The City of Terror

Chapter 1511: Turn defeat into victory

The weather in these days has finally become brighter, and the poor road is also relieved -

Just as the King Arthur was in an unfaithful duel, the stone sword was broken, causing King Arthur to fall into a crisis.

For the two round table knights, although the holes on the chest are considered to be very serious wounds, they would rather shed their blood and die, and they are not willing to surrender in the duel!

For a round table knight, this is completely unacceptable!

Of course, with the strength of Lancelot and Modred, in the fierce battle, although the wound on the chest still looks so terrible, but as time goes by, it also began to quickly stop bleeding.

In order to speed up the hemostasis, Mordrid grabbed a dry soil from the ground, so he was stuffed into the wound. Although he was sorely locked, his face shook hard, but his right hand The long sword was very stable, and the evil continued to cut towards Lancelot.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but praise the power of hatred.

Compared with Modred, the Lancelot does not bother to do this, perhaps he needs to ensure that his knight image will not be greatly affected, after all, the action of burying the wound in Lancelot It seems that the level is too low.

Well, Lancelot does have the contempt for the capital of Modred.

After a sword retreats from Modred's offense, Lancelot's body flashed milky white.

"Holy Light!"

The watch-ridden Knights couldn’t help but exclaim.

In fact, almost all the Knights of the Round Table know that Lancelot has the power of the Light, and this Holy Light can heal the wounds of himself or others.

It can be said that Lancelot can sit on a chair in the Knights of the Round Table, not just relying on his birth, identity.

After all, as a knight, his own strength also accounts for a large proportion.

Lancelot’s Holy Light has also treated other round table knights many times, and Lancelot’s reputation among the Knights of the Round Table is high.

This is precisely why, when Lancelot was carrying the honour of the great crimes, there were so many round table knights who were willing to follow him against King Arthur, thus completely splitting the Knights of the Round Table created by King Arthur.

In the glory of the Light, the hole in Lancelot's chest began to heal quickly, leaving only a mark that was slightly lighter than the other skin.

And seeing Lancelot actually use the Holy Light to heal the wound, the Mordred is not surprised, and brings a smile on his face.

The reason is very simple. This Lancelot's power of the Holy Light looks extremely high. It is completely a bug-like ability. Any injury, as long as there is no life on the spot, can use the Holy Light to heal the wound and save the little life.

But this magical ability is not without cost.

To put it simply, Lancelot's power of the light needs to consume the blood of Christ in his body.

In other words, this Lancelot's light is not likely to be brushed indefinitely.

And when the blood of Christ of Lancelot begins to be consumed, the power of Lancelot will also weaken.

After all, the powerful power of Lancelot comes from the blood of Christ.

Of course, if it is on the battlefield, Lancelot can use the protection of his comrades to slowly restore the blood of Christ after using the power of the Holy Light.

But in this duel, Modred will not give Lancelot time to restore the blood of Christ.

So the next moment, Modred's sword front is tight, and a layer of faint flame on the surface of the body rises, and the speed of the sword suddenly increases several times!

Wei Xiaobei, who was watching the game, saw this and could not help but sigh.

There is no doubt that between Modred and Lancelot is basically the difference between the silk and the rich and handsome.

Although Modred was the son of King Arthur, but because he was an illegitimate child, he did not enjoy any benefits. Instead, he was killed directly by King Arthur. In his infanthood, he was sent to a wooden boat to drift in the wind.

It can be said that before becoming a round table knight, Modred had a terrible life.

This is also the case, making Modred's character particularly strong, and the blood from King Arthur also makes Modred's swordsmanship extremely high.

And Lancelot is different. His birth is noble, the identity of the prince, the descendants of Christ, although he was also abandoned by his parents, but from a young age there was the guidance of the fairy in the lake, and the life he lived compared with Modred. That is completely different.

What's more, he is the brother of King Arthur's adoptive father, the Ekto Knight!

I can imagine its honor in the Knights of the Round Table. What is even more terrible is that it is so handsome. Even Arthur is worse than it. It is the darling of the sky.

But it is precisely because of this, Lancelot's character is more common than the son of the son, has a strong special cleanliness, can not allow himself to appear in the image of the slightest wolverine.

Therefore, when Mordred, who knew him well, began to speed up the sword and fight with his life, Lancelot’s situation became more embarrassing.

When the two strong players of the same four-star elite level are in a duel, even if the strength is different, it is inevitable that some damage will be caused between the battles.

After all, in Wei Xiaobei's view, although the two round table knights are the biological grades of the four-star elite, the accomplishments in combat techniques are still somewhat lacking, and there is no such fine control of the body as the oriental martial arts.

This is also the case, Lancelot even in the strength, combat skills pressed Mordred, but once Mordred desperately, Lancelot's small injury and small damage will increase rapidly.

Undoubtedly, even a little bit of the wounds that have been added to oneself, Lancelot's special clean personality with perfect inclination is unbearable.

Switching to other people, even if a piece of meat is cut off on the arm, it may not waste the effort to release the Holy Light treatment.

In addition, Lanslow said that if a piece of meat is cut off, even if it is scratched by the sword, it will be brushed up with the Holy Light to ensure that its image will not be damaged.

As a result, as time went by, Lancelot consumed a lot of Christian blood in the body, which made the whole body strength decline rapidly. Even after arriving, the situation completely turned over and became a desperate fight!

Of course, even so, Modred is too tired at this time.

Even though he used the scheme to make Lancelot consume a lot, in this desperate attack, Maudred added a lot of wounds, especially the wound that was pierced by the spear before. Dragged Mordred.

Fortunately, according to this trend, even if it is a heavy blow, Modred can also kill Lancelot, who has exhausted all his strength!

After all, in such a sacred duel, as long as Lancelot does not mean surrender, other round table knights can not intervene, only to watch Mordred kill Lancelot!

For such a result, Wei Xiaobei holds an indifferent attitude.

Whether Lancelot was killed or Modred was killed, it was a heavy blow to King Arthur.

At least, before the official rebellion of Modred, it was the Knight of the Round Table under King Arthur, and he also needed to work for King Arthur.

What's more, even if Lancelot, Mordred loses both sides, and both are dead, there are still a few round table knights, enough for Wei Xiaobei to lead the way, maybe because the two round table knights are killed, they immediately The camp will return to the old nest, but it will save the trouble of Wei Xiaobei.

Time passed by the fierce screams of the sword, and the fights of the two round table knights also caused a crack in the surrounding ground.

After all, the battle of the two four-star elites is not like the ordinary knights, even the aftermath of the battle, it is easy to cut the surrounding trees to the ground.

Even the round-table knights who witnessed the battles had to provoke the body's vindictiveness to prevent themselves from being too embarrassed by the aftermath of the battle.

Finally, Lancelot can no longer maintain his good image, and the blood of Christ in the body is almost dry, even if it is impossible to brush the Holy Light.

At this point, Lancelot reacted and he was in the middle of each other's tricks.

But at this time, Lancelot even had no choice but to know the other's tricks. He could only support hard and resist the attack of the other side.

To be honest, there was a time period when Lancelot wanted to surrender.

At this time, Mordred, who is good at observing, sneered out with a panting voice: "Let's surrender, the famous Lancelot, maybe I can spare you a life."

What a proud figure of Lancelot, when he heard the words of Modred, his thoughts were suddenly annihilated.

For Lancelot, although it is also very reluctant, if it is insulted, then even if it is dead, it will not bow!

Moreover, Modred’s words spurred the anger of his heart, burning in the chest, and willing to surrender.

But the anger in the burning is not a good thing for Lancelot's state at this time.

Lancelot was originally caught in the dryness of the oil, and now the anger is surging, but the strength is restored a few points, and once killed Mordred again and again defeated.

This scene is to let many soldiers watching the game can not help but a burst of encouragement, after all, for them, Lancelot in their hearts can be much stronger than Modred.

But all the Knights of the Round Table sighed a little, and they knew that Lancelot would be worse after this effort.

Sure enough, not long after, Lancelot, who was struggling to chase Mordred, suddenly had a sigh. Although he had stabilized his body in time, he did not fall to the ground, but he was panting, and even the sword on his hand trembled. stand up.

It can be said that even those soldiers with low vision can see that Lancelot has no strength at this time.

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