Next, Wei Xiaobei's gaze turned to a few stunned monks, and there was a faint gaze in his eyes.

The monks were so pegged by Wei Xiaobei, and suddenly they felt that they were crushed by a mountain, and even breathing became a little difficult.

This is inevitable. Although these monks are more powerful than ordinary people, their willpower must be much stronger, but in front of Wei Xiaobei, they are not enough to watch.


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