The City of Terror

Chapter 1538: Incarnation, avatars!

The poor road now wants to learn an avatar, an avatar code word, an avatar to sleep, an avatar to exercise, an avatar responsible for playing peas -

However, at this time, the green cow slept too much, and Wei Xiaobei called several times, and the green cow did not wake up.

Forced to helpless, Wei Xiaobei had to knock on the legs of the green cow, but the green cow still did not wake up, and finally Wei Xiaobei punched on the front legs of the green cow, although the strength used has converged a lot, but Still more than a thousand tons or more.

With a dull voice coming out, Qingniu stopped crying.

Wei Xiaobei thought that the green cow was awake, and then he stood up and waited.

In less than ten seconds, the green cow’s snoring sounded again.

Actually fell asleep again?

Wei Xiaobei was somewhat speechless, and he took a few more punches. The strength of these punches became even bigger. Every punch went down and exceeded the strength of 5,000 tons.

In other words, under such a force of beating, even hard steel can be smashed into a pile of mud.

However, Qingniu only stopped for a while, but also dreamed that Wei Xiaobei would be heavier.

This is entirely a massage of Wei Xiaobei's heavy punch.

Wei Xiaobei looked like a man, but he had to follow it.

After a heavy punch in the green cow, after the green cow was stunned, the green cow slowly opened two bulls' eyes. After a few long eyelashes, the eyes moved to Wei Xiaobei: "what's up?"

Probably the guardian Xiaobei had a heavy punch to make him comfortable, so Qingniu was not too angry with Wei Xiaobei to disturb his sleep.

"Master can know the technique of avatar?"

Wei Xiaobei looked forward to the blue cow.

To say that Wei Xiaobei is familiar with the existence, this green cow probably should be the most clear magical skill.

Like phlegm, it is not necessarily. It was driven out of the Dragon Palace by the West Sea Dragon King from an early age, and it is fluent, and does not say whether the West Sea Dragon King knows how to score the body, even if it is known, this sputum may not have learned.

And the seven-seven jade girl is even more impossible. Although it is now in the ranks of the North Court, Xuan Fanfu, but Wei Xiaobei has not heard that this North Kui Xuan Fan House has such magical powers, and then, even if there is, want In exchange, Wei Xiaobei may not be willing to come up with enough benefits. The most crucial thing is that such a supernatural power, I am afraid it is also a secret object.

As I said before, the green cow is a mount on the horse, and it is very knowledgeable. It is also a mentoring relationship with Wei Xiaobei. It is naturally convenient in this respect.

Listening to Wei Bei’s question, the blue cow nodded, and the long cow’s face showed a few smiles: “What? You want to learn this avatar?”

After hearing the answer from Qingniu, Wei Xiaobei realized that there was a drama in this matter, and he nodded in a hurry: "Please ask Master to teach me."

"Well, there are so many inheritances of this avatar, and I have to come together as a teacher."

The green cow coughed and immediately turned into a Taoist wearing a green robe. He took a futon and sat down with his right hand. A coffee table appeared in front of him, and a copper pot and two tea cups were placed on it.

The hot water in the copper pot boils and there is tea in the cup.

Wei Xiaobei was naturally interested, and immediately went forward, brewing the tea with the water of the copper pot, and ended up in front of the green cow.

The green cow took the tea and gestured to Wei Xiaobei to sit down. After Wei Xiaobei sat down, Qingniu sipped a tea and smiled: "This tea is made by the teacher collecting the most tender leaves of the world tree. You try it."

This is what Qing Xiaobei did not think of.

To say that this world tree is infinite, its leaves are naturally treasures, but in addition to the world sap, Wei Xiaobei has also tried, but the use of the leaves is not much, in Wei Xiaobei's view, it is only tough and thick. And did not think of fried tea.

Waiting for the small north end of the tea, even if you smell a fragrant fragrance, the vitality of the body immediately inexplicable boiling, a cup of tea goes down, the body of life actually boiled to the extreme, compared with the past, the vitality of the body has increased several times.

It should be known that this vitality is the foundation of biological life, and it is closely related to the physical attributes. The more vigorous the living organism, the longer the life expectancy and the stronger the physical constitution.

It is like the people of Longbo, the vitality of the body is extremely strong, even if the atomic bomb is in the middle, it is very difficult to kill it, it is simply shocking.

Wei Xiaobei carefully checked the property panel and found that his physical attributes had risen from 140 to 145 at this time, and he was still slowly rising. According to this speed, the physical property could be raised to 150. Go!

This discovery made Wei Xiaobei feel a little shocked.

With Wei Xiaobei's current physical attributes, for every 1 point increase, you need to consume 64,000 evolution points!

If this is raised to 150 points, then it is equal to Wei Xiaobei's 640,000 evolution points out of thin air!

This is a pretty scary number.

After all, with Wei Xiaobei’s current biological level, killing four-star horror creatures, the evolutionary point gains will be weakened, and the creatures below the four-star elite will be weakened by the evolutionary point. The ordinary creature of the star, the evolution point that Wei Xiaobei can obtain will not exceed 1 point!

In this way, the 640,000 evolution point is equivalent to Wei Xiaobei's need to kill three or four hundred four-star terrorists to be able to get together.

To be honest, it is not an easy task to get rid of so many four-star terrorists at once.

Probably only when Wei Xiaobei entered Gao Tianyuan last time, he was able to do it.

Only a cup of tea can reach this level, which really makes Wei Xiaobei amazed, so Wei Xiaobei wants to drink a few more cups.

But after that, Wei Xiaobei’s move was stopped by the Green Bull.

In the words of Qingniu, this tea should not be drunk, to defend the strength of Xiaobei, it is good to drink a cup a year, if you drink more, there will be big trouble.

And the big trouble in the mouth of Qingniu, I am afraid it is really not a small trouble.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to drink too much, but asked the green cow for some tea into the storage ring, ready to take it out to the apprentices to enjoy.

After all, like this, I can ignore the biological level, directly enhance the vitality of the body, and greatly enhance the treasures of physical attributes. Wei Xiaobei is the first time to see it.

The improvement of physical attributes is undoubtedly the most direct means of life.

When the physical attributes are raised to a height, the creature's ability to recover will reach a horrible speed.

Just like Wei Xiaobei, if it is hurt, as long as it is not fatal, it will be able to recover from less than a few minutes. Even if it is fatal, it will take less time.

And listening to the meaning of the green cow, this stuff can continue to drink every once in a while, it is even more valuable.

Wei Xiaobei took the time to check the property sheet of this tea with all things.

But the answer I got was that Wei Xiaobei was somewhat depressed.

Tea can only see the name, the world leaf tea, as for its effect, all of them are question marks, how can not see clearly.

It can also be seen from this point that the preciousness of this world leaf tea is gone.

Qingniu took out the tea and did not discuss the tea ceremony with Wei Xiaobei. After drinking a few mouthfuls of tea, he began to explain it: "The technique of avatar is roughly divided into several types according to inheritance. The most famous one is too much. One gasification Sanqing, one divided into three, three avatars are all real body, all have the power of the body 10%! Each avatar can block the three disasters and five difficulties so many kinds of things, can be described as supreme magic!"

Obviously, the blue cow at this time was immersed in the joy of evangelism, and it was shook his head.

Wei Xiaobei listened to the introduction of the Qingniu, a gasification of Sanqing, could not help but stunned, his mouth wide open, a look of ignorance, listening to dumbfounded.

According to Qingniu, this gasification Sanqing is not only able to produce three avatars.

This gasification Sanqing is divided into nine layers, the first layer is divided into three avatars, each avatar has the same strength of the body, and the second layer can make the three avatars once again have three avatars, each avatar owns The strength of the body is 90%! In other words, the second layer will be able to produce three or three of the avatars with the strength of the body.

The third layer can be used to make three or twenty-seven avatars with 80% strength

And so on, the fourth layer is the ninth and eighty-one avatars with 70% strength of the ontology, and the fifth layer can produce 243 avatars with the strength of the body.

Until the ninth floor can be able to produce 19,668,300 avatars with the strength of the body!

What a horrible avatar!

You know, even if you have the strength of 20%, the power of this avatar is self-evident.

If you think about it, you will know that it’s a slap in the face, and you’re close to 20,000 avatars.

Another important point is that a gasification Sanqing can control the strength of the avatar at will, and can make three avatars in the first layer, but two of them are detached, only one avatar continues to differentiate and so on.

In short, Qingniu’s explanation of this gasification Sanqing, listening to Wei Xiaobei is a happy and happy, some can not extricate themselves, even when suddenly slammed in front of the green cow, shouted: "Also ask Master to teach me!"

To be honest, at this time, if Qingniu is willing to teach himself, Wei Xiaobei is willing to pay even if he pays a big price.

If you think about it, you will understand. If you don’t say anything, Wei Xiaobei’s two-tiered strength can at least reach a four-star terrorist.

Twenty thousand four-star terrorists, what kind of power is this, even in many places in the gray world, probably can be pushed all the way, there is no need to talk about tactics.

However, the green cow’s face looked a little awkward at this time, and he coughed a little: “Cough, flu, you are a little anxious. This gasification Sanqing is not too close to the top, and the qualifications required are extremely rare. Don't say that you are a teacher, even if you are a Master of Xuan Du, you have never learned it."

The words of Qingniu, like the same scoop of cold water, were poured on Wei Xiaobei’s hot brain.

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