The City of Terror

Chapter 1186: Abducted

To be honest, the poor road is a little excited at this time, and the order has already rushed to a historical point! If the difference is 70, you can break through 3000 and book it! The difference is 70! ! Are there any brothers and sisters who have not subscribed? Come on, look at the North nose! Your subscription will enable a pink boy to reach the first five-year plan in his code career! Don't hesitate, your subscription is support!


Wei Xiaobei's pressure from a powerful soul is enough to make the scary creatures under Samsung's terror produce an uncontrollable panic. However, this special force, Wei Xiaobei is always converging, and is not revealed.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei slightly leaked a trace, which is enough to make these monks feel the pressure.

"Barren, I am willing!"

After the interest rate, there was finally a young monk who spoke. After telling the poor, he realized that if he changed his letter, he would no longer be a monk, and he hurriedly changed his mouth.

With the first one, the second one is easy to make a choice.

The remaining monks finally expressed their willingness.

With the two priests left, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes shifted, but he expressed satisfaction to the monks: “Very good! What about the two of you?”

Wei Xiaobei is not willing to delay too much time in this matter. Simply add a spiritual inducement to the discourse.

Suddenly, the two priests who had some firm looks were hesitated. They finally sighed and nodded, but did not say anything.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this is enough. He does not need the work on these faces.

"Well, since everyone agrees, then start baptism."

Wei Xiaobei’s words made everyone’s heart feel awkward. This matter should be serious and solemn.

Need to be so eager?

But the arm can't turn the thigh, even if these religious people are somewhat dissatisfied, but in front of Wei Xiaobei, they dare not reveal a half point.

Wei Xiaobei took out more than a dozen futons and lined up in front of the statue, indicating that everyone was coming forward.

At that well, Daxiong once again played a pioneering role. The first one walked over and squatted on the futon.

This is the same as before, no matter what, as long as there is the first one, then there will be a second, third

More than a dozen religious figures squatted on the futon, and they read their own prayers, but they all have their own characteristics.

Most of the prayers of more than a dozen priests were adapted from the prayers of their own shrines. What are the infinite powers of the sun god, what the sun gods have come to the earth, what the sacred sun gods, etc., listen to Xiaobei’s mouth. Some are uncontrollable and smoked.

And the priests, the priests are more distinctive.

There is no sun **** in the south, there is a big compassion and a sorrowful sun god, and there is a gods who have used the sun **** after changing their prayers.

Of course, after Wei Xiaobei listened, the corner of his mouth was even more powerful.

It seems that this prayer should be regulated. Who is better to hand over?

Wei Xiaobei thought about something while lifting the small bottle and pouring the world sap inside the top of these guys.

It is a waste to say that these world saps are used by them.

Looking at the fog of faith that emerged from their heads, it was pitiful, and it was too far away from Takeda Ueno and Uesugi.

But this is a necessary process. With that huge vitality, let them feel the radiance of the sun **** and strengthen their faith.

To say that this world sap does play such a role.

After baptizing these religious people with "Holy Water", Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that the power of beliefs that have condensed on their heads has increased. Although the total amount is still small, it is several times smaller than before.

When these religious people ended their prayers, Wei Xiaobei’s enthusiastic enthusiasm gave everyone a hug, and the momentum of the world’s brothers and sisters.

After this, Wei Xiaobei took the ordinary people out of the Aomu Fudi and sent one.

Of course, these ordinary people are still two-star elite.

Only the generals acquired by Daxiong in the well are two-star horror.

After all, this kind of thing has to be compared.

This well-being Daxiong is doing things intimately with Wei Bei’s intentions, so rewarding nature should be the best.

Another point is that putting the well-side Daxiong and Takeda Ueno in the same position is conducive to mutual supervision, restricting them and avoiding unnecessary troubles.

After all, Wei Xiaobei could not stay in Dongpu. After Wei Xiaobei left, even if he sent several apprentices to practice, the Sun God belief in Dongpu must be managed by these two people.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also has the last killing trick, that is, the popular people who have been gifted.

As long as Wei Xiaobei is willing, then any believer can be monitored at any time, but this kind of monitoring is too much energy and time.

Feeling that the pain in the body has gradually disappeared, the uncomfortable feelings of the last point of these new believers have also disappeared.

Even the two former priests broke the cans at this time, especially when they heard that Wei Xiaobei asked them to study a set of prayers, but it was more active than others.

But then again, in these former religious people, to study the meaning of prayer, these two former priests should be considered a leader.

Those former priests did not say much, they were all their own prayers, and the study of this aspect was completely wild.

And those former monks did not study this at all.

It is these two former priests who have studied theology at university, and even one is a master of theology.

This alone is enough for Wei Xiaobei to hand over this important task to them. Of course, in order to ensure that the prayers conform to the local customs of Dongpu and let the potential believers understand as much as possible, Wei Xiaobei still gives those former priests The monks assisted the two priests.

Of course, for now, the most important thing is not to develop a new set of prayers, but to expand the belief of the sun god!

As for how to expand the belief, it is necessary for everyone to sit together and open a meeting to study and study.

In the meantime, Wei Xiaobei took a new believer, and Takeda Ueno and others held the first conference of the Sun God Faith in the conference room, focusing on how to expand the Sun God believers as quickly as possible under the current conditions. The number of questions.

Of course, in addition to this, the organizational framework of the Sun God beliefs was also built in this conference.

Wei Xiaobei personally served as a priest, and set up ten major sacrificial offerings. Two of the main sacrifices were left at the headquarters to assist the priests in handling affairs, and their status was slightly higher than other major sacrifices.

The entire Dongpu is divided into eight large parishes, and the remaining eight major sacrificial offerings each manage one, and a large shrine is set up. Under each parish, there are eight parishes. Each parish has a main sacrifice and a shrine. .

There are eight high priests under the bishop, each presiding over a large altar, referred to as the high sacrifice.

There are three ordinary altars under the high sacrifice. The masters of the ordinary altar are called senior priests.

As for those who help the sacrifices, the high priests are ordinary priests, of course, they must also cultivate priest apprentices and so on.

It can also be seen from this that in fact, the so-called "God of God" belief organization is arbitrarily, that is, borrowing the structure of other religions.

However, from the perspective of overall planning, there is a bit of grandeur.

Wei Xiaobei became the top leader of the Sun Faith. These new entrants who attended the meeting did not have such good luck. Takeda Ueno and Ideo Kaohsiung were designated as sacrifices, while the rest were designated as ordinary. priest.

Of course, these guys did not dare to raise objections.

The entire meeting process was conducted under the leadership of Wei Xiaobei. Who has opinions? Ha ha.

Wei Xiaobei also has something to say. Now that an altar is still the most common, is it to appoint a large group of main sacrifices on this basis, the main sacrifice?

Add a joke!

Of course, at the end of the meeting, Wei Xiaobei also comforted the priests who had just been promoted. The position is there, and the benefits are also there. It depends on the number of believers they develop.

Well done, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not regret the high position.

After being slightly encouraged by Wei Xiaobei with spiritual induction, these priests suddenly became excited, just as there was already a bright road in front of them, waiting for themselves to climb the peak of their lives.

At the end of the meeting, the priests rushed out of the conference room door.

Bright Avenue is in front!


It is the way to improve the development of believers!

From noon to afternoon dinner, these priests who had stunned the enthusiasm, and the results of recruiting believers were also beautiful. When they reported to Wei Xiaobei at dinner, they recruited a total of 1,200 people!

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei was busy with research work in his mind one afternoon. He did not pay attention to the recruitment work of these priests. When he heard that he had recruited 1,200 people, he was shocked.

You know, for the time being, even when people were sent around to search for food in the past few days, they found some people hiding in the wild, but the total number of military bases just exceeded 5,000.

In other words, these guys recruited a quarter of the base population as believers in the afternoon.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that these newly-received believers, the belief is probably not, need to be instilled and instilled.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the memories left by the ordinary people who had been gifted, and could not help but feel the silence of these priests.

In order to recruit believers, these guys can be described as abducted and deceived.

Looking at the roster of believers presented by these priests, Wei Xiaobei found that the most recruited believers were actually Ueno, who had not been optimistic about Wei Xiaobei.

Later, Wei Xiaobei asked about it and probably got to know the situation.

It turned out that after Takeda’s departure from the conference room, all the soldiers and officers were summoned, and the soldiers with the highest rank were forced to force the soldiers and the officers to worship the sun god!

To say that such behavior is replaced by the era of peace, those ghosts before the words, estimated to go directly to the military court.

But now, at that time, the soldiers and officers have just shown that they do not understand. When they are dissatisfied, Takeda Ueno will give him a small sacrifice. He said that this is the command of Wei Daren. If there is any failure, the consequences will be conceited.


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