The City of Terror

Chapter 1537: Incarnation

There are too many things today, and the results are updated late. Sorry, sorry.

You must know that the sole purpose of the devil to make a witch is to cultivate a group of slaves.

The devil's means of transforming the witch into the witch's memory is extremely vague in the memory of the witch. Even when Wei Xiaobei tried to see it more clearly, it also caught the attention of the demon in the memory.

The devil in the memory of the witch actually glanced at Wei Xiaobei, letting Wei Xiaobei’s heart rise a dangerous premonition in a moment, without hesitation, even if he quit the memory of the witch, then the right hand thunder and lightning, one will The witch wreck is thoroughly powdered!

For Wei Xiaobei, this is not the end. Later, Wei Xiaobei will check the whole body up and down, and after confirming that there is no hidden danger in his body, he bowed his head and meditated.

After a while, Wei Xiaobei returned to God.

Undoubtedly, the existence mode of the demon king is beyond the imagination of Wei Xiaobei. Wei Xiaobei just probes the memory of the witch and can attract the attention of the other party. It is conceivable that this demon king is not afraid to talk about it. It’s gone.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Wei Xiaobei acted extremely decisively, and even found the only connection between himself and the devil while discovering the wrong, the witch wreck!

Even if the devil is a means of passing through the sky, there is no way to track Wei Xiaobei through the wreckage of the witch.

However, this matter is also a wake up for Wei Xiaobei.

Like some legendary existence, the means can be described as earth-shattering. When you explore things related to it, you must be more cautious.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei's exploration of the witch's wreckage is not too small.

One is to understand the existence of such a strange spiritual body and the way in which some of its power is used. The second is to have some understanding of the means by which the demon king is divided.

The first point should be the biggest benefit to Wei Xiaobei.

After learning about the existence of such strange spirits, Wei Xiaobei will once again encounter such a strange spirit in the future, and will be able to attack the other's weaknesses and kill them in one fell swoop!

Using the theory of modern scientific theory, the theory of the wave can partially explain the way the witch exists. To put it bluntly, this kind of strange spirit actually exists in a very special wave form.

Because of this, it is able to attach itself to any object and invade the mind of any creature!

Of course, if you can reduce the activity of this wave, then the damage to the witch or the devil will be great.

The second point is actually inextricably linked to the first point. Since the demon king exists in the form of a special wave, its avatar is better explained. It only needs to copy one of its volatility forms to achieve The effect of the avatar.

Of course, this is just a simple explanation.

Wei Xiaobei also knows that the devil's avatar is not just a simple copy of himself.

In the memory of the witch, the devil needs to share most of his strength to the avatar to achieve the effect of avatar.

Therefore, the body strength of the devil will certainly be weakened a lot.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei's martial arts of this demon king is still quite coveted.

No way, this kind of magical power is too convenient. If you can separate a few avatars, Wei Xiaobei, who has a lot of things, can relax.

Of course, this demon king's avatar needs to spread the power of the body to a large number of avatars, which also makes its body strength decline.

This point makes Wei Xiaobei quite unhappy. If you can create a few avatars without weakening the strength of the body, it is best.

After Wei Xiaobei thought for a while, he couldn't help but laugh at himself. Now he can't even get the hand of the demon avatar. Instead, he is scrupulous about the weakness of the devil's avatar. It's really ridiculous.

This is like a five million lottery ticket, and it is no doubt how to use it after carefully planning for five million.

But then again, I am not a way to get such a supernatural power. Wei Xiaobei thought of it and looked at the distant world tree.

Master Green Bull is a mount on the horse. Should you know at least some things in this regard?

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not in a hurry to find out the news of Master Qingniu, but turned to look at the situation of evolutionary mutants in the basin.

After the evolutionary variability of this period, the basin once again entered a more stable state, and there was a slight kill between the creatures, but it was not frequent.

Of course, this is based on the spread of genes such as dragons to the rest of the basin, which means that the original evolutionary mutants in the basin have been extinct at this time, replaced by giant dragons, golden wild boars and other genes. Evolutionary mutated creatures.

Undoubtedly, the substitution of such an overall gene has led to a general increase in the strength of the organisms in the basin.

Among them, the four-star elite level of evolutionary mutants are not uncommon, but their level of intelligence has also increased a lot, which has caused the thunderclouds hovering over the basin for a long time without the thunder falling.

By now, most of the creatures in the basin have already understood that as long as they do not attempt to escape from this huge basin, there will be no thunder in the sky, and there will be no problems with their own lives.

However, the area of ​​the basin is more than a hundred square kilometers, but as time goes by, the biological density has increased, which makes the food in the basin less abundant, so that larger organisms are difficult to be in the basin. Surviving, the evolutionary direction of the organism is moving toward miniaturization.

Wei Xiaobei raised his eyes and looked down. The basin is full of small creatures with a size of one meter. They are extremely agile, aggressive, and have extraordinary means such as dragons. Some large creatures in the basin are struggling. There is no survival advantage in front of them.

Most of these large creatures are only able to hide in dense forests. Once exposed, they will soon be besieged by a large number of small creatures.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei nodded.

Evolutionary mutations like this are also normal.

In addition to the top-level existence, the existence of the middle and lower classes is always determined by the strength of the group.

It is like a fierce tiger, even if it is fierce, but when encountering a group of wolves, I am afraid that it is also a difficult four-handed fist.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei consumed some of the growth potential of Aokifu, and expanded the area of ​​the basin to support more evolutionary variants.

Compared with the evolutionary mutants that were not brained, the current evolutionary mutants are much more intelligent.

That is to say, these evolutionary mutants can communicate and be included in the defense force of Aokifu.

Of course, before this, you need a larger living area to provide more food, so that the intelligence of the creature can be quickly improved.

After all, for most creatures, with enough food, they can think and improve their intelligence.

Fortunately, the growth rate of Aomufudi is not slow, and it has grown from a diameter of 150 kilometers to more than 200 kilometers.

From the perspective of diameter, it has grown by more than 50 kilometers, but the area of ​​Aomufudi has nearly doubled! From more than 22,000 square kilometers to more than 40,000 square kilometers!

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei expands the basin area, he does not have to worry about the excessive area of ​​the basin affecting the living environment of other organisms in Qingmufu.

After a busy and dynamic movement, the area of ​​the basin has expanded from a hundred square kilometers to thousands of square kilometers.

In reality, this is already the area of ​​an agricultural county in China.

After expanding the area of ​​the basin, Wei Xiaobei left some ordinary people who will guide the evolutionary mutants in the basin so that they can understand some simple commands.

After finishing these things, Wei Xiaobei's body shape disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it has already appeared under the world tree.

With the continuous growth of Aoki Fudi, the growth of this world tree is quite amazing.

As the creator of Qingmu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei can easily see that the roots of the world tree have been densely covered with the entire land of the green wood, and even some tough roots have penetrated the magma layer and penetrated the weak. The world's barrier, deep into the unknown void, began to extract energy from the void.

This change in the world tree has undoubtedly made Wei Xiaobei very satisfied.

The roots of the world tree are all over the entire green wood, so it is normal to be covered by the roots of the world tree.

From the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, the roots of these trees are criss-crossed. Each root is about a few meters or even more than ten meters thick. A wooden ditch is formed on the ground, and numerous green spots are slowed down from the canopy. Slowly falling down, constantly piled up on the wooden ground, and even in some places, too many green spots have formed a flowing spring.

Just standing here, you can feel the rich vitality contained in those green light spots, and gently absorb a bite, which can make people feel refreshed and full of vitality.

If you change to an ordinary human being here, even if you are dying and suffering from serious illness, you can recover from this vigorous life.

Simply put, this is a treasure.

Of course, even if Wei Xiaobei, if you stay here for a long time, the vitality of the body will slowly rise.

However, Wei Xiaobei does not have so much time now.

In a place leaning against the trunk of the world tree, the roots of the trees are intertwined, forming a small valley. The blue cow is slumbering in the valley of the roots. From time to time, there are bursts of screams that shook the surrounding wooden ground. Constantly shaking.

The current blue cow is bigger than before, just like a hill. Wei Xiaobei walked in front of him, but it seems to be relatively small.

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