The City of Terror

Chapter 1528: The king who fled

I fainted, I almost forgot to update it. Fortunately, I remembered the poor road. I feel that the memory is not quite right these days. Is it going to pass through? ——

In Wei Xiaobei's induction, the concrete floor under the green ground has been broken like sand, and numerous roots are like steel bars that are constantly drilling into the ground. In just a few minutes, they are deep underground.

Wherever the roots arrive, whether it is cement, rock or mud, it is turned into powder.


To be honest, seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but fear.

The rule power contained in the tide is so terrible.

As long as it is covered by tidal water, no matter what, it will grow plants and be smashed by the roots!

Wei Xiaobei faintly can feel that if he is hit by this tide, I am afraid that the end will not be too good.

Never let this tide hit!

However, the fairy in the lake seemed to hate Wei Xiaobei at this time, so after Wei Xiaobei escaped a tide, it was followed by a tide.

This time, Wei Xiaobei did not simply dodge, and the big gun in his hand immediately turned into a big bow. The bowstring was lightly dialed, and an arrow was shot.

After the moment, the arrow turns into a fire dragon with a claw and a claw, and the front side collides with the tide, and the distance contained on it will instantly collapse the tide!

But what makes Wei Xiaobei feel a bit stunned is that the fire dragons sticking to the tide have grown out of countless plants.

Although with the breakdown of the fire dragon, the power of light and heat contained in it suddenly broke out, and all the plants were turned into ashes, but the strange means of the fairy in the lake still made Wei Xiaobei raise his vigilance again.

This kind of rule is really a bit abnormal, and it can make plants grow in the fire!

However, in the end, the tidal water that had been defeated fell like a raindrop, but it made King Arthur very painful.

The reason is very simple. King Arthur is nothing but protected by the fairy in the lake. Other round table knights are not protected. The tide drops, the range is not too small. Do your best.

Although the fairy in the lake pumped back the power in time, there were still a few people who quickly grew plants and turned them into powder.

But in this way, the double is convenient to enter the stalemate stage.

The fairy in the lake seems to have only this trick, and constantly rushes out of the body, trying to hit Wei Xiaobei, and Wei Xiaobei does not dare to touch the tide, but can only dodge.

It even dared not stick to the tide.

Who knows if the tide will take root on the sun's big bow, and if so, its own sun bow will be scrapped.

Time passes by.

Lancelot and others have already rushed back to Lake City.

When they saw the destruction of most of the cities, they could not help but be stunned.

Modred couldn't help but vomit: "Merlin Merlin usually looks very steady, how can there be such a leak?"

Lancelot saw that Modred did not refute, after all, in the heart of Lancelot, this magical explosion was also the fault of Master Merlin, plus the mage had interfered with his duel before, Lance Lott has no impulse to justify the other side.

The Knights of the Round Table allowed the soldiers to camp on the outskirts of Lake City and then rushed to the central square of Lake City.

When they arrived around the square, they saw a big battle between the fairy in the lake and Wei Xiaobei.

As the tides splashed around, the central square at this time was covered with various kinds of plants. In a short period of time, they quickly passed their own lives, growing on the square, flowering, firming, and finally turning into A piece of yellow.

However, even so, the square at this time is still full of large and small space cracks. These space cracks swim back and forth, and the growing plants are cut into pieces, which looks really scary.

Seeing this scene, the Knights of the Round Table were hesitant.

They know where their limits of abilities are, and if they are raging, they will harden their scalp.

The cracks in the space that can be covered here are not the normal round table knights.

Even after Lancelot was slightly tempted, he had to retreat.

Even if Lancelot puts vindictiveness into the long sword and gently touches the crack in the space, the long sword that emits red light around the body is cut into two pieces, and there is no feeling of resistance at all.

Seeing this scene, the digital round table knight couldn't help but step back.

It's too dangerous here!

They even gave birth to the urge to turn around and leave.

Peat, how long has it left, here is such a dangerous place!

Master Merlin did "not bad!"

When King Arthur saw Lancelot and others rushed back, he suddenly got excited and hurriedly called everyone in the past, ready to let such people carry out the round table knights around him.

Obviously, in this case, even King Arthur can't guarantee the safety of the Knights of the Round Table. If you are not careful, you will become a broken body full of plants!

It’s terrible, but Arthur’s king at this time can’t control the fairy in the lake that comes out of his body. The other people in the lake, except the King Arthur, are not in the eye, just a strong direction. Wei Xiaobei launched an attack!

Its attacking aftermath will cause extremely serious damage to other creatures!

As a result, the round table knights who came back outside were shamelessly shrinking. They didn't want to be plain for no reason, and those tides turned into fertilizers.

However, Lancelot wanted to go forward, but was dragged by the other round table knights. In their words, it is now unclear and needs to wait for the opportunity.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also found a way to deal with the tide.

That is to cover a layer of lightning true mercury on the big gun, then the lightning is covered with a layer of light and heat!

As a result, the sun-spraying gun became a veritable one, and a circle of light and heat was emitted from the whole body. When Wei Xiaobei tried to make the sun-gun gun stick to a little tide, although there are still plants growing rapidly, it has not yet arrived. Rooting is wiped out by the power of light and heat.

However, the sun rifle did not cause any damage, and its never-wearing characteristics played an indelible role at this time.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobeikou had a word in his mind, and began to recite the Diamond Sutra. With the sound of the Diamond Sutra, a circle of merits and golden light began to unfold, and Wei Xiaobei wrapped up like a golden Buddha statue.

A white lotus appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei, and the sound of the slow chanting spread and penetrated into the ears of the people, and even the eyes of the round table knights became sluggish.

Even the king of Arthur was so, his eyes were devoid of gods, and even the figure of the fairy in the lake became somewhat floating, and the tidal water released from it became intermittent.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Xiaobei threw a universal object into the fairy in the lake, and finally figured out the identity of the fairy in the lake.

It is actually not a real fairy in the lake, but a trace of the fairy in the lake.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei saw some of the fairy in the lake from this projection.

Simply put, this projection is equivalent to a short version of the fairy in the lake.

It has about 30% of the strength of the fairy in the lake, and has the special ability of most of the fairy in the lake.

From the property list, Wei Xiaobei can see that the fairy in the lake is similar to the **** of the mantle. It used to be the main **** of many tribes in the ancient land of the ancient Britain.

King Arthur is the spokesperson of the land selected by the fairy in the lake.

The projection of the fairy in the lake is exactly what the fairy in the lake created to protect King Arthur.

After watching the property sheet of the fairy in the lake, a stone hanging from the head of Wei Xiaobei fell to the ground.

From the attribute table, the fairy in the lake did not invade the reality!

As a result, some of the problems that Wei Xiaobei was worried about were solved.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s mouthful of white lotus supernatural powers at this time can only interfere with the projection of the fairy in the lake. Even if it is artificial, it is impossible to tame it.

But the focus of Wei Xiaobei's work is not the fairy in the lake, but the King Arthur!

As the color in Arthur's eyes continued to fade, the power released by the projections of the fairy in the lake gradually weakened, and eventually disappeared in an angry scream.

After all, the projection of the fairy in the lake is only a projection, and its power is limited. Moreover, its existence time is completely influenced by King Arthur!

Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei confuses the heart of Arthur, with the white lotus, the projection of the fairy in the lake completely loses its support and dissipates.

But the last angry scream of the fairy projection in the lake was to wake King Arthur from the confusion.

King Arthur, who woke up, seemed to be aware that his situation was extremely dangerous. He turned and waved the sword of the king and rushed out of the square!

At this time, even the cracks in the space that wandered around could not stop the pace of King Arthur's escape.

The sword of the king shrouded a layer of green light at this time, and when it met the crack of space, it was able to annihilate the space crack.

Of course, as a result, the green light will be weakened.

Through the sudden power of the sword of the king, King Arthur actually escaped from the square!

But the moment the King's sword rushed out of the square at King Arthur, the green brilliance on it was exhausted, and in a slight fragility, it burst into numerous pieces.

Seeing the broken sword of the king, the King Arthur undoubtedly stayed a bit, but it was decisive, and did not entangle the crack of the king's sword, and continued to rush out.

Seeing King Arthur rushing out, Lancelot and other round table knights rushed up, keeping King Arthur in the middle and fleeing outside the city of Lyken.

Wei Xiaobei did not pursue the King Arthur who fled.

Well, actually, if you want, at the moment when the projection of the fairy in the lake disappears, Wei Xiaobei can kill the King Arthur directly!

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