The City of Terror

Chapter 1512: Sudden change

No nonsense, everyone reading -

Modred, who has been struggling to keep up, couldn’t help but see him. Although he is too tired now, all this is his plan. How to say it, he also left a little strength.

Without hesitation, the last bit of the body blew out, condensed on the sword, and then a sword stabbed in the throat of Lancelot!

It can be said that even Lancelot is desperate at this time, thinking that he has no chance to turn over.

As for the rest of the round table knights, they were also exclaimed, thinking that Lancelot was dead.

But when the sword stabbed Lancelot's throat, a red light burst on the throat of Lancelot.

Unable to prevent Mordred, the long sword in his hand was instantly flew out by the red light.

As for the Lancelot, there is naturally a violent cough.

But as the red light spread quickly, a small red shield was formed outside Lancelot, and his life was saved.

"Who is it? Who disturbed the divine duel!!??"

At this time, Modred was almost mad, and when he saw that Lancelot would be killed, someone actually intervened!

Of course, if Modred has a little strength, it will not be so angry, and it will be a big deal again.

But now Modred is exhausted, let alone stab a sword, even if it is a foot, there is no strength.

For a strong four-star elite, such a thing can be described as extremely helpless.

At this moment, a group of people in the black robe suddenly appeared in the duel scene, so that the round table knights who talked about it suddenly stopped.

The black robes chest has a palm-sized five-pointed star mark confirming its identity.

"Merlin Merlin."

That's right, this suddenly appeared and stopped the figure of Modred's poisoned hand is Master Merlin.

Seeing that it was Master Merlin, even if Modred was angry again, he could not help but temper some temper.

No way, the status of Master Merlin is too high.

It is the strongest mage in Great Britain and the teacher of King Arthur. It is because of the existence of Master Merlin that King Arthur can truly reach the throne and become the king of Britain!

It can be said that Master Merlin is also equivalent to the army of King Arthur, the prime minister and even the logistics minister!

Even the alliance with the dragons is from the hands of Master Merlin.

Therefore, its position in front of the Knights of the Round Table is extremely noble and transcendent, even if King Arthur sees Merlin's Master, he will show respect, not to mention these Knights of the Round Table.

But Modred’s heart is always a bit uncomfortable. He hates King Arthur. Therefore, as the Master of Arthur’s Master Merlin, it is naturally a stumbling block that he wants to get rid of King Arthur, and the most let Modred hate Merlin’s Master. Something.

When King Arthur put the baby's Modred on a wooden boat, the final reason was that Merlin's Master gave rumors to King Arthur, saying that the illegitimate child of Modred would become the enemy of King Arthur and let King Arthur's great cause collapse.

When Modred learned about it, how could he not hate Merlin.

Now, just when he was going to kill Lancelot, the old man came out again and let Lancelot escape, which almost made Modred hate his teeth.

If Modred knows that he can't kill Merlin at the moment, if he needs patience, I am afraid that a sword has been stabbed toward Merlin.

"The great Master Merlin, although I admire you very much, why do you want to intervene in the divine duel, knowing that this is a duel under the gaze of the Lord!"

Although Modred did not take Master Merlin, he always said two words on his mouth.

Besides, he has been like an enemy with Lancelot. If he can't kill it this time, the next time, Lancelot, who is prepared for defense, is probably killing himself.

After all, the two sides are the same four-star elite, but the strength gap is still a bit large.

Lancelot’s killing of Modred in the duel is a normal one, and this duel is only the result of Modred’s brains.

When I heard the indignant voice of Modred, the rest of the round table knights also showed some dissatisfaction.

Regardless of their relationship with Lancelot, they are stubborn in their view of the duel.

I have said it before, and it seems to them that a duel is a sacred thing.

For a knight, regardless of his beliefs and nationality, it is an unforgivable thing to intervene directly in a duel like Merlin.

To be honest, if it is not the unfathomable strength of Merlin's mage, coupled with its lofty status, if it is replaced by another ordinary aristocrat, I am afraid that these round table knights have long pulled out their long swords to kill them.

Don't underestimate the persistence of these tin cans for some things.

Even if Merlin did save Lancelot's life, actually Lancelot was dissatisfied with Merlin's eyes after returning to the air.

In fact, Lancelot's mind is very good guessing, saved in the duel, and does not say whether this is his own intention, but this thing will become an indelible stain in his life.

Just thinking about it, when someone talks about the noble name of Lancelot in the future, he will say disdainfully: "Lancelot, I know, is the coward when fighting with Lord Madeleine, If it wasn’t for Merlin’s rescue, he would have died, and it’s really lost the face of our knight!”

Well, when you think about it, Lancelot’s face is a red one, and it seems better to think that he was killed directly by Modred.

At least died, able to preserve the glory of this distinguished surname of Lancelot, not to insult his door.

However, the deepest part of Lancelot’s heart is still unwilling to die. Therefore, he was saved by Merlin’s Master. Lancelot’s heart is inevitably a little hilarious.

But the two emotions were intertwined, which made Lancelot feel inconsistency, which also made him silent.

After all, it’s always that you are saved. No matter what you say, I’m afraid it will be mocked by Modred.

Listening to the words of Modred, Merlin's Master turned and hides his eyes under the black robes, staring at Modred, for a while without speaking.

When Modred was stared by Master Merlin, he felt like a little frog was stared at by natural enemies. For a moment, the back could not help but have a cold sweat.

Modred even wondered if Master Merlin knew his true identity!

You know, it was this abominable mage who killed the babies when they killed themselves.

If it wasn't for Modred's consistent calm reminder, then Modred would once again draw the sword.

Fortunately, Master Merlin does not seem to find anything from Modred.

After all, this Merlin Master is not Wei Xiaobei. Without the ability to understand everything, it is impossible to see through the heart of Modred. Nor is it that Mordred is the illegitimate child of King Arthur.

Perhaps in the heart of Master Merlin, the baby had drowned in the river and fed the fish, so there was no way to think about it.

After staring at Modred for a while, Master Merlin’s eyes shifted, and after sweeping the round table knights and even Lancelot, they used the old voice to scream: "Hey, you have done some. what?!!"

"Would the king entrust the army to the knight he trusted? Is it for you to fight privately here?"

"Everything has been lost, do you still have the heart to do this?!!"

Master Merlin's roar is to make those round table knights back can not help but cold.

The problem is that in the view of Master Merlin, the glory duel between the knights is a slap in the face, which is undoubtedly the eyes of the Master.

But he is not a knight, he does not know, in the hearts of the knights, the duel is a sacred thing.

It is as if the ancient Chinese scholars did not know the truth about empty talk.

So when the voice of Master Merlin just fell, a round table knight stood up: "The great Master Merlin Master, although you are right, we defeated, but this is the battle of honor between the knights, you step in. It is indeed a bit wrong, not only can the duel continue to continue, but also the glory of the Lancelot Knight's honor."

Well, what the Knights of the Round Table said is true.

But he is a girl, and he does not know that after he said this, most of the people present are not coming to Taiwan.

Master Merlin, the status is extremely honorable, was not slammed by a round table knight, but also misunderstood by the red fruit.

The Lancelot Knight was even more saddened. The Knight of the Round Table judged directly that the duel could not continue.

Modred is even more angry. If the duel cannot go on, his wish cannot be achieved.

He also expected to replace Lancelot as the first person in the round table knight after killing Lancelot.

Listening to the Knight of the Round Table, the Lanslot Knight’s heart probably uttered a cry. If you don’t talk anymore, the stain of this life will probably be fixed.

Therefore, before the round table knight finished speaking, the Lancelot Knight could not wait to say: "Wait, although Master Merlin intervened, the duel is not over, you can continue!"

Lancelot then turned to Modred: "Medred, we can continue this sacred duel!"

Well, Lancelot is worthy of being a model of Gao Fushuai. He did not ask Mordred's opinion at all, and he directly gave this matter.

On the contrary, at this time, Modred was somewhat hesitant.

The duel continues?

Modred’s eyes quietly glanced at Lancelot.

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