The City of Terror

Chapter 1535: Tiandao Thunder

The weather changes in these days are relatively large, you friends, book friends pay attention to take care of the body, and can wear more, not less wear, prevent colds -

Wei Xiaobei just landed, and more than a dozen monsters rushed toward him.

Of course, these monsters are low-level creatures with few brains.

Wei Xiaobei's body was gently shocked, releasing the power. In the blink of an eye, all the monsters who entered the 20-meter range around Wei Xiaobei burst into the brain and died.

For now, the biological level does not exceed two ordinary creatures. In the face of the power that Wei Xiaobei deliberately released, it is not just a morale collapse.

In the face of almost real power to condense into a real power, their willpower will completely collapse, causing the brain to burst and die.

With the lessons of the more than ten monsters, the monsters that wanted to follow them have returned as the tides, and they dare not go forward.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei took a few dragon eggs from the storage ring and a few pieces of flesh and blood on the ground.

The dragon egg is Wei Xiaobei’s geese from the dragon eggs that have been transported. In any case, the dragons have no intention to take care of the dragon eggs. Don’t say that there are so many dragon eggs missing, even if the dragon eggs are missing, Their minds may not be transferred back.

The sources of these flesh and blood are different.

A flesh and blood that radiates cold around is the remaining point of the white dragon throat meat obtained by Wei Xiaobei in Tiewei Mountain. A whole body of golden flesh like gold is the small one of the golden wild boar Gulinbult. Leg meat.

In addition to these two highest quality flesh and blood, there are deer scorpion, scarab ovary, sea monster and so on.

The entire basin is within the radiation range of the Loki's finger, and the special radiation released by this Loki finger has an evolutionary variability for any organism, even active flesh.

Therefore, as Wei Xiaobei took the dragon egg and the flesh and blood out of the ground, the dragon egg did not change for a while, but the more than a dozen pieces of flesh and blood appeared to be quite awkward changes.

Some flesh and blood squirmed, and grew a dense tentacles, and began to use these tentacles to move toward the side of the flesh and blood, want to swallow other flesh and blood.

Some flesh and blood grow some eyeballs and begin to observe the outside world.

The most amazing thing about Wei Xiaobei was the small piece of the golden wild boar, which actually took the lead in growing six calves, and after his calves were fully grown, they escaped without a trace. Xiaobei just faintly saw a golden light drilling into a piece of wood, and disappeared.

The remaining flesh and blood are also evolved into independent individuals, each looks different, not to mention strange, but in reality, there is absolutely no such individual in nature.

A war broke out between the creatures that evolved from a pile of flesh and blood.

The ultimate winner was the flesh-and-blood creature of the white dragon's throat, which completely swallowed the creatures of the ovary of the scarab, and also tore a lot of flesh and blood from other flesh-and-blood monsters, thus becoming a multi-blooded creature. The strongest person in it.

Of course, because its initial volume is only the size of the palm, even if it is supplemented with a lot of flesh and blood, the monster that has grown hundreds of tentacles will only grow to the size of the head.

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei is not on the sidelines, this tentacle monster may have been swallowed up by other monsters in the basin just after winning.

Well, Wei Xiaobei has drawn a circle of protection for these flesh-and-blood monsters. Other monsters in the basin want to enter this protection circle and need to accept the fate of death.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei also took out some pork and beef, which were consumed by these flesh-and-blood monsters.

Otherwise, these flesh-and-blood monsters will not grow up even if they kill each other to the end.

It didn't take long for the dragon eggs to change.

Some dragon eggs burst open, and some changes in the young dragons were drilled from them, while some dragon eggs did not rupture, and the bones of the limbs grew directly on the eggshell.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wei Xiaobei's mind continues to carry out research work, genetic analysis and even in-depth research on several rules.

After the meat provided by Wei Xiaobei was swallowed up, whether it was a flesh-and-blood monster or a baby dragon, the size of the dragon egg monster has expanded a lot, the weakest one has grown to more than one meter in diameter, and the strongest has two. The look of the meter.

But their appetites seem to never fill up. They don't need Wei Xiaobei to ignite in the middle, and they kill each other again.

During the period, Wei Xiaobei also collected some genes, and he found that the genes of these monsters are infesting with each other as they devour themselves.

Perhaps because of the higher biological level of their bodies, the genetic evolution of these monsters is much slower than other monsters in the basin.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei still needs to wait for a while before he can obtain a fairly strong evolutionary variant gene.

Well, at this point, Wei Xiaobei simply removed the protection ring and let these monsters begin to integrate into the surrounding basin environment.

After all, like these monsters, although there are special radiations of Loki's fingers to increase the speed of their evolutionary variability, in the cruel competition environment, the evolutionary variants that can be preserved are always adapted to the environment.

After removing the protection ring and going up to the basin of the basin, Wei Xiaobei randomly selected a stone and sat down on the cross. The six minds began to fully invest in the rules of floating, the rules of light and heat, and even the study of the rules of Heaven and Thunder. .

Time passes by, the sun in the Aomufu land, the moon alternately rises and falls, so that the natural day and night exchange is maintained in the green wood.

From the side of Wei Xiaobei, there were some irregularities, light and heat, lightning and even physical ups and downs.

In the basin below, the evolutionary evolution of living things is also rapidly evolving.

With the dragon egg, the organisms that have evolved from various flesh and blood participate in the biosphere of the basin, and a new round of cruel competition has emerged in the basin.

There are advantages and disadvantages between the new evolutionary variants and the original evolutionary variants of the basin.

The original evolutionary mutants in the basin have fully adapted to the topographical climate in the basin, while the new evolutionary variants naturally have an advantage in strength due to the higher level of basic genes.

The brutal competition between the two sides also makes the genes of the two sides blend and merge, thus creating more evolutionary mutants.

At the same time, the stability of the new gene is higher than the original gene, which also makes the newly born evolutionary mutant with more significant features.

For example, most of the evolutionary variants that incorporate the dragon gene have wings, and they have the means of attack such as dragons. Any evolutionary mutant that fails to activate such genes is eliminated in the first place.

Some of the evolutionary mutants that incorporate the true dragon white dragon gene are capable of migrating and have the ability to manipulate water flow.

As for the evolutionary mutants that incorporate the golden wild boar gene, only a small fraction has a very high speed.

In short, as these genes are integrated into the basin, the thunder over the basin begins to ring.

There are too many evolutionary variants with the ability to escape from the basin, but whenever they attempt to escape the basin, they will be bombarded by the Thunder.

Of course, even if these evolutionary mutants are killed by the Thunder, the genes in them will be collected by many weak pigs for the purpose of Weibei research.

Immersed in the study, the time lapse does not know, when Wei Xiaobei once again recovered from the study, it is not clear how long the time has passed.

It can be said that this time into the Aomu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei is also considered a retreat.

After connecting the mind to the sun, Wei Xiaobei immediately got the time he spent this time.

Three years!

Of course, this is only the time spent in Aomufudi. Because the time flow rate of Aomufudi and reality is not unified, Wei Xiaobei spent three years in Aomufudi, but in reality, it only passed for more than a month. Time is up.

The consumption of these times is worth it.

Wei Xiaobei has completely mastered some of the floating rules in the past three years, which is a big step forward.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei is already well versed in the rules of light and heat.

As for Tiandao Thunder, Wei Xiaobei also has his own new ideas.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei gently pointed to the thundercloud that floated over the basin, and the thundercloud changed.

However, this change does not appear above the shape of Thundercloud.

A monster with several pairs of wings is now trying to rush out of the basin, and a thunder will gather at any time.

If you change to the past, this Thunder will instantly turn this multi-winged monster into coke.

But this time it was a little different. The Thunder was on a multi-winged monster. The multi-winged monster crashed into the basin with the scorching smoke, but it did not die after landing, but the atmosphere became weaker.

This is the change that has occurred in the Thunderstorm.

Wei Xiaobei has transformed the Tiandao Thunder, which has changed from the previous effect to several effects. The most powerful Thunder can directly cut off the vitality, while the second-order Thunder can weaken the power of the creature, the most inferior. The Thunder is just a punishment, so that the creatures are in pain, remember this lesson, no longer repeat the mistakes.

Well, well, in fact, Wei Xiaobei’s ultimate goal of transforming the Tiandao Thunder is to manage the dragons in the future.

To know that the dragons are so lazy, Wei Xiaobei wants to turn them into a powerful unit in their hands, then they need to start from their habits.

Therefore, the most inferior Thunder can make them painful, but it will not cause too much damage to them.

I want to come, and wait until the depths of the dragon's soul are engraved on the mark of Aoki's land, and the Thunder will let them know what is called the rule.

Of course, the current Tiandao Thunder has not yet reached the level that Wei Xiaobei hopes. In Wei Xiaobei’s conception, the Tiandao Thunder will become the same as the Tiandao Law in the Aomu Fudi, and it will be suspended from the top of all the creatures in Qingmufu. A sword of Damocles.

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