The City of Terror

Chapter 1510: ,duel!

Today, I cooked a pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge. As a result, I cooked too much, and I was fed by the poor road. It was so uncomfortable -

Of course, it is not excluded that some of them are re-consolidated soldiers. Wei Xiaobei saw that many of the soldiers in the two had injuries.

After all, these longbowmen and pikemen are not ordinary humans. They also have at least two ordinary biological grades, so the ability to escape is much stronger than those of the long-handed archers in real history.

But even so, in this defeat, the loss of the Knights of the Round Table is not too small.

At least 2,000 soldiers failed to escape from the battlefield, and the Knights of the Round Table lost more than half.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the military camp was extremely dignified at this time, and the soldiers looked dejected and looked bad.

Probably because of the defeat and escape, the military camp was built very simply. There were some bonfires inside the wooden fence, and even the tents were not built.

As a result, the soldiers rested around the campfire, and the remaining seven round table knights were surrounded by a pile of campfires in the center.

At this time, the Eagle State is about to enter the winter, and the temperature has dropped to 5-6 degrees during the day. If it enters the night, it may directly break through zero.

However, it can be seen from this that these round table knights do not seem to be very cold-resistant.

Around the campfire, the round table knights are in a heated debate.

Because they didn't think about suppressing the sound at all, they couldn't be too far away, but Wei Xiaobei could easily hear it clearly.

The focus of these round table knight debates is whether to continue fighting or withdraw from the nest.

Among them, the dispute between Lancelot and Modred is the most intense.

As the most famous of the Knights of the Round Table, Lancelot, who was born most prominently, is naturally holding a point of view. In his view, if he is defeated, how can he be worthy of his knighthood, even if he is killed, he cannot be humiliated. The title of the Knight of the Round Table.

And Mr. Arthur’s illegitimate son, Modred, holds the opposite view. He thinks that if you know that you must lose, you have to rush to death, it is a kind of stupidity!

The dispute between the two people has heated up rapidly with the passage of time. Even after the arrival, the two men are facing each other. I can’t wait in this simple camp to make a duel between the two sides’ ideas, and fight for you to die.

There is no doubt that before this, disputes like this have been carried out many times, and other round table knights have persuaded many times.

But this time, it seems to be particularly intense, even the other round table knights can not persuade.

The Lancelot even threatened to threaten himself, his own enemy, and even throw his white gloves on the face of Modred.

In this regard, Lancelot issued an invitation to duel to Modred, and also insulted Modred.

Ok, things are done on this part, and the rest of the round table knights can't stop it anymore.

These round table knights are all aristocratic, even if they are the lowest in status, their births will not be low. They have discouraged many times and are already doing their best.

If you dissuaded it, it will also damage their pride as a noble.

To put it simply, in the ancient times around 500 AD, people who could receive knight education were basically impossible to be farmers. Only the aristocrats had money and time to carry out such training.

The most critical issue here is that there is a great contradiction between Lancelot and Modred. In front of King Arthur, it is difficult for them to compete in life and death.

But now, with the army out, the two top-ranking Knights of the Round Table have no restrictions, and take advantage of this opportunity to solve their grievances.

Based on the glory of the Cavaliers, the rest of the Knights of the Round Table could not have been discouraged.

Undoubtedly, the duel between the two round table knights caused the attention of Wei Xiaobei. To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was the first to see the original knights duel.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei remembered a problem.

Why didn't the Merlin Archmage be here?

In truth, the Merlin Archmage should stay with these round table knights. After all, with the intimate relationship between Merlin and Arthur, this time, the Merlin Archmage, who was secretly covered, should be regarded as a superintendent.

However, after Wei Xiaobei explored all the surrounding areas, he did not find any trace of the Merlin Archmage.

You must know that in the case of Wei Xiaobei being wary, if you look carefully, the Master Merlin will only be able to cover up as long as he has been to this area. Even if the other person can stealth and be able to fly, the air will always Will leave a little breath of flavor.

Of course, Merlin's Master did not appear, Wei Xiaobei did not entangle in this matter.

At this time, Lancelot had already taken his own horse with Mordred and left the hill to come to the ground.

Undoubtedly, the duel between the knights will not be able to open on the hills of the camp.

The two sides each commissioned a good round table knight as a referee and notary, which is a necessary procedure in the Cavaliers duel.

According to the normal procedure, in fact, they should have invited more elites of status and status to watch the war, but since the conditions are not allowed, they will only be able to.

At least, in addition to those round table knights, there are thousands of soldiers standing on the hill.

Lancelot and Modred both held the warriors and faced each other. The two referees, the notary's round table knight stood in front of the two, one by one and said something.

"In this sacred moment, the great VIIIth dynasty, the Prince of France, the lion of Britain, the knight on the lake, the knight of King Arthur's trust, the guardian of Queen of the Liberia, the prince of the blue, the Knight of the Round Table Lancelot and King Arthur trust The Knight, Baron Satos, and the Knights of the Round Table, Modred, under the watchful eyes of the Lord, witnessed by the Baron Redding, the Knights of Round Table, Trab, the Baron of Temo, the Knight of the Round Table, Philip, the Knight of the Round Table, Jason, etc. A sacred duel of honor will be forthcoming."

A round table knight who is a referee narrates the upcoming duel with a high sigh, listing the titles of the two knights who participated in the duel.

Obviously, in terms of the number of titles, Lancelot completely crushed Modred.

No way, who made Lancelot a nobleman, and a fairy in the lake, and Modred was just an ordinary round table knight.

Next, the two round table knights as referees came forward and began to cross-check Lancelot and Modred's horses, armor and even weapons to ensure that the parties involved in the duel did not carry some irregular weapons. , the item, the event that led to the disrespect.

Of course, this specifically refers to some means of cheating in a duel, such as quenching weapons, using handcuffs, or drugs, and the like.

Each referee checked the equipment of the two duelists. After that, the two referees indicated that there was no problem and indicated that the two sides had opened the distance.

After the two knights took the horses to the distance of kilometers, turned over the horses, and then checked the equipment once, the two referees began to scream at the same time!

Subsequently, whether Lancelot or Modred had put down the visor, the spurs with the heel gently stimulated the horse's belly, driving the horse to start a trot.

The horses of the two knights are not of ordinary quality, and they have a biological level of two-star horror!

Therefore, in just a few seconds, the horses have accelerated to the extreme, and the distance between the two sides has been rapidly shortened to less than three hundred meters!

Almost heart and soul, the two knights grabbed the spears hanging on the saddle side, the spears slanted up, but the spears were aimed at the opponents who rushed!


It’s just a few breaths of time, and the sprinting horses are staggered.

What happened at the same time was that the two duelists stabbed each other almost simultaneously.

Under the rapid speed of the war horse, the spear was given a huge impact!

Even the armor of the two round table knights is very strong, but the spears are still easy to run through both sides of the body, and the two sides rushed out under the huge impact.

The war horse can feel the disappearance of the back master, and then quickly slow down afterwards.

Before the two sides fell to the ground, the knights who witnessed the duel of the duel could not help but sigh.

They feel anxious about the duel between the two sides and regret that they cannot stop the duel. From the current situation, the final result of the duel between the two sides may be that both sides are hurt.

This is not a good thing for King Arthur's great cause.

Wei Xiaobei, who watched the game in the distance, would not think that the two round table knights would end the duel.

If you switch to ordinary humans, you may end the duel. After all, both sides are pierced by spears, even if you want to continue the duel is impossible.

But here, these two round table knights are not ordinary humans, they are all powerful creatures of the four-star elite level!

Unless the head is cut off, it may be possible to terminate the duel.

As Wei Xiaobei expected, the two round table knights fell to the ground and quickly climbed up.

And their next move is exactly the same. Pulling out the long sword will cut off the spear that runs through his chest, and then, after asking to remove the remaining spear from the chest, he will rush toward the other side.


In a flash, a series of long swords staggered and the sound of the sound rang.

In order to defend his honor, Lancelot must win the duel and kill Mordred, while Modred is full of hatred against King Arthur, and King Arthur’s men, Lancelot, must deal with it. One of the guys.

And being able to kill each other in a duel is a perfect fit.

Even if Arthur is reborn, it is impossible to make any punishment for himself.

You know, in their hearts, the duel is sacred, and anyone who attempts to interfere with or veto the result of the duel will carry a dishonorable burden!

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