The City of Terror

Chapter 1527: Fairy in the lake

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Well, in terms of power level, Wei Xiaobei feels that the power of the king of ancient Britain released by King Arthur is even worse than some of the powerful ghosts of Dongpu.

At least the enchanting intelligence released by the powerful ghosts can make Wei Xiaobei's temptation to start.

The ability of the King Arthur was directly immunized by Wei Xiaobei's willpower.


Wei Xiaobei took another shot and took King Arthur back.

He wants to kill this King Arthur with a gun, but Wei Xiaobei knows that a guy with a fate like King Arthur can't kill each other with a single shot.

After a gun is down, the other side will activate what ability, and it will make a big splash.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei needs to be cautious and a little bit of the will of King Arthur!

That's right, this is the main problem.

It is not enough to consume its power like King Arthur. Who knows if the fairy in the lake will directly infuse him with strength.

But if King Arthur’s will is completely ruined, then his strength is stronger, and in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, there is a common dog.

Therefore, in the next battle, the King Arthur rushed up every time, will be pumped back by Wei Xiaobei almost insulted, like a bowling ball directly on the ground.

To be honest, many of the round table knights next to them were devastated.

No way, when King Arthur was smashed down, he could not control his body. Therefore, after several consecutive times, Wei Xiaobei did not kill, but his round table knight added a lot of casualties.

Therefore, when the King of Arthur fell down, the Knights of the Round Table quietly escaped as far as possible, and did not want to go back to the rescue.

As for King Arthur, he did not realize his mentality change. He has been completely angered by this almost insulting fighting style. It is like a bear child, desperately trying to take advantage of his opponent, but because of the power gap. It can't be reached at all.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"I xxxx you!

This has been seen many times from the mouth of King Arthur in the eyes of the Knights of the Round Table.

This is also helpless, King Arthur is now completely in a state of violent arrogance and even some loss of reason.

Of course, this is mainly to blame Xiaobei's move is too awkward.

After discovering that King Arthur's vitality is extremely strong, even after a shot through the other body, the other party can recover in a short time, Wei Xiaobei's next battle is almost insulting.

In just a few minutes, the armor of King Arthur was shot by Wei Xiaobei’s big gun, and the linen underwear on his body became a rotten strip like an armor, even under the body. Dongdu was exposed.

Undoubtedly, such an image is completely unacceptable to the existence of King Arthur, who has a noble status and always has a high self-esteem.

So it is almost mad.

The battle gradually entered the heat, ah, King Arthur unilaterally heated up.

For Wei Xiaobei, this is not even a warm-up.

The gap between the two sides is too great, and Wei Xiaobei can play the other side as a monkey.

At this time, the Knights of the Round Table who can help King Arthur are gone.

The only remaining round table knights have suffered heavy casualties under the constant fall of Arthur Wang Yubo, and the best one can only kneel on the ground waiting for death.

As for the Merlin mage, even the magic shield can't be supported now. If it wasn't for Wei Xiaobei's shot, he deliberately avoided the position of Master Merlin, and the Merlin Mage might have been smashed into the meat by the fallen Arthur. The sauce is gone.

After all, the existence of the Master is so strong that his close-fitting and melee careers are far worse.

Just as Wei Xiaobei slowly walked the dog, the Lancelot group who quickly withdrew and rushed back also entered the border of Lake Lyken.

When they learned about the accident in the city of Lyken from the mouths of several round-table knights who escaped, they could not help but be stunned.

The magical array set by Master Merlin has exploded?

what's going on?

You know, whether it is Lancelot or Modred, or even all the Knights of the Round Table, think that Master Merlin is a very powerful mage.

To put it bluntly, when you hear this, they feel like a thing that has never changed for a long time.

how is this possible!

It's like the sun hanging in the sky for countless years, suddenly disappearing one day and so on.

"How is the king?"

Although Lancelot has been influenced by Wei Xiaobei and his character has changed greatly, he always has some friendship with King Arthur, so he eagerly pursued it at this time.

"I don't know, it has become a ruin. We don't know what's going on inside."

Undoubtedly, the scene of destruction caused by the magical explosion has scared these round table knights to death. They are even afraid to go back and check the situation.

"Woodman! Waste! Who wants to go see the situation with me!"

At this time, Mordred, who was suppressed by Lancelot, finally seized the opportunity and screamed at the righteous knights, and then called on everyone to follow the king. Case.

However, at this time, even if Lancelot did not have much to say, the group immediately accelerated and rushed to the city of Lyken.

As for the round-table knights who have become weak, they are nothing in their hearts.

In the face of danger, the guy who abandoned the king and fled himself will be deprived of the title of the Knight of the Round Table!

Not to mention the Lancelot group who was accelerating all the way. At this time, Wei Xiaobei was a little impatient after playing King Arthur for a while.

The fairy in the lake that may exist has never appeared.

Can you say that you are not forced enough?

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei did not have any mercy, and a straight stab hit the sword in the hand of King Arthur, and then the sharp head of the gun was stabbed toward the door of King Arthur!

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei discovered the real difficulty of King Arthur.

Hey, a crisp sound came, Wei Xiaobei, the gun that must have been hit, was actually blocked by the sword of the king!

At this time, King Arthur’s face also showed amazed expression, knowing that he had thought that he would die before, but what he never imagined was that the sword of the king in his hand actually blocked the mortal one. gun!

But Wei Xiaobei feels even more surprised. It is difficult to know that King Arthur had to block his own big gun before the end. After all, the gap between the two sides in the power attribute is too big.

But now, the other party actually blocked his own big gun, which really makes Wei Xiaobei feel surprised.

But in the next battle, Wei Xiaobei found the problem.

Where Wei Xiaobei wants to attack the mortal part of King Arthur, the sword of the king will block his own attack, and when attacking the secondary part, the sword of the king cannot resist.

In this way, the only answer is that the sword of the king is in automatic guardian!

The answer was found, but Wei Xiaobei wanted to kill King Arthur in the next battle, and it became a difficult thing.

Regardless of Wei Xiaobei’s tactics, the sword of the king can be resisted one by one.

This is no longer a battle between Wei Xiaobei and King Arthur, but a battle between Wei Xiaobei and the sword of the king!

Wei Xiaobei even suspected that the sword of the king was manipulated by the so-called fairy in the lake. Otherwise, it would be impossible to block his own attack by relying on the true strength of King Arthur.

But this is not a complete solution.

Wei Xiaobei discovered that as the battle continued, King Arthur’s physical strength began to decline, and the speed of the King’s sword reaction slowed down.

Indeed, although the sword of the king is powerful, it is always the source of no roots. If there is no King Arthur, it is a sword.

Finally, King Arthur was weak, and when Wei Xiaobei stabbed another shot, the sword of the king did not have the power to fight back. He could only watch the big gun stabbing himself.

Just as the big gun tip just pierced the skin of Arthur’s eyebrows, a circle of green light bloomed from King Arthur!

Wei Xiaobei only felt a shock in his hands. The big gun that had never been invincible suddenly bent, and the gun tip stabbed above the green light, and could not advance half a point.


Wei Xiaobei's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the big guns were retracted. The figure continually withdrew several tens of meters backwards, and it was able to escape a long whip that was pulled out from the green light.

As Wei Xiaobei escaped the long whip, a woman with a translucent body explored the half body from the green light, her cheeks were like ice, and her eyes looked indifferently to Wei Xiaobei.

This woman has a green hair and a red flower from time to time at the end of her hair. The face is covered with a looming magic pattern. The momentum of the whole body is like a tidal wave, giving Wei Xiaobei a very strange threat!

Is this the so-called fairy in the lake?

Well, unlike the fairy in the lake that Wei Xiaobei thought in his mind, the appearance of the fairy in the lake is really weird, but the breath that it reveals is not much weaker than Wei Xiaobei.

"Dare to hurt the Son of Heaven, sin is not awkward!"

In the twinkling of an eye, after the fairy screamed in the lake, a real visible tide surged out of the body, and it rolled over and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

What makes Wei Xiaobei amazed is that there is infinite vitality in the tide, but Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that if he encounters this tide, he will probably encounter big troubles.

It is not difficult to escape the tide with the speed of Wei Xiaobei.

When the tide hits a low strike, it draws an arc from the sky and counts down the ground. After that, on the ground with the traces of the tide, there are countless plants growing up, and a green space is formed on the ground in a blink of an eye...


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