The City of Terror

Chapter 1536: Witch wreck

I will go out and buy some food. The mental state is slowly recovering these days.

Any creature in the Aomu Fortune will be punished by the Thunder of Heaven.

Of course, this kind of concept is only a kind of concept for the time being.

Tiandao Thunder wants to achieve this idea of ​​Wei Xiaobei. What is needed is not only Wei Xiaobei's transformation of Tiandao Thunder, but more importantly, the continuous improvement of various rules of Qingmu Fudi.

Only the final improvement of the various rules of Aoki Fudi can promote the degree of Tiandao Thunder to the extent of Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, this also requires Wei Xiaobei to work harder to collect various high-energy corpses for Qingmufu.

After the Tiandao Thunder was strengthened and strengthened, Wei Xiaobei began to create more Thunderclouds over the Qingmu Fudi.

These thunderclouds will float on the sky of Aokifu, thus enhancing the resilience of Aokifu's foreign invasion.

But then again, these thunderclouds can't be made out of thin air.

The manufacture of Thundercloud is simple, but if you want these Thunderclouds to have the power of heaven and thunder, you need to consume a lot of growth power from Aoki.

Therefore, after making three Thunderclouds, Wei Xiaobei stopped.

With the current growth power of Aoki Fukuda, it is a trivial matter to create ten Twenty Twenty Clouds with the power of Heaven and Thunder, but this will always consume a lot of growth power of Aoki.

After sorting things out in his mind, Wei Xiaobei took a bunch of dark red sand from the storage ring.

Well, this is not the gravel, but the witch wreck found by Wei Xiaobei in the huge pit left by the bronze Tianlong Temple.

Only after deploying enough Thunderclouds, Wei Xiaobei was relieved to take this out.

No way, in the feeling of Wei Xiaobei, the witch wreckage is like a source of pollution. As soon as it was taken out, the magic contained in it began to spread around and attempted to control Wei Xiaobei!

It must be said that this witch is indeed not an ordinary existence, even in the storage ring that is almost stopped in time, it has restored some strength.

Although the standard of resurrection has not yet been reached, if you really let it control what creatures, I am afraid that it will not be far from the resurrection.

But in the Aomu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei at this time can let him know what is called a person.

Wei Xiaobei didn't even move his mind. The thunderclouds hanging over the basin quickly noticed the spread of the witch's breath. The next moment, the sound of thunder and lightning intertwined, even a thunderbolt fell, right in the middle. The wreckage of the witch, the red sand that constitutes the wreckage of the witch suddenly glimpses.

At least one-fifth of the gravel has changed from red to ordinary color, which means that this part of the witch's wreck has completely turned into ordinary gravel.

This also means that as long as Wei Xiaobei is willing, he can completely cut off the last vitality of this witch!

Such a real threat made the Witch's wreck quickly retracted the breath of the spread.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei laughed.

It seems that this witch's wreckage still hides the last glimpse of the witch.

Undoubtedly, the performance of the Witch's wreckage has made Wei Xiaobei a bit of interest in research.

However, in the following period, the discovery of Wei Xiaobei, who had turned over the wreckage of the witch, revealed some doubts. In his own induction, in addition to its color, it was a pile of ordinary gravel.

To be honest, if you don’t already know that this pile of red gravel is the wreckage of the witch, Wei Xiaobei will probably be deceived.

Later, Wei Xiaobei even borrowed several ultra-high magnification electron microscopes from the Institute of Biology to observe the witch's remains.

But even under the 3 million electron microscope, the Wreck of the Witch still has no strange appearance!

The three million times electron microscope is already the highest magnification microscope that Wei Xiaobei can find now. If you want to observe the witch wreck more microscopically, you can only borrow the scanning tunneling microscope from Huaxia Research Institute.

The so-called scanning tunneling microscope is the highest-end microscope nowadays. It is a microscope made by tunneling in quantum physics. It can observe a single atom and even manipulate a single atom.

But Wei Xiaobei suspects that even if he borrowed a scanning tunneling microscope, he might not be able to see anything from the pile of witches.

Instead of slowly looking for the mystery of this witch's wreckage, it is better to let the witch wreck say it.

Wei Xiaobei’s face brought out a sneer, and the electric light flashed on the right hand, slowly grabbing the pile of witches.

After the initial construction of the rule system of the Tiandao Thunder in Qingmu Fudi, the lightning in Wei Xiaobei gradually began to bring some nature of the Thunder.

It can be said that once Wei Xiaobei’s right hand is caught on the witch’s wreckage, the witch’s wreckage will gradually be purified and eventually die out.

In the wreckage of the witch who had already enjoyed the purification treatment of the Heavenly Thunder, at this time, the lingering consciousness of the witch inside could no longer be hidden.

In the blink of an eye, a strange heartbeat swayed with Wei Xiaobei. After Wei Xiaobei agreed to let go, a charming female voice appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s mind: “Tian Zun spares!”

Undoubtedly, this witch consciousness probably knows that Wei Xiaobei's identity is extremely high, and thus gave Wei Xiaobei a title of Tianzun.

"Rare life? Open your consciousness. If the deity is satisfied, naturally spare you! If you dare to play tricks, don't blame the deity!"

Listening to the title of Tianzun, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was a bit happy, but he still screamed with stern tone.

"Tianzun is in front, how can the little girl dare to play tricks?"

The witch's consciousness seemed to be completely surrendered under the majesty of Wei Xiaobei at this time. The voice was extremely delicate, like a young woman who was trembled in front of Wei Xiaobei.

"Come on, Tianzun, the little girl has opened her mind."

Just as Wei Xiaobei was ready to enter the witch consciousness, suddenly the mind touched and realized that something was wrong. At the same time, the temperamental ability caused the attack, which made Wei Xiaobei stop the move into the witch consciousness.

Under the temperament and tolerability, Wei Xiaobei kept the mirror of the soul and realized the problem. Then he took a mirror from the storage ring and took photos of himself, but found that his eyes were reddish and his face was blue. .

Undoubtedly, when the witch consciousness communicated with Wei Xiaobei's soul, he even secretly moved some hands and feet!

"Be bold!"

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but get angry.

This witch is really strange and changeable, even if there is only a little remaining consciousness, it can even spur their own mind!

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei directly led a Thunder from himself to Thunder.

Relative to its own lightning, the Thunder contained in the Thundercloud is more threatening to the witch's consciousness!

After a burst of lightning, after the internal and external attacks, the hidden dangers of Wei Xiaobei’s consciousness by the witch’s consciousness were completely cleaned up.

Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, and the right hand of the thunderbolt shone directly on the wreckage of the witch.

The roar of thunder and lightning, even covered the voice of the witch's consciousness.

Of course, although Wei Xiaobei said that his heart was angry, he did not really kill the witch wreck. When the right hand was evacuated, the witch wreck was only one third of the previous one.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei started this time and completely scared the witch's residual consciousness.

To say that if this witch's consciousness is in a complete state, I am afraid that it will not be able to control Wei Xiaobei without being sure.

Now the witch's residual consciousness also realizes that in his current state, it is completely cooked meat on the cutting board. Wei Xiaobei wants to kill himself, which is an easy task.

How ignorant is what I have done before.

But regretting it is too late.

As the wreckage was destroyed by the Thunder, the remaining point was no longer enough to support the witch's residual consciousness.

The witch's residual consciousness was terrified and found that she was in a little bit of demise.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also speeded up. The right hand of the thunderbolt was scattered, and the remaining witch wreckage was caught in the hand. Then the eyes closed and the mind sinked. The attention was concentrated on the witch’s wreckage. On, began to explore the memory of the witch's residual consciousness.

Time passed by, and it was not long before the remaining wreckage of the witch was degraded into ordinary gravel.

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei slowly opened his eyes and spit out a long sigh.

The speed of the witch's wreckage was so fast that Wei Xiaobei failed to probe the memory of the witch's residual consciousness.

But even so, the memory of the witches that were discovered also made Wei Xiaobei understand a lot of things, especially the true details of the strange existence of the witch!

Simply put, regardless of the witch or the devil, the foundation is actually a simple emotional spirit!

A more illusory existence than the spirit.

To say that the foundation of the ordinary spirit is the transformation of the soul, with more normal individual memory and so on.

And this demon king, the witch is actually a single emotion of all beings!

This is also the devil's spiritual body can absorb sentimental sentiment, thus replicating more spiritual body, which is the basis for its ability to be separated.

As for the witch's time, it is lower than the devil, but the powerful witch has only one spiritual body. Their total mental strength is not enough to support them.

To put it simply, these witches are the devils who take the extraterrestrial spirit and transform their emotions. In essence, they are limited by the devil to the avatar.

After all, like the existence of the devil, I am afraid that the witches will not be willing to be incarnate. In that case, the witch may become a demon, thus threatening the devil himself.

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